Carry medical info when traveling?

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I've never had to think of this sort of thing before so I wondered if anyone had any advice for me. I'm going out of town for over a week and it occured to me that perhaps I should have a card or even something around my wrist or neck that would give my medical condition and the meds I'm currently taking. Am I paranoid? If not, where do I get such a thing? I suppose Pharmacies carry such things but I've never looked.
If you are leaving in the next week or so you won't have time to get a medical ID made. However, you should be able to find a bracelet or chain at the pharmacy that reads something along the line of "See card in wallet". Then get a wallet card that is for listing medical history and fill it out.
If you are not leaving for a few weeks, I would advise having an ID made. Medica Alert is a good one but there are many others.

I've never had Medic Alert (keep "thinking" about getting it), but I do travel quite a bit. The last 2 years, I've taken 2-week road trips (2004 out west, including the Golden CO Reunion; 2005 out east). Both times, I've just carried what I always do ... my wallet FILLED with medical information/cards.....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"I should've drove all night" ... BonJovi ... 'Misunderstood'
I recently rejoined medic-alert.. wow, just remembered, today is my 4 yr post op anniversary.. anyway, within these past 4 years.. I refused to wear a "dog tag" - hard enough dating as is, let alone a young female advertising her heart issues.. but then I had a wreck last year, rear ended and pushed into a highway with oncoming traffic.. grace of God, they swerved and didn't hit me.. had an allergic reaction to an iron infusion I had several years ago which landed me in the ER.. and most recently, I bottomed out on my INR which scares the crap out of me when that happens.. and since that's not a quick fix.. I decided I better wear something.. I like medic alert because of the 24 hour service.. but there are other sites outthere that make nice id's.. if I were gong to be traveling.. then yes I would have something on me.. mainly because of the coumadin.. if I didnt' have that to deal with.. I'd probably just have a wallet card (which I also have)

Good timing

Good timing

I had just looked up the number for Medic Alert, I keep putting off getting an id and I have travelled out of the country without one. My husband was with me but I am sure would not remember all the details of my fascinating medical history. Good idea.
I wear a medical bracelet b/c of my defibrillator ( wouldn't want to get the paddles with that)..
I ordered mine from a company called Laurens hope I think you can find them at
they don't keep the medical records like medic alert..but they have some very fashionable and trendy bracelets.
Medical Info

Medical Info

I always wear my bracelet from Medic Alert... I am not sure if they are in US but I can wear mine anywhere in the world and there is a phone no to call on it which gives the caller in the case of emergency details of all my medications, health, and surgery done. If I travel overseas I also take a current letter from my doctor with these same details and also carry a good supply of my medication in my handbag in the packet so anyone who wants to know what they are can see them. Although I do have my weeks supply in a container as well... if you do all this and make sure to take enough drugs if you go away with you you will be fine... cheers Elise

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