Another Good Check-Up!

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Dec 26, 2002
Chicago area
:) Hey, gang!

I just got back from my semi-annual check-up at the cardio's. I'm still happily stable (at least in the cardiological sense <g>) -- blood pressure managed by meds, resting heart rate lower than they usually see for a guy may age (thanks to 25+ years of running/jogging), and all the heart measures and sounds are stable. We still are placing aortic valve replacement at "probably out 5 years or so. . . "

I found that I am one of the cases this cardio group uses in their regular "stump the student" sessions in the hospital's resident program. They share the medical history, echo results and all sorts of other clinical data (no names, of course) AND then the objective exam notes -- then ask if these could be the same patient! Many of the students don't think so, so I've gotten to meet some of them to prove it. Cool.

I also found out that my cardio is a member of one of the research groups studying the European trials of percutaneous insertion of aortic valves. He is becoming more hopeful all the time that there may be a really minimally invasive solution by the time I need a new valve. Super Cool! Even if it doesn't turn out to be available when I need it, it is really neat to know my doc is that far into the research for the benefit of his patients.

Well folks, I guess it is time to once again think about long term renovations to The Waiting Room. Any volunteers to help?
That's great news, Steve. We want to hold onto our Waiting Room Director indefinitely.

I just got a similar report. Last year my cardio told me I'd probably have surgery in two years. Now he's thinking more long term. Maybe never if I'm lucky. My BP is controlled and my cholesterol and triglycerides are ridiculously low. Total cholesterol is 128!

Here's wishing you many more good reports. Take care.

Steve, you'll do anything to keep your status as CEO of the VR Waiting Room, won't you?:D

Congratulations on another good check-up!
Hey Steve,
It is Great to hear that you had another good check-up.:)
Now for the Waiting Room, how about some wallpaper!:D
I love this kind of news! Way to go, Steve...and Wise, too! We also had a good report this summer. Looks like we're all in the waiting room a while--hopefully a LONG while--longer!

Very good news that you received! I'm happy for you! I guess I could volunteer to help in the Waiting Room because I was also told all was well at my 6 month appointment in May. :D

So good that he just wants to see me in December for a check-up but not for an echo and I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that? How can he tell what's going on inside just by an office visit? Sorry to be the spoilsport here. :eek: I was only diagnosed in August 2004 and so far this is the first time he is not scheduling an echo. Do you think it was because he just did a cardiac MRI this past May instead of the echo? I kind of pushed for the MRI at my November 05 visit and he reluctantly agreed. Supposedly it showed my forward ejection fraction was very good but I'm concerned because last year when I asked him what measurement he was watching as the signal for trouble he said it was the LV Systolic Dimension and LV Diastolic Dimension and according to my echo reports both have been a bit erratic with some slight increases.

anyway I'm sorry to ramble...
Again good news Steve and definitely sign me up to help in the Waiting Room. I'd say ditto to new wallpaper and a big screen TV and what do you say we order some new magazines!!!
Congratulations, Steve. That's wonderful news!

So Karlynn sees you as CEO, I've always thought of you as Mayor and now you want to be General Contractor?? ;) Awesome! Sounds like you are going to be very stubborn person to dethrone!

I'm beginning to think there may be some psychology to this. I was told it would be possible to maintain my own stenosis indefinitely, yet I was very, very impatient to wait. In some ways, I think I willed my valve's demise.....just so I could stop worrying about it! YOU on the other hand, are the poster child of patience and diligence to your current mode and it is keeping you in check, and in good health to boot!! NICE WORK!!!

I'm glad they are checking you every six months. Keep up whatever you're doing right!! :D

about percutaneous valve replacement...

about percutaneous valve replacement...

Steve, Congratulations!

How do you think the percutaneous valve replacement thing is going to play out in the U.S.? When I saw my cardiologist last month, he had returned just the day before from Brazil where he met with cardiologists who have done this procedure. He told me to "stick with" him, because he feels it will be commonplace in the United States in the next 3-5 years and he's definitely planning on being able to offer this as an option in the "near" future. However, he also said, "Of course, you don't want to be the first patient of a doctor doing this procedure..." But someone will be the FIRST. How will it happen? How and where will the cardiologists be trained and get their experience? Did your cardiologist suggest a time frame? And what will be necessary for it to be accepted protocol in the U.S. for cases other than those already identified i.e. patients that have too great a risk to undergo traditional sternotomy?

