WOW! A new record

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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
North Idaho
I just set my own personal SLEEP record
Since the operation I've been up and down every 2-3 hours so
6 hours is truly a record. Even if it doesn't last it feels good.

My next record to break is staying in bed past 4am.

What's the # for 'Guiness'? LOL :D
I had trouble sleeping for the first few months after my surgery. I found a .25mg Xanax and 2 Tylenol PMs would knock me out for a good 6 or 7 hours. Otherwise I was 3 hours and then up and down for the next 3 or 4.
My worst sleep problems were the first 3-4 weeks post-op -- only able to sleep 2-3 hours at a time, even with taking pain meds before bedtime.
After I ran out of the 2nd Rx of hydrocodone, I switched to Tylenol PM. Took it 1 - 1 1/2 hours before I wanted to be asleep, and it sure helped with both the sleep problem and discomfort.
You're 6 months post-op and you should be sleeping better by now. Perhaps something else is going on -- sleep apnea, room not cool enough, staying up too late, etc., problems that would interfere with getting a good night's sleep?
I would definitely ask my doctor (family doctor or cardiologist) about this. Pre-op I was so anxious that I did need an Rx to get me to sleep, but it made me too groggy.

BTW, Tylenol and other companies do make sleep-aide tablets -- no pain reliever, just something to help you sleep.
Thanks guys

You both recommend Tylenol pm. I've always been hesitant about

adding a new pill to my diet but I think I'll give it a try.

Thanks again!

Ps. I was tested for sleep apnea and it's not that. Thank goodness.

I was also worried about the results from my colonoscopy but just found out I'm cancer free.

maybe that's part of the reason for a better night.
I am happy for you. I have not had 6 continuous hours of sleep in over 20 years so it sounds just wonderful. I hope it continues and just gets better for you.
I'm with Gina I have not slept 6 hours straight in years. I am happy for you.
I must have been lucky, I slept like a baby after AVR and recovery. I had to fight to stay awake. I do have trouble sleeping now, so I can relate. Anyway CONGRATS!
that is impressive. congrats! after a couple weeks post op, i got in the nasty habit of going to sleep at 11pm and always waking up at 3:30am. bad thing is that i don't go to work until 10am:(
Thats Great!

Thats Great!

I am 1 month out and although I am sleeping more than 6 hrs total, I wake up 1/2 way through. I can't roll over without waking up totally. It hurts too much. I wake up at about 3 or 4 AM, get out of bed, take another pain pill or Tylenol, get back in bed on the other side and I'm out again. I get to where I CAN'T STAND to stay on one side any longer. It hurts too bad. After I go through the "routine", I can last on that side for another 4hrs. I use to like sleep. :(
Jack, skip the tylenol pm and just take generic Diphenhydramine. It's the active ingredient in Tylenol PM that makes you sleepy. Coincidentally it's also the active ingredient in Benadryl. Why take acetaminophen that's hard on the liver when you can just take the drug that really has the "sleepy" effect? You can find a bottle of 100 Diphenhydramine caplets from walmart for like 6 bucks. It will probably be marketed for allergy purposes, but unisom contains the same active ingredient and it's marketed for sleep aid. Same drug, different purposes.

Anyway, if you're taking a blood pressure medicine, I'd also try to start taking that at night. They have a calming effect sometimes.
WOW.... 6 hours....

i remember those days......

one day, i too will be able to sleep 6 hours....
