Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-9

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Ref, down 3; Cooker, down 2; Niki, holding steady -- all great, way to go, folks. :)

I am up a couple of pounds, and down in mood. Now both knees seem to be degenerating and that makes it hard to get productive exercise right now. I return to the doctor May 15 and hopefully we can make some kind of game plan.

Sorry to be a dark cloud. Superbob is not earning all that mush that was ladled out yesterday. :(

SuperBob....not big deal being up two....easy for me to say I know :rolleyes:....Hang in there it will come off....In the past two weeks my exercise has consisted of one round of golf (cart golf :eek:).....we all have the swings up and down.:)
Ok its only been a few days but heres my weigh in.
Starting weight 103kg (227.07lb)
Last report 88.5kg (195.1lb)
Today 80kg (194lb)
Loss - 0.5kg (1.1lb)
Total loss - 15kg (-33.07lb)

I thought I was doing poorly in the weight loss department.
The folks here seem to support each other with their loss and that is just what I need now.
I have been fluctuating for some time at about 90kg (198.4lb)
But the enthusiasm here has spurred me on to new losses.
Heres to being the biggest looser ( I hate that show)

Seriousely the more I loose the better I feel and the encouragement helps no end :D

Way to go Donna:)....and again, welcome to our band of losers:D
I'm down 1.5 lbs this week, even after a free lunch yesterday. I mean, when the company's buying, I'm eating. But I didn't go overboard and the rest of the week was good.

What the ThrowDown Means:

per Wise - it means friends, good food, fun, support, and medicine via laughter.

per Cindy - I enjoy everyone's comments throughout the week and getting to know each one a little bit. The camaraderie around losing weight is great! We go to our WW meeting on Tuesdays, but having this weigh-in report to look forward to on Friday is a real extra boost.


Cindy - I'm ready to tell my actual weight now. I'm down enough, I'm not quite so embarrassed.

Beginning Weight: April 7, 170.4 (I'm only 5'1" :eek:)
Last Week's Weight: 162
This Week's Weight: 159.8
This Week's Loss: -2.2
Total Loss: 10.6

Wise - OK, I guess I'll follow suit and tell my dirt.

Beginning Weight: April 7, 204.8
Last Week's Weight: 197.6
This Week's Weight: 195.4
This Week's Loss: -2.2
Total Loss: 9.4

Congratulations to all losers, maintainers. SuperBob, this too shall pass; prayers & best wishes for your upcoming doctor's appointment.
What the ThrowDown Means:

per Wise - it means friends, good food, fun, support, and medicine via laughter.

per Cindy - I enjoy everyone's comments throughout the week and getting to know each one a little bit. The camaraderie around losing weight is great! We go to our WW meeting on Tuesdays, but having this weigh-in report to look forward to on Friday is a real extra boost.


Cindy - I'm ready to tell my actual weight now. I'm down enough, I'm not quite so embarrassed.

Beginning Weight: April 7, 170.4 (I'm only 5'1" :eek:)
Last Week's Weight: 162
This Week's Weight: 159.8
This Week's Loss: -2.2
Total Loss: 10.6

Wise - OK, I guess I'll follow suit and tell my dirt.

Beginning Weight: April 7, 204.8
Last Week's Weight: 197.6
This Week's Weight: 195.4
This Week's Loss: -2.2
Total Loss: 9.4

Congratulations to all losers, maintainers. SuperBob, this too shall pass; prayers & best wishes for your upcoming doctor's appointment.

And the team of Cindy and Wise finish nose and nose with a 2.2 pound loss!!!:):)....Cindy is still ahead in pounds lost and I suspect will continue to pull ahead of Wise in the overall standings:cool:?..And yes Wise, I?m throwing down the gauntlet for Cindy:D:D

It would be interesting to see who is ahead in actual pounds lost since the inception of the ThrowDown? or women:p
What the ThrowDown Means:

per Wise - it means friends, good food, fun, support, and medicine via laughter.

per Cindy - I enjoy everyone's comments throughout the week and getting to know each one a little bit. The camaraderie around losing weight is great! We go to our WW meeting on Tuesdays, but having this weigh-in report to look forward to on Friday is a real extra boost.


Cindy - I'm ready to tell my actual weight now. I'm down enough, I'm not quite so embarrassed.

Beginning Weight: April 7, 170.4 (I'm only 5'1" :eek:)
Last Week's Weight: 162
This Week's Weight: 159.8
This Week's Loss: -2.2
Total Loss: 10.6

Wise - OK, I guess I'll follow suit and tell my dirt.

Beginning Weight: April 7, 204.8
Last Week's Weight: 197.6
This Week's Weight: 195.4
This Week's Loss: -2.2
Total Loss: 9.4

Congratulations to all losers, maintainers. SuperBob, this too shall pass; prayers & best wishes for your upcoming doctor's appointment.

Cindy & Wise:

You two really are on a sensible pace --- 1 or 2 pounds a week is about ideal for sustained weight loss (or so I read -- practicing it is another thing. :rolleyes:) In fact, our beloved Bonnie used to advocate this kind of pace. Still feel like she's with us, and indeed I reckon she is! Anyway, hooray for you both!
I'm down 1.5 lbs this week, even after a free lunch yesterday. I mean, when the company's buying, I'm eating. But I didn't go overboard and the rest of the week was good.


Is that your weight or your EKG, Jack? ;) Great job! :D It's good to see the fluctuations don't get in the way of the final goal. :D Thanks for posting your graph.

Mary, Cooker, Wise, Cindy, Donna- Great job! I'm jealous. ;) (and currently eating chips and salsa... I know, bad Niki...)

