Who all uses some type of noise to sleep with?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Just got to wondering, cause that's what I do, and wondered how many others use some type of sound to sleep with.

For me, it's a 20" box fan.

How about you?
Ross, it's either complete silence for me or the fan thing. I can't do anything with voices, waves crashing, or other nature sounds. My favorite was a fan like yours Ross; it was one borrowed from my aunt. She reclaimed the fan and it took me a while to learn to fall asleep without it.
Does DH's snoring count???

Actually - since my aforementioned DH usually sleeps with the TV on, I use my iPod with either storm or ocean sounds, just to block out the TV. And sometimes a sleep mask to block out the glare of the TV.

If you're asking if we use it to block out valve noise in order to sleep - nope - usually can't hear the valve to the extent that it would keep me awake.
I have a fan blowing in my face, in fact there is a fan blowing in my face as I type this. My husband dearly hates all types of fans. I always wait until he's asleep to turn on my fan and that way he never knows it. Sometimes I'll even turn on the ceiling fans. He's says it's like we have a tornado in the house. He has to hang on to the covers. Silly man. :) All I say is too bad, if he doesn't like it go sleep in the other bedroom. :D That usually keeps him quiet.
I've got a tape of croaking tree frogs that I need to convert to CD. You know, the ones you hear on warm summer evenings? That would make me feel like I were camping again.
I knew it, you really are a romantic, you just try to hide it like one of your stubborn goats. :D

Yup, I'm a real romantic......that's why I sleep ALONE......:D
Don't touch my remote.
Don't touch my blankets.
Don't touch my pillow.
Don't snore.
Don't cough.
Don't fart......and the list goes on.:eek:
Bina - Although I love my dogs, I couldn't sleep with them. I just count the ticking of my valve. I usually get to around 500 before I get dozy.
I can not sleep without the TV on. I was mostly raised in the country and when I first moved to the suburbs with trains ect, I could not sleep with the city noises, so I started leaving on the TV to drown out the outside noises and now I can not sllep in a completely dark, completely quiet room.
I'm always the first one to go to bed. My hubby stays up and watches TV and plays his I pod games. :mad: I usually have nothing to go to sleep with just the ticking of my valves. I'm out before the light goes out. ;)
I do wake up at least twice a night to use the bathroom, and to tell my hubby to roll over because his snoring is too loud.:eek: Wakes me up.
I can not sleep without the TV on. I was mostly raised in the country and when I first moved to the suburbs with trains ect, I could not sleep with the city noises, so I started leaving on the TV to drown out the outside noises and now I can not sllep in a completely dark, completely quiet room.
You need to sleep with my husband then. Wait - did I just say that?????:eek::eek::p
I live on a bus route. They start at 5:30 a.m. and boy are they noisy. We use a noise generator set to a light rain fall. At first it made me need to pee but I'm used to it now. It does seem to help block the noise of the buses though.
