Where is Stretch?

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Lynlw said:
Hey, guys! Thanks for the notes.

I'm fine! No need to worry!

I've just been *very* busy with Stretch Photography lately, and Boy Scouts, and haven't had a chance to get to VR.com, although I've meant to do so for weeks now.

Just returned this very morning from Seattle where I was shooting a big ad campaign for Nike.

My running had gotten up to 5 miles a day, then the Nike job came in and I've not had time even for that.

Please give eveyone on the board my best, and my apologies for my absence. I promise to get back in the conversation soon.


Did everyone miss this post? The man is BUSY!:D :p


Greetings, all!

Sorry I've been out of touch! I appreciate all the concern and interest! :) I hope everyone's well.

I'm still doing very well. Working hard again, which is great, and still running, up to 5+ miles nearly every day. In fact, I'd never know I'd been through open heart surgery six month ago except for the scars on my chest (of which I'm very proud), and the fact that I can now run five miles and be a bit winded instead of walking 2 blocks and being totally out of breath!

I'm sorry the Ross Procedure gallery was down for a while. I had to take it down to make room for images for Nike to proof from the shoot I as on for them, but the IMPORTANT stuff, the surgery, is now back up at http://stretchphotography.com/avr/images

Speaking of photographs, I thought I'd share this image with you. Are you here, Dennis? :)

In May we had a couple of house finches start a family in a hanging basket on our front porch. I photographed the nest from the day the first eggs were laid until the morning the hatchlings flew away. Both the babies and the parents were very cool with the whole thing, and didn't seem to mind the attention at all. I got this picture after focussing my camera on the nest and then whistling my best imitation of the male house finch's song. I think I fooled the youngster!

If any of you are interested, I shot this with Noni's Canon S3 camera, a reasonably priced, reasonably easy to use, and VERY nice camera. It has fantastic telephone and macro modes, (this image used the macro), and I highly recommend it to anyone in the market for a camera. I actually just bought a second one to send to my brother in Afghanistan. Probably the best deals can be found at http://bhphoto.com. E-mail me directly with any questions about the camera.

It's good to be in touch with all of you again. I can't guarantee that I'll be around as much as I once was, but I'm going to make an effort to check in more than I have in the last couple of months.

Noni's over in Indonesia visiting her family for the first time in ten years. I fly over on Tuesday and we'll spend a week in Bali, where we went on our honeymoon ten years ago June 14. After that I'll be at Boy Scout camp for a week, and then who knows... It's great to be working hard and playing hard and healthy.

ps- It's so cool to see all the new TOOTS member! The Disco Poses are awesome! :) :)

Much love-
Great to hear from you, Stretch and great to hear that you are back to a full and happy life. Have a wonderful time in Indonesia and a second honeymoon in Bali. Congratulations on your anniversary and keep enjoying every minute of every day!
Phyllis said:
Great to hear from you, Stretch and great to hear that you are back to a full and happy life.

Ditto ... and AMEN :).

Very good to see you post, Stretch!

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"Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone" ... Fort Minor ... 'Where'd You Go?'
Hey Stretch-great picture, and as you know, I purchased that very camera after a recommendation by you and some others. I have loved it to death. Now I am addicted. Today I also purchased a Nikon D40 SLR Digital Camera Kit with a 18-135mm Lens. (From BH Poto). I guess there is no hope for me. I am also learning the Apple aperture program. I am loving every minute of it so far. I wish I lived closer to Virginia. I would gladly carry your gear around just for the learning experience. I too am very glad to have you back. If I had seen this earlier, I might have bugged you for your thoughts-but this is good. I already bought it, and don't have to restrain myself from all the questions I might have asked. After practicing law for 25 years I know how old that can get.

I am very glad to see you back. There is no substitute for the original Stretch.
Welcome back Stretch. Glad to hear your being MIA was because you were busy getting on with "normal life" after OHS. You'll be an inspriation for the waiting room gang.
Glad to hear from you, Stretch. Glad you are so well and busy and happy in life.

While you were in Seattle, did you get by the new Sculpture garden on the Sound? It is amazing.....photographer's delight. Our son just graduated from UW and we've been there twice. Another completely amazing place is the Seattle Public Library!! Take the elevator to the top and wind your way down. Don't miss the 4th floor (and later, I was told, the restrooms are something special on the 4th floor as well).

Your baby birds are delightful. I had a nest of robins I was watching last year just after my surgery. It was in an awkward and dark place, so my photos were not successful. ( I have an Olympus C-5060 wide angle).

Two years ago, I walked out on my deck which overlooks this path (2 stories down) and had only a nanosecond to run inside and grab my camera and point and shoot. This mama duck has 12 little ones!! Imagine