Women..return of hot flashes?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2008
Morehead City,N.C. USA
Did any of you women over the age of 50 experience the return of hot flashes after surgery? I was thinking it was because of one of my meds,but,now they are random and somedays none at all. I am sure our hormones are greatly affected by this invasion to our bodies. These are worse than any I had a fews years ago. I suppose I just have to ride it out. I was just wondering if anyone else had this happen and can offer any ideas or advice.
This is the most difficult thing I have been through physically and I am reassured daily just by coming here and reading of others going through the same things. Please tell me once again this all gets to be second nature and I can get back to some sort of normal life.
Thanks again to you all.
Hello Lou, yes I think that you are experiencing them and that it may just be because your body is a bit out of sorts from the surgery. I used to drive myself and my hubby crazy turning the heater on and off in the house or car to accomodate my "hot spells". I had blood and thyroid testing, all was fine.
Things will get better, try not to focus on it too much. Dress in layers of cool cottons.
Yes and I

Yes and I

thought that it was just me. My cardiologist didn't have anything to say about that - and a number of other "odd" changes too.

And here I thought that I was finished with that stuff - it has been worse now that it was before. When will it end?
Gosh Judy I hope it ends soon,,I didnt have any 5 years ago. Now,when it starts I check my heart rate first. Then I realize its a freakin hot flash. Every day is an adventure.
Hi Lou,
I had hot flashes before OHS but not to bad. I still have them now and my whole body functions have been screwed up for quite some time. I just try to keep going my normal routine. (yea right):rolleyes: I think I just have to deal with it slowly because don't want to take any other meds then what I already take. I've told the PC dr but he never said too much either.
Hope you get some answers if there that bother some. Good Luck!!
I'm not sure what it was, but I felt like my thermostat was broken for quite a while after my AVR this Jan. Just became very warm without any apparent trigger. But I was also experiencing chilling, especially in my legs, at night. Both have gone away, the chilling much earlier than the heating, but I'm not sure how long it lasted.
I know it's very uncomfortable, plus inconvenient to be repeatedly flinging off a sweater and then looking for it later. As long as you don't have other infection symptoms or a fever, it's "only" discomfort. But everything odd after surgery is worrisome.

Hope yours goes away,too, and soon,

It does seem like a small thing,till its happening. I hate to even complain. I have had the chill thing also.Its like my body is confused ,as well it should be! Here's to all us women getting our thermostats in working order.
Btw,,my boyfriend says he has the cure for it. As you can guess ,its the mans answer to everything!!
I experienced something of the sort a couple times about 2 months
postop and I am not menopausal yet. If I go by my mom I should have another 10 years before that happens.
But the experience was frightening,I turned red,was real hot,and and
a type of anxiety attack with it. I posted a thread on it in April ,I think.
Sounds like you had a hot flash. You can begin to experience them as early as 40,,perimenopause,,and yes,it can be scary. They make your heart race and you sweat so you are afraid at first it is your heart. Now,I stop and check my heart rate,then find a place to sit and ride it out. They make you cranky as heck too!