Why don't I like coffee post opt?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2009
Kalamazoo, Michigan
I am almost 2 weeks post opt and doing well. One thing I have noticed is that before surgery I drank coffee all day. Granted, by 1 pm I went for a coffee run because I was dragging and thought I just need a little caffeine. Ha! I think my leaky mitral valve was why I was dragging, not my body's need for caffeine. But, since my surgery, I have absolutely no desire for coffee at all. I used to LOVE vanilla lattes. My daughter brought me home an iced one yesterday and I ended up dumping the whole thing. Any one else experience this? My husband is thinking this may save us some money! Those lattes are expensive!
Hi Janie,
I didn't experience that with coffee, but I lost my taste for certain foods, namely sweets. I still don't crave them like I used to, but instead enjoy only particular ones. You're only a couple weeks out, I'm sure your taste for coffee will gradually return! I wish I had lost my taste for lattes, they are expensive! And I only drink decaf but still crave my coffee.
Hi Janie,
I experienced the same thing! I used to do a daily Starbucks latte runs and since my surgery, I cannot stomach them. I even had my assistant lined up to bring me my lattes in the hospital everyday but was not interested. At about 6 weeks, I substituted my fix with their green tea lattes until I found out how many calories they have! Still not interested in coffee and need to find another vice!
Hey, I can't live without coffee. It takes time for you taste buds and senses to return to normal. Obviously, mine never have.
Before my AVR I drank a pot of coffee every morning for many years.. I really did not feel well if I didn't have it. If I ran out I would go to the store before I went to bed so it would be there for the morning. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks, and only had two cups the week before surgery. I no longer crave my pot of coffee.
I am a big coffee drinker also. The first 3 weeks post op. I did not like the taste. At 6 weeks I am back in the groove so don't count the savings yet.

Didn't have a problem with coffee.

I did have some problems with carbonated beverages for several weeks post-op. Only foods that tasted good were fruits -- watermelon, cantaloupe and fresh pineapple. Had to have lots of lime & lemon with my iced tea. That has carried over.
Was never a coffee drinker so can't make comment on that....but as you see, many people have different tastes (at least temporarily) following valve surgery. I'm not a milk person but for about three weeks after surgery, all I wanted was anything closely resembling milk....milk, yogurt, ice cream, milk shakes, etc.....in vanilla flavor only if it wasn't just plain milk. Little by little my taste did return to normal.

I love milk, I can drink it all day long and I think that is the reason for calcification of my valve...:-D
I can't comment on the changes though, since I am still in the waiting room.

Varun Bahl
If were talking standard issue hospital coffee, then I can understand it. I always asked the nurses if they could bring me some of their stash out of the lunchroom. Real coffee!
I'm also about 2 weeks post op and noticed a bunch of weird taste bud and smell like things. All my senses were acting a little weird, but are slowly correcting themselves. I noticed little smells that I never had before. I can pick up perfumes and distinctfully characterize them like I couldn't before. I think my hearing got a little better or sharper. I noticed my taste buds were more acute. I had a coffee and found it to be "bitter" when I didn't think it was before. But this morning I craved the coffee and made myself a cup for the first time since the op, so I think things are returning to normal.
After my 2nd OHS I couldn't get enough peaches! After my recent 3rd, I craved fresh lemonade, and didn't even want ice cream. I don't know why this happens. After awhile, I didn't crave the lemonade like before. Good thing, because my lemon tree fell over when I was in the hospital and it had to be cut back majorly. Luckily, I had lots of juice frozen!
Also, I seemed to be the only one in the room during my CT scans at the hospital that could smell a funny odor during the test. I mentioned it and the tech just looked at me like I was nuts, and said he didn't smell anything.
My sense of taste was very affected and coffee was something I couldn't even think about. At around 4 weeks things started to taste normal again and as I sat here and read your post this morning at 6 weeks post op, I was drinking and enjoying my morning coffee. I switched to tea for those few weeks.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one whose sense of smell was also affected. I'm constantly smelling something that I associate with the hospital like a sort of plastic smell. My husband bought a beautiful leather recliner partly to help in my recovery and everyone is oohing and aahing over the leather smell and to me it's that plastic/hospital smell at it's strongest. Very weird and I'm hoping like the tastes it returns to normal.
Wierd Smells and Tastes

Wierd Smells and Tastes

Hi I am 13 weeks out of surgery and feeling great. But i can,t stand certain smells mainly from fast food places just driving by makes me ill. My wife says its the oils in the fats. I also can't eat Cheeseburgers and steaks and some cheeses. I guess this this is good thing i can maintain my weight loss.
i couldn't stand to drink coffee for atleast a couple of weeks after surgery but as everything finally started wearing off my taste buds were back to normal. i am like you. i love coffee. so for me not to be able to drink was amazing to me. you will get the taste for it back soon.
Three weeks after my aortic valve replacement and I, too, can't find a cup of coffee that tastes like, well, coffee! Until I read this post, I was blaming it on a new coffeemaker we bought about the time I came home from the hospital.

If that's the only adverse side effect from my surgery, I can live with it. Otherwise, doing fine!
I am almost 2 weeks post opt and doing well. One thing I have noticed is that before surgery I drank coffee all day. Granted, by 1 pm I went for a coffee run because I was dragging and thought I just need a little caffeine. Ha! I think my leaky mitral valve was why I was dragging, not my body's need for caffeine. But, since my surgery, I have absolutely no desire for coffee at all. I used to LOVE vanilla lattes. My daughter brought me home an iced one yesterday and I ended up dumping the whole thing. Any one else experience this? My husband is thinking this may save us some money! Those lattes are expensive!

In my case, I did lose the taste buds for food only the first 48 hours. Then, I drank coffee, tea, soft drinks, but did not have any appetite to eat anything for a couple of weeks.

Three weeks after my aortic valve replacement and I, too, can't find a cup of coffee that tastes like, well, coffee! Until I read this post, I was blaming it on a new coffeemaker we bought about the time I came home from the hospital.

If that's the only adverse side effect from my surgery, I can live with it. Otherwise, doing fine!

I am glad that all is well for you too. You will re-enjoy coffee soon!

I was an avid coffee drinker my surgery was Jan 2009 and i work
at the police detachment.......imagine the coffee:rolleyes::rolleyes:
i was a big coffee drinker but since surgery i'm lucky to get half a cup
down me and i crave it,but just ever since it is not the same,still dislike
salmon and fish and too was a favorite of mine....not anymore;):(:confused: my cardio says either the trend will come back for me or it wont
So far ............hasnot
Mmmmm, coffee!

Mmmmm, coffee!

Never lost my taste for it, but I've never been a heavy drinker of the stuff. I had a habit of 2 big cups a day before surgery. I tapered off of it thinking I would be deprived for at least a few days and I didn't want to deal with caffeine withdrawal in addition to everything else my body would be going through. I think that was a good move, but I have long since resumed 2 cups a day.