Yearly Check Up!

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
A Southern Girl!
Went for my yearly check up Tuesday, everything is good he said. EKG good, meds good. Of course I had 15 questions to ask him all written down of course so I could remember. Said I looked great and he was so proud of me, awww made me feel good. I am still am having what he calls heart hicups, he wants me to come back in six months. I said are you worried about these he said no, of course I had to ask what causes these things, he said stress and I need more excersise! LOL I knew it! I hate to walk! but of course I am thinking the worst mitral valve regurgitation but I don't have shortness of breath, or swelling of feet or hands. So I am thinking more walking! anyway I am glad to be here to talk about it! Thanking God!!
Congratulations and many more healthy reports your way
I luv reading these posts,thanks for sharing:)