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Just wanted to wish you my bestwishes for your op ...lets compare notes when we get out ....I'll be measuring my scar to see if it's longer than yours ....love, prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery
Hi Bill, I too wanted to add my best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I will be thinking of you and Scottie on your surgeries this week and wish you both the best of luck. Can't wait to see you both back here very soon, Please keep us updated. God Bless!
Thanks so much for the good wishes.

I was going to post a thread but actually have been so busy with the last minute details and fear, doubt and worry that I didn't know what to say. I feel like such a wimp. That bonnie lass Scottie did it for me, at a time when she should only be thinking about herself. What a wonderful bunch of people populate this site, it's a humbling experience for "total strangers" to take each other so much to heart.

Had my pre op meetijng a few days ago at the hospital. Great folks at Baptist Heath Care, too, even gave me coffee(made decaf special for me) and spent 2 hours testing and briefing me about spirometer and pillow and lots of other stuff about surgery.

They too, told me a recliner was the way to go for sleeping, etc. I find it hard to get in and out of as well as operate most recliners.

They also told me they would remove my wedding ring(it's been in place for 38 years and it doesn't even turn on the finger. They basically said they would cut it off if they had to. I wonder if they mean the finger or just the ring. LOL.

Also, they told me they would remove ALL hair from the top of my head to my toes. Now I expected the chest area, but give me a break ALL involves some nooks and crannies. I just don't want to go there, NOR do I want them to GO THERE. Of course, there is no hair on the head. Do they do this to all guests, women and men?

Thanks again to all who have offered comfort and advice. More to come.

Wimpy Bill

Wimpy Bill

:D :D Just kidding..but if I find you up again at such an awful hour 3:59 a.m.???when you should be sleeping ..I will drive down to Gulf Breeze and personally tuck you in myself.:D :D What would your wife think about that???:D :D :D When does your son from Korea arrive and how long will he be with you? He will be help to you the first few days at home. You look like a big;) man..so you can lean on him on the way to potty. I don't remember (pumphead) them taking my ring off. Looks like they could put a glove on or something:( Don't think they shaved me anywhere. Just you hairy:eek: men....but remember..you still have 5 days so keep posting. Bonnie
Hi Bill-

Well, it's almost here. Pretty soon, you'll be a new man with a shiny new heart. As Martha S. says, "it's a GOOD thing". Just keep remembering that all of this is routine for the surgeons. They can handle anything that comes up and have probably seen your problems hundreds of times. Let them do the worrying. From now on, you concentrate on how you're going to handle the recovery phase. It'll be here sooner than you can imagine. Think about the small goals you'll try to set for yourself. Start little and build.

As far as the removal of hair goes, don't worry about the nooks and crannies. Thiose guys have seen them before. The bad part is that it will grow back, and be itchy:D

I wish you the best surgical result possible. Bon Voyage and smooth sailing. Talk to you later.
Hey Bill - I had only a necklace and of course, they yanked that. Wouldn't want to drop it in the 'hole'! Can't believe they are going to be so invasive before they become invasive (the actual operation). I got shaved, but my gosh - sure they weren't kidding? Those Baptists! (don't get up in arms, ya'll, I've been one most of my life). Also got a special shower before surgery. Then it was off to the heated sheets - and bliss. You can't imagine what a nice cocoon those warmed sheets are as you drift off to sleep, until it happens to you. Bill, you are going to be just fine and not to worry about fear - we all had it and those still facing surgery have. You're walking the road to the mountaintop and in a few days you'll be waving at us from the summit. GODSPEED
Dear Bill,

I also want to wish you everything good with your surgery this week. Everything will be okay, and it is really not as bad as you envision it to be. Let go and let God and put all your trust in him and your medical team. They will take excellent care of you.
It is very normal to have anxiety and to be a bit scared. I also had a lot of anxiety and fear but had to give it over to a higher power.
You'll do just fine and before you know you'll be on your way home to recover.
I did not have a recliner (they don't fit me right as I am only 5'4") but just a normal large soft leather chair with ottoman. I did fine with that chair for a few weeks until I felt good enough to get in and out of bed. I also liked it because I was able to be with the family and not be by myself in the bedroom.

God Bless!

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
Tucson, AZ.
Bill, Best wishes for your surgery. You and your faimly will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a speedy and well recovery. :)
Bill Surgery this week

Bill Surgery this week


Just wanted to let you know I'll say a prayer for you. As for them cutting off your ring I'm sure they explained to you that you will have swelling and this is why the ring must come off. I remember when I became conscious I was very aware of how swollen my fingers were. Better either you or they get the ring off before that happens. Best wishes.
Turns out that one of the gals that works in one of my stores (which I sold in preparation for this surgery), her brother is a CICU nurse and a former paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne my son Joe's outfit. Anyway he will be on duty the day of my surgery and has sent me a message that they ONLY shave from the neck down so my lovely locks and eyebrows will be left alone. WHEW

Thanks for all the encouragement and please, please say a prayer for SCOTTIE her ordeal is just about to start.

Best to all,

Wimpy Bill
as Bonnie now calls me--Well I guess the girl just calls 'em as she sees 'em.
Good luck Bill!!! As for the shaving... sounds a little drastic to me! lol They will shave your chest and some groin area though.

Scottie, will be thinking of you tomorrow gal!! I know that you will breeze through this!!! Wish I could be there to keep the docs in line for you!!!

Take care,
Hi Bill......We'll be thinking of and praying for you! You'll do fine, of that I have no doubt. You've already gone through the most difficult part---making the decision and playing the waiting game....the rest, well, while it isn't a piece of cake, it sure is alot better when it's fixed and you can begin to get on with your life.

Tyce was shaved from his neck to his knees and everywhere in between.....lots of itches growing back in, heh, heh, heh!!! 11 weeks later and we've just come home from vacation...a week walking the beaches, antiquing and eating lots of lobster in Maine. I never thought it would happen and I thank God that it is over.

Go with God, my friend. He's your best bet.

Post as soon as you can and let us all know how you are.

Evelyn and Tyce
Bill - I wanted to give you my best wishes and prayers for your surgery this week. I guess I was a lucky guy, they shaved my chest only. Gee, I didn't think we would be sharing all this personal stuff. Good luck and this will all be over in a few days and you will be back to us in a week or so. Please have someone post your condition as you go through the process.
Thanks to you all, yeh personal stuff is right, we need to stop meeting like this. I don't even talk to my wife like I post here.

Had a heart to heart(just can not help all these heartening puns that assert themselves) with my surgeon. Here we don't have guys who do 300 heart surgeries a year. He may do 100 or 150 as best I can tell. He has done about 20 St. Jude, some less of Medtronic Hall and only 6 to 12 Medtronic stentless porcine valves claims good results with all with good results. He honestly doesn't know which he would do if it were him at 59 looking at only an aortic valve replacement. I told him to evaluate the once he is inside. If he can use the pig with out complications now or at time of reimplant, go for it. Otherwise, St. Jude, dude. He agreed. I don't feel I have the option to shop any further and he is considered one of the best in this area-Actuall all three of the local chest guys are him and his three partners. They all do lots more bypass than valves, I think. That is the story.

I can still change my mind upto Thursday a.m. and I might waffle a bunch.
Hi Wimpy

Hi Wimpy

:D :D You know I',m kidding..after all we were up this morning together at 5 a.m...Oh, forgot, the wife might check your computer:eek: :eek: Did you get all that stuff done today..mow the grass, ect.??? Do you know if hospital has e-mail for patients. Call and find out for us....Henyslee is close enough to come down and drag you to hospital if that is what it's going to take..Just remember if you chicken out, we don't want to hear from you on this forum again and you would miss us..:D :D :D So go get the Jude, dud..and start posting a week later. Bonnie
Just noted that you are NOT going to Tally, but staying home in Pensacola at Baptist Hosp. Hear it's a good hospital. Originally, my dr wanted me to go there (my primary here in DFS), but my bro was already hooked up w/Dr Branco and that's how I ended up at W Fl.where I had mine done and was very pleased. Nice if one can stay in one's own town. Will be watching posts and if we don't hear, I can call at at least know you are out of surgery if nothing else. God bless
Go get him Ann

Go get him Ann

Know anyone with a forklift..:D :D Boy am I'm getting to him now..:D :D :D
Bonnie you know I was not talking about changing my mind about surgery. I only meant I can change to St. Jude or Medtronic Hall mechanicals and ignore the pig thing. I don't backout on things. A deal is a deal.

Now if you and Ann think dragging me would be fun or possible, go for it. As you pointed out, I am a big guy. Gentle but big.

They don't even let people use cell phones in the hospital. E-mail, I really doubt it.

No, I did not get the lawn done. Did the back yard and cleaned the cement pond as Jethro used to say. Tomorrow is another day and my youngest son will be here.. It will get done. Still have about two weeks worth of things to do in the next two days. Can't worry about my hospital visit, yet.

Say a prayer for Scottie.

Talk more later.

A fork lift would probably work ok.

You guy posted more madness while I was composing the last.

Being double teamed by the two of you, what chance does a poor old country boy have.

West Fl was not in the cards. I don't have anything against it. In fact the first stress echo and cardio I had was out there. It is a little further from my home but my cardio's office is at Baptist so I and they have really been terrific, big enough but still pretty small town in their treatment of patients. If I were coming down I=10 I would certainly find West Fl easier to get to.

Connie was in court in your fair city this a.m., Ann.

Still have some work to get done. Packaging my three gallons of Italian sauce I made this morning while waiting for Bonnie to get up and around. I am burning my candle at both ends, much as I did 40 years ago, but not having as much fun.

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