Superbob- Don't get discouraged. You need to take care of your knees rather than worry about what the scale is saying. Keep in mind, your body needs nourishment to heal anything that's "broken." So don't kick yourself too hard (besides, that would just hurt your knees! ;) ). Good luck at your doctor appointment!
Hello All!

Restart weight 176
last week 170
today 169
Not totally partying about losing a pound-and my hubby and I went on a date and ate a HUGE pasta dinner tonight. The real proof in the pudding is when I get to hop on the dr's scale for my annual physical May 20th. :eek: I hate those things!!!
This is an awesome Throwdown-I love to read everyone's success. And thank you cooker-you are always positive even when I struggle-thank you!!!! Deb
Hello All!

Restart weight 176
last week 170
today 169
Not totally partying about losing a pound-and my hubby and I went on a date and ate a HUGE pasta dinner tonight. The real proof in the pudding is when I get to hop on the dr's scale for my annual physical May 20th. :eek: I hate those things!!!
This is an awesome Throwdown-I love to read everyone's success. And thank you cooker-you are always positive even when I struggle-thank you!!!! Deb

Deb...good job...I am so close to a pasta feast:eek:...have not had that or a big old greasy burger in forever.......Thanks back at you for staying the course with us:)

:D:D:DAs of this morning I am down to below where I was before vacation:D:D:D....Having to re-lose all this weight was a good thing, for me....I am more resolved not to go nuts on special occations....there is just too many of them.
:D:D:DAs of this morning I am down to below where I was before vacation:D:D:D....Having to re-lose all this weight was a good thing, for me....I am more resolved not to go nuts on special occations....there is just too many of them.

Good for you!

Now can you send some of that resolve down here? We are attending a lunch for my uncle's birthday this afternoon and it's going to be TOUGH! He's chosen a place called Babe's... Their specialty is fried chicken. The rest of the menu is fried as well (though I did just look online at their menu and saw "smoked chicken" listed. Never noticed that before). Frequently I just get a vegetable plate, since their veggies are delicious and "bottomless." Then I eat a bite or two of other people's meat. However, even their veggies are less than healthy. I think they prescribe to the Paula Dean school of cooking... the more butter the better! ;) While delicious, it's not exactly a great choice for people trying to watch what they eat. :eek: I have little hope of coming away unscathed! ;)
Yikes! --- In search of a good, healthy midnight snack, what does Superbob find but one of The Chimp's favorite foods! :eek::rolleyes: Dried prunes! Should the banned substances list be reconsidered, Ref? :p

Technically speaking prunes are not a banned substance, just their juice, which is a concentrated substance.....Of course the Ref has the ultimate know the Chimp would never overstep his boundaries:D
Enjoy your Mom's Day mulligans, Throw Downers! :D

Meanwhile, Superbob has had a revelation this Mother's Day Sunday morning.

Superbob has been lamenting that because of his knee, he is not going to be able to lose weight.

He needs to turn that around: He needs to lose more weight in order to be able to return to enjoying his long walks with Superdawg.

It can be done.

He's got previous experience -- he had moderate spinal stenosis (back misery) that was preventing him from walking a block at a time without pain. With the help of an angel of a physical therapist, he lost some weight, learned some stretching exercises, and was able to walk pain-free again.

All that was before OHS.

Now, with arthritis of the knee beginning to take a toll, he's got to step it up again. He has lost one package of 20 pounds, basically. He needs now to lose another package of 20 pounds, and then another package of 20. With that much of a load off the knees, walking should be a joy again.

So Superbob is very grateful for the Throw Down being here. He snuck a peek at the scales this morning, and he was down 3 since the Friday weigh-in -- of course that doesn't really count. Need the sustained effort now: next goal lose another package of 20.

Got to do it -- can't let the ravages of old age immobilize me. Got to be SUPERBOB!!!
Enjoy your Mom's Day mulligans, Throw Downers! :D

Meanwhile, Superbob has had a revelation this Mother's Day Sunday morning.

Superbob has been lamenting that because of his knee, he is not going to be able to lose weight.

He needs to turn that around: He needs to lose more weight in order to be able to return to enjoying his long walks with Superdawg.

It can be done.

He's got previous experience -- he had moderate spinal stenosis (back misery) that was preventing him from walking a block at a time without pain. With the help of an angel of a physical therapist, he lost some weight, learned some stretching exercises, and was able to walk pain-free again.

All that was before OHS.

Now, with arthritis of the knee beginning to take a toll, he's got to step it up again. He has lost one package of 20 pounds, basically. He needs now to lose another package of 20 pounds, and then another package of 20. With that much of a load off the knees, walking should be a joy again.

So Superbob is very grateful for the Throw Down being here. He snuck a peek at the scales this morning, and he was down 3 since the Friday weigh-in -- of course that doesn't really count. Need the sustained effort now: next goal lose another package of 20.

Got to do it -- can't let the ravages of old age immobilize me. Got to be SUPERBOB!!!

I know you would come around:)....Attitude is darn near 100% of attaining any goal and yours is now in place for success:).....another package of 20 is a piece of cake:eek: for the man of steel:D
Good for you, Superbob! I'm so happy to see your positive attitude is back. :D I know you can do it! :D
I don't think I'll be taking my Mother's Day Mulligan. I finally stepped on the scales this morning - I'm down 4 lbs. I think I'll fill up on salads and protein and then let myself have a little something sweet.

Great job Superbob! I said before - you can't keep a good Superbob down.

Sure wish we all lived close by. We'd lose 5 lbs each time we got together - just from the laughing!