Yes I am freaking out!

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
:eek:I go in next Thursday for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I was in the hospital over the weekend with severe bloating and belly ache. They said I hade heterogenous perfusion of the liver. I saw a gastric doctor today and he says he needs me to have these tests to rule out ulcers and Irritable bowel syndrome among other things. Ok so these test are scheduled.Then my pharmacy calls and tells me that the Lovenox shots I must take cost $900.00. How aM I to come up with 900 bucks by tomorrow? Do I do bridge therapy?. Any advice would be so greatly appreciated!
My Advice

My Advice

Just go ahead and trust the doctors. They will take good care of you and always have your best interest at heart. Dont worry about the money, as God will send a fairy in the middle of the night and it will just appear under your pillow, just like the good ol days. The Lovenox shots in the abdomen should be no problem as it's a fun way to play doctor. Good Luck Hayley. Your gana need it!:eek:
Just go ahead and trust the doctors. They will take good care of you and always have your best interest at heart. Dont worry about the money, as God will send a fairy in the middle of the night and it will just appear under your pillow, just like the good ol days. The Lovenox shots in the abdomen should be no problem as it's a fun way to play doctor. Good Luck Hayley. Your gana need it!:eek:

I'm sorry Hayley; I was hoping someone who's had a colonoscopy here lately would come along & enlighten you.

Some doctors insist on taking the patient off coumadin a few days prior to the procedure (mine have wanted to take me off for 5-days prior :eek: --- no way Jose! --- that's how come I haven't had one in about 9 years!) while others have had the procedure done while fully coagulated.

I know there are several threads here that have to do with colonoscopies & ACT. Do a seach for "colonoscopy" & read on.

As for the Lovenox, do you not have insurance? That's terrible that you have to pay that much for the shots.

I'm sure others will come along soon & I want to wish you well. Take care!
I'm sorry Hayley; I was hoping someone who's had a colonoscopy here lately would come along & enlighten you.

Some doctors insist on taking the patient off coumadin a few days prior to the procedure (mine have wanted to take me off for 5-days prior :eek: --- no way Jose! --- that's how come I haven't had one in about 9 years!) while others have had the procedure done while fully coagulated.

I know there are several threads here that have to do with colonoscopies & ACT. Do a seach for "colonoscopy" & read on.

As for the Lovenox, do you not have insurance? That's terrible that you have to pay that much for the shots.

I'm sure others will come along soon & I want to wish you well. Take care!

I should also add, that I have administered Lovenox shots to myself on many occasions & it's really not that bad. I've always used my belly since I can grab a little jelly roll :D & stick me there. I alternate sides too so that one side doesn't get more sore than the other. Not bad, I promise! :)
In 96 they did that camera thingy in my belly button
i came off the warfarin at their request and they had
me on nothing like lovenex,i don't think in Canada iv'e
ever heard of lovenex.Then in all the trouble i hadwith
anticoagulant concerns (THEY OVERDOSED)me with warfarin.
And in 98 think it was have to look back at my surgery history
i had a cone biopsy,i wouldn't allow them to take me off warfarin
for that,a week later they did a conilization..cut tip of cone off
my uterus and i stayed on wararin for that too.
I was treated with heperin shots for couple days. Just i have issues of my own now with coming off warfarin,for surgeries,but the issues are difficult
for me to overcome from past,they also lasered my uterus after a month of
the conilization.....mine was all do to endiometriosis hope im spelling that
right. I wouldnt come off the warfarin for laser either,i had an excellent
gynecologist who understood and saw what happened to me though
with the coagulation issues and maybe heperin here is like lovenex out your way,but now this is me and i am stubborn and if somethings gone wrong
for me with issues as happened in past,i try and ask enough questions before i drop the coumadin,but if your requiring anesthetic,for your endoscopy
you need to come off and be on your lovenox...which i'm not familiar with in Canada. I wish you all the best with this and yes the cost of the medication
is a downfall........can be here also for sure at times if not covered by
coverage of our jobs. Even then!!!!!!!!

zipper2 (DEB)
I took a deep breath when I saw your post....I haven't seen you around for awhile. Sorry to hear about the extremely upset and bloated belly troubles. Norma is right there are plenty of fellow colonoscopy and endoscopy survivors here. They drug you up and its not that awful From memory its the pre procedure prep that is yuckiest. Our Doc here has a gentle rice bubbles and pears prep that is pretty well received by his patients.
quess you are having anesthetic for your endoscopy and i did too
have to come off warfarin for that....It sucks alright 900.00
and i'm sorry your having to deal with this much of a cost.
Prayers and good thoughts in your favor.....:(

zipper2 (DEB)
I went into both fully anticoagulated. I was not taken off of Coumadin nor Asprin and I had two small polyps removed. That wasn't the original plan, but my gastro said he's never seen anyone bleed with the tools he uses because it cauterizes as it cuts. I had no problems.

The original plan was to go look and if I needed something done, then they'd take me off, put me in the hospital on a heprin bridge, then do it all again.
I just had a consult with a GI guy because I have been having problems with what we think is acid reflux (triggering lovely arrhythmia too). They want to do an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and I would not need to go off my Coumadin. The Dr. said he could do biopsies but couldn't remove polyps, that I'd have to come back off Coumadin for that. If found that acceptable.

Right now Prevacid seems to be helping, so we're postponing the procedures for a bit.
My son had both with an INR of 5.1. He didn't have any bleeding. While I wouldn't recommend going into it with that kind of INR, I would not recommend that my son go off ACT for those tests.

I'm sorry that you are going through this AND you have to fight old-school docs!
$900 DOLLARS? Oh, my, that is awful. Do they really expect most folks to be able to afford that? I also wish for a magic fairy - or just somebody to help you out, your doctors with another answer would be nice. Thinking of you..........

Sorry you had to come in to see us like this.