angiogram questions????????

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Fist let me apologize for not logging on the last couple of days have been hectic. We went to that intake, preop whatever is the correct terminology on Thurs. Test after test let you all told me it would be. Long day!!! Yesterday my husband had an agiogram. Thankful that they didnt' find anything wrong with veins or arteries so it is just the aortic valve that will be replaced. He was getting ready to be discharged and he went into, vergo, veiago, not sure how to spell it. His blood pressure dropped quickly to 78/4? and white, whitier then a ghost. They moved quick and got him back into bed and pumped him with 2 move bags of fluids. The nurses says somtimes this happens and they get dehydrated. Needless to say we were there a couple of more hours. Which leads me to my question. They said he would be tender around the plug sight for afew days and within 24 hours he should notice a difference. Last night he laid out with what he calls, cramping like somebody charlie horsed him. That lasted a few hours and the cramps went away, again this morning. I am not a guy so I cant relate to the phrase "feels like someone wracked me bad" but the charlie horse thing I can. He says it is a constant cramping pain? Has any of you experienced this. I called the nurse and she said she has heard of people getting muscle spasms after an angiogram that is what could be happening. Just watch for bleeding or swelling which could indicate internal bleeading.

I don't look forward to next week at all the 28th is the big scheduled day, especially since this is just the beginning.
I never had an angiogram but I wanted to send best wishes for your husbands surgery. For you too! Sorry he had these complications. Some one will post that has had an angiogram. Good luck.


It is pretty common for patients to drop their BP post cardiac cath/angiogram and to have post cath/angiogram ectopy (arrythmias). It can be scary but it is pretty common. Pain at the insertion site is somewhat common because when they remove the sheath and insert the angioplug they have to apply LOTS of pressure. If the pain should be at a different site such at more towards the back or hips I would ask if they can do a CT scan to rule out a retroperitoneal bleed (sometimes happens after a cardiac cath, where the patient bleeds internally vs. thru the insertion site).
Hope this helps you......Our thoughts will be with you and your husband!
My husband's PVR, ASD closure and Maze procedure is wednesday 7/23/08! We both are NERVOUS!

Dawn (wife of Benton)

I've have umpteen Caths/angiograms and never had anything like your husband experienced.

I would advise him to 'take it easy', walking leisurely at different times throughout the day, and NOT to sit leaning forward.

If there is ANY sign of bleeding or swelling, call his Cardiologist or get to an ER ASAP, maybe even by ambulence with an EMT to tend to him en-route.
A few hours after my angio, the nurses asked me to stand up slowly and I did the crash and burn.
Pale white, dizzy, BP incredibly low....same deal. IV was re-started and I was kept overnight.
And yes, my groin was very painful for a few days. I wish I took a pic of the bruise!!
Best wishes for feeling better.
Bina, I did the same thing after the first time (the angiogram from hell, I call it). The right side (failed attempt) blew when I was allowed to get up. I had a massive hematoma and had to be upended with the clamp for another 4 hours. No sandbags, no plugs ... pure pressure from the clamp.

My bruise extended up my side to my breast and down to my ankles. Sometimes these things happen. It was a real conversation starter.
Please don't ask me why, but I had my angiogram done in the right wrist. I had no bruising, pain, dizziness or low BP and had no real instructions except "try not to use your wrist for 3 days"
I was very fortunate and my angio went very easily for me. I had a wonderful cardio (not my regular doctor but in his group) and I had no swelling, soreness or even any bruise. I had to lay still for about 2-3 hours and had the angio plug. It was so much easier than I anticipated.

My only restriction was to not drive until the next day.
I did not have any problems with my cath, but it was the day before my surgery, and I went right up to my room after the cath, so I didn't have to move much. I just wanted to say that, being a long distance runner, muscle cramps are often part of being dehydrated. Your electrolytes get out of whack and muscles cramp. Potassium (bananas) help alot.
I had an angiogram just a week ago & that would make it my 8th or 9th in my lifetime. I had 3 angio's in my arm area (inside the arm where the elbow area is) & the others thru groin & neck area.

This last time, the first & only time, my cardio did not let me get up for 14 hr. long hours!!! All the other times when they went in thru the groin, I just had to lay still for 4 to 6 hrs at the longest! But 14 hrs........ give me a break!!! :eek:

But on the positive note, I've never experienced any bruising or pain afterwards, Thank God! :)

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