You learn the important stuff in kindergarten.

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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Those who have been around here awhile probably remember my grand-daughter Ellie, and the many pictures I fondly posted. Time passes, and today was Ellie's first day of kindergarten. Barb called this afternoon, and Ellie gladly filled her in on the many things she learned on her first day of school.

Then Barb asked what was the most important thing you learned today?

Ellie's answer-----"The most important thing I learned there is that there is a girl's bathroom and a boy's bathroom". I guess it's true---you learn the things you really have to know in kindergarten.
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Priceless. Thanks for sharing such a charming story. Hope Ellie has a wonderful year in Kindergarten.
As I read this I was watching my two grand daughters (two and five) playing dress up and yes marvel at the "out if the mouths of babes" moments we have ah what evere happened to the Art Linkletter type programimng on TV because indeed kids do say the darndest things
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My niece, Maddie, started kindergarten last week. I always think of her when you mention Ellie. I will have to relate this story to my sister and have her ask Maddie if she's learned this yet.:smile2:
My niece Lisa also just started Kindergarten. After her first day she came home and informed her mother that she wanted to take her lunch to school from now on because the only food she saw in that kitchen was tacos and she did not want to eat a taco for lunch every day! She also thinks the new friend she has in her class is 11 yrs. old. Oh the fun we will have trying to change her misconceptions to truth.

Those were some of the happiest and busiest days of my life, when my son was in Kindergarten and primary school. Always room mom and voluteer work. I just adore that age!