I'm hopeful that this will be a viable option for me by the time my valve needs to be replaced, but I have to admit that if it were offered to me right now, I'd be more nervous about that than undergoing the time-proven, traditional approach. For example, how would an unforseen complication be handled? With time being of the essence, I see all kinds of possibilities for problems if they needed to get into the chest. Especially since the doctor doing the procedure is an interventional cardiologist and not a chest surgeon.

Have I just hijacked your thread? :eek:

I'm happy for your good news. And I'm also happy to know of cardiologists looking down the same road as my own. There is something to be said for "strength in numbers..." Anyone else out there having this conversation with your cardiologist?

"Long term renovations"!

"Long term renovations"!

Hi Steve,

Excellent news!:) So happy to hear you are still in the waiting room. :p

Here is to many many more years of continued health. We will be cheering you on.:D
epstns said:
Well folks, I guess it is time to once again think about long term renovations to The Waiting Room. Any volunteers to help?

*raises hand*

ME! Yeah, I know, I'm not IN The Waiting Room, but that don't mean I can't help out ;).

CONGRATULATIONS on your good checkup, bud!

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"These hands are meant to hold" ... All-American Rejects ... 'Move Along'

Congratulations! That is wonderful news! May you be lucky enough to always be in the waiting room! Yeah, I agree with Dave, it needs some renovations! :D
I'm back from a weekend out of town, and I guess I have some correspondence to catch up. . .

Wise -- Looks like we may be partners out here for a while. I'm really glad to hear that you're with me!

Aussie -- The Large Screen TV has been installed since the last renovations about 2 years ago, but I guess now we should upgrade to High Definition.

SusieQ14 -- Not sure about your cardio, but mine follows a plan of 2 visits per year. One visit includes an echo and review of the results, then about 6 months later I see him again for general check-up to see if I sense anything has changed. He remembers what my murmur sounds like, and has copious notes about past exams. He then starts out with a careful exam and listen, comparing new notes to the old. As long as nothing is significantly different, we're good to go for another 6 months.

Karen -- I wouldn't want to be an "early adopter" of the percutaneous valve, but my cardio is the type who would follow the progress and if he doesn't have a local surgeon trusted with the procedure, would refer me to one who was the most experienced. Of course, we have a couple of world-renowned cardiac research and teaching centers near Chicago, so it may be easier to secure that referral. (Thinking here about University of Chicago Hospitals, Northwestern Memorial and Loyola Med Center.)

Gina/Cort/Lorraine -- Thanks for all the faith you have in my management of The Waiting Room. When are we going to try to get together? Maybe we can set a date out in October?
Hey Steve, great news.

Just checking--Are they also doing a CT or an MRI periodically to monitor the size of your ascending aorta? I notice you are a "probable" BAV, so this could be crucial.
epstns said:
I'm back from a weekend out of town, and I guess I have some correspondence to catch up. . .

SusieQ14 -- Not sure about your cardio, but mine follows a plan of 2 visits per year. One visit includes an echo and review of the results, then about 6 months later I see him again for general check-up to see if I sense anything has changed. He remembers what my murmur sounds like, and has copious notes about past exams. He then starts out with a careful exam and listen, comparing new notes to the old. As long as nothing is significantly different, we're good to go for another 6 months.


Thanks for the follow-up. Like I said I'm very new at this and I thought I read that others were having an echo at every 6 month check-up; thus I was getting a little concerned. I'm a little relieved to hear that you don't. I guess that is what my cardio is planning now. I'll have to ask him in December - I didn't want to make a fuss in May when he said no echo next time because I had already asked him a "million" questions and even though he was very patient he kind of told me more than once that I needed to stop worrying and relax.

Take Care!
epstns said:
Gina/Cort/Lorraine -- Thanks for all the faith you have in my management of The Waiting Room. When are we going to try to get together? Maybe we can set a date out in October?


You are welcome!

As for that date ... keep in mind I'll be gone part of that month on my western road trip ... he he he. SO, later in the month would be better for me.....

Now, about that HD TV..............
s on the great checkup upcongrat!! I just returned from the Mayo myself adn also had a great checkup. I never made it to the 1 year checkup with good news the last time so this was exciting! Dr. Puga, who did my surgery told me that he was able to save my homograph PA when he installed the porcine valve because he truly thinks that I might be able to get away with the percutaneous valve next time. So he also belives it is coming. I was def. psyched that he worked so hard to keep the homograph since he could have just put in a synthetic PA and been done with it. It is also great to hear so many others getting good reports. Yeah for us!! Karen
YIKES!! I see the computer garbled my first sentence. It should read CONGRATS on the great checkup. What happens out there in cyberspace???

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