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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Reading khawk's post in post surgery and jokes about rusty wires,
But hey after 16 years and another surgery on a different valve,what happens does anyone know do you get new wires or extra wires,like what do they do in a second vr replacement? Anyone know? or you just keep the old wires?from prvious surgery 16 years ago.
I haven't discussed my surgery yet (one step at a time ) with cardiologist
i'll be heading back for angiogram then discuss the 2nd surgery with him after that when we set date. But reading khawkk's post it made me wonder stumbling on some replies.:confused:

I know of 2 people with second re-ops. They said the surgery takes a bit longer because the docs have to remove the previous wires, and of course new ones are put in place afterwards.
After VR1 I had wires poking my skin at my throat and sometimes it felt like my sternum wasn't healed properly (and there were in fact still gaps between the bone edges when I had VR2). I saw the surgeon at 1 year post op and asked about those problems, he told me that to do the wire removal, trim the edges so that they would heal and rewire the sternotomy would be premature without any problems with the valve and add to any scar tissue accumulation I might have.

So, the surgery to open your chest is a bit more complicated on a re-op, but the body, being the wonder that it is, will heal and the spirit will continue in spite of what happens to its vessel.
OH. I never knew that!!!!!!!!!!
Learn something new everyday you know!:rolleyes::cool:

My second OHS (3 + months ago) was four years after my first.
My surgeon removed all of the old wires and anything which could have been causing me sternum pain/discomfort all that time after my first surgery.

Still soon for me to tell if I will be totally pain free when done healing this time. I'm starting to be hopeful as more days than not, I think it already feels more comfortable at this stage of healing than it did the day I went in for my second surgery.
Thanks JKM7,
I too had trouble with my rib cage area from 1st surgery.
so in away glad they put all new wiring in each surgery:eek:
all eeks aside i'll be glad to get mine over with as soon as possible
here and start fresh . I wish you all the best with your wires from
the 2nd OHS also and thanks for letting me know,thought i was the
only one experiencing uncomfortable wires too,now i feel normal
again.....Geez :eek:

Thank you, Zipper.
You should definitely speak with your surgeon and let him know you are still experiencing discomfort from your first surgery. My cardio knew it but as I did not see my surgeon again after the six week post op visit, he didn't know I still had pain. He listened carefully to my description of what I still experienced (and the fact I was worse with changing weather) and made notes.

I was told later he did everything he could to try and avoid my having that discomfort this time. (One more reason to love him.... :) )

I think if he succeeded in making me pain free, I'll jot off a note to thank him (once again) for all he has done for me.

Good luck with your re-op. I, personally, went through the second very much easier than the first. I hope the same for you.
That's true JKM, the second recovery was far easier. I don't know if it's because the surgical crüe knows more about my personal tolerances or if our bodies have a memory that allows the healing to proceed without pitfalls, but something definitely good goes on.

Do tell your surgeon everything you can think of that can help them plan their processes, zip, up to and including how well (or not) you sleep. Don't forget to have him write a disability certificate for tax credit this year (you will be glad to have the deduction, even if it's only for 3 months). You can download and print a form T2201 off of Revenue Canada's site.

Take Heart,
Thanks for the form info pamela,it's good to know
about it (incase).Im praying after reading JKM and your
comment Pam on second recovery,i know everyones different
with healing process,but you've both commented 2nd recovery
was easier for you both,praying i fall into this catagory too (LOL)
I feel too cus the first we arent aware of all that takes place in
vr surgery and 2nd time we are bit experienced with it,maybe too
that helps and makes it abit easier for the recovery. My cardiologists
office phoned me friday and said the cardiologist would phone me
Mon. or Tues to discuss meeting now with the surgeon,so im getting list
of questions ready each time i think of something important to ask,hope
i dont leave anything out to ask the surgeon but jotting down as quick as
i think of something important. Kind of nervous meeting the surgeon
as it willnot be same one that did surgery 16 years ago.........and kinda
having some anxiety,but thats expected and it will be fine. Some coworkers
finding out at work today and their fear reminds me of mine 16 years ago
cus i have to settle them down and remind them,ive been there and i know
what to expect,for them they don't know and its funny some are saying
bye,hugging me and they arent sure if i'll be gone for surgery when they get
back on shift in a week or later in 2 weeks. I dont know either,but the fear
of ohs scares people in away i remember 16 years ago it scared my family
and myself,cus this time im calmer,maybe to set date then reality will set in
more,but when i'm ill with these symptoms i just wanna have the surgery
cus i recall from first surgery how better i felt even as terrified as i was
then.This may have alot to do with the 2nd recovery being easier and of
course i still fear some of the known from 1st surgery and what if's of the
2nd surgery:eek: Only human!!!!!!


You will be amazed at the advancements in this surgery since your first 16 years ago. It was different from my first which was only four years ago. I was at Mass General both times with same surgeon and the drugs have improved as have the procedures. The aftercare was also a step up from my memory of the same ICU and same floor. Mass General is one of the best heart centers so the changes come there quickly.

Yes, you are right that in the end, we are all different and though the same surgery, we all handle it differently.

You seem to have a great attitude and that will serve you well. Think all positive thoughts and PLAN to have an easier recovery. The odds are very high in your favor that will happen. I know what you mean about knowing what to expect. I said that to my surgeon....."The good part is I have a fair idea what to expect; the bad part is I have a fair idea what to expect." I found the foreknowledge was a help to me. And this time absolutely was much easier for me.

You are doing exactly right to mark down all your questions.
It's a funny thing but for me, having the same surgeon, I had few questions for him. We quickly agreed upon my choice of valve and whether or not a full chest crack or minimal. I felt no need to limit the 'work area'. Give him all the room he needed was my way of thinking. I already had the long scar. :)
I felt immense confidence and never doubted I would come through fine. I had hoped for a repair but ended with a bovine replacement but we discussed that fully in advance so I was okay with it.

Trust your instincts and only go with a surgeon you fully trust. That gives you the calm and confidence to focus on the recovery and not the surgery. Let your surgeon worry about that. You think ahead to healing!!

Please keep us posted. My thoughts are very with you and I know most of what you are feeling. Let yourself go through all the human feelings. You're entitled to them.
You know we are all here to help you over the mountain your second time.
You'll do fine!
Thanks again for your enthusiasm and the simplicity for surgery#2
I am planning on having an easier recovery,although the first wasn't too
bad either for me. Im jealous you had the the same surgeon but happy for
you as makes things awhole lot easier with less questions. Unfortunately im not as lucky in that way.
Im praying this surgeon is as great if not better.Cant answer that till i meet him and hope im not too rough on him with all my questions.
I do luv your foreknowledge and yes that is a big KEY and seems to keep me going. im hoping to hear something this week regarding getting the team together and the race moving to finalization at some point and time SOON!
i definately will keep everyone posted on my 2nd place adventure (LOL)
