Update on Joe

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Sounding so much better............

Sounding so much better............

but we are still keeping that prayer chain going. Nancy, would you adopt me and Katie? :D YOu are one awesome woman. Hugs to you both and please keep those updates coming. J.
I agree with the adoption idea!! Imagine coming out of surgery and seeing Nancy there to take care of you.:D Would that ever be a warm and snuggly feeling! You could just drift off knowing there wasn't anything to worry about because Nancy was in charge.

Wish we could clone you! (Plus one of you could rest, while your other self did your TLC magic)
Hi Nancy

We just got back from Maine....well, late last night....and the first thing I did was check this site for your messages. Joe and you are both still in my prayers and thoughts. Keep the faith, girlfriend.

has anybody heard

has anybody heard

from nancy about how Joe is doing? it has been a couple days since the last update. I am hoping it is no news is good news, they are in my prayers, lyn
Joe never made it to the regular floor. He is still in the ICU. There isn't much new, he is still having a terrible struggle. He is not on a vent, just oxygen, but does have a feeding tube.

I been following the posts on Joe's updates and I'm glad to hear there is some postive things going on. As I said before you are Joe's strength. You are a strong woman but you too need to get rest when you can , so I hope you are doing that! I'm sending cyber hugs, positive thoughts and prayers to both Joe and you!
I'm so glad to hear from you, Nancy. I'm sorry things aren't going better for Joe. You both continue to be in my thoughts and prayers for strength and healing.
Dear Nancy:

I am so sorry to hear this update. I was so hoping that he was on a regular floor, prepping to go to rehab. How are you doing?

Nancy, it's very disappointing to read he didn't make it to the regular floor yet. You both still remain in my prayers.
Still sending prayers and hugs your way, Nancy. Thanks for taking what is precious time to update us.
Prayers for the both of you always!

My PM and email box is open whenever you decide you need anything that any of us can possibly help you with. ;)
Prayers continue for the both of you!! I wish there was something else that we could all do for you - take care of yourself too Nancy!
God bless you both!
I have been watching for some news and am sorry to hear that Joe is still having such a struggle. If I were closer I'd volunteer to help keep a watchful eye on him so you could get some more rest. I hope you have someone that is watching over you as well. You both stay in my prayers and as long as he has breath there is reason to hope. Love and hugs to you.
Nancy, I'm sorry that Joe is not progressing how fast as what we had all hoped for. You both continue to be in my prayers.
I hope you are able to rest, Nancy. Hospitals really make the patient family very tired. I hope someone is relieving you from time to time. Take care of you, too.