You never know what studying these problems will teach you

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I've read about that too Nancy. Apparently the intended use for Viagra was NOT for treating erectile dysfunction.

Who'd of thunk?
Very correct, folks. The original intent of the experiment that developed "Vitamin V" was aimed at something related to angina or cardio-vascular problems. The test individuals noticed, howefver, some ummm side effects. The rest is history.
coming soon,to a drugstore near you

coming soon,to a drugstore near you

You mean, gasp, a drug with a desirable side effect. YES, I TAKE VIAGRA, FOR MY HEART!:D
side benefits

side benefits


I suppose another benefit would be, Joe won't be able to accidentally roll out of his hospital bed.
I'm affraid to respond, this one's going down hill too fast for me but thank god for humor. Chris
I'm affraid to respond, this one's going down hill too fast for me but thank god for humor. Chris
Told ya we'd make you feel better, SEE! :D
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Are you implying, Monker, that Joe would have his own little "kick stand" to prevent the fall? No his doctor hasn't recommended Viagra yet,:D
kick stand

kick stand

Boy-o-boy Nancy, that would be a pretty funny lookin' Harley.
Re: You never know what studying these problems will teach you

Nancy said:

I'm off to the hospital to give Joe his amusement for the day.

I have avoided making mention of this. It did strike me as fun and funny that with all poor Joe was going through she knew he would still want some "amusement". Different folks call it different things depending on where they are, etc What a dedicated wife.

Now my little joke pales in comparison to the most recent posts, so I just could not iqnore it any more. "Amuse": to keep plesently occupied or interested, to POKE fun at or distract enjoyably.

Guess Viagra qualifies side effects and all
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FYI - I told my Cardio that he ought to make the blue pill standard issue for his patients because he outlaws everything else we like to do. To my surprise he wrote me a prescription ! Indiana Wuss
glad I'm not taking that ...

glad I'm not taking that ...

Glad I'm not taking that. My luck I would be forced to go shopping with my wife, and in my bordom look at a pretty lady. 'Dead give away' as my mechanical valve would sound sound like a 'Harley' starting up! Then the only thing I would need the Viagra for would be my heart, for the next month!!:eek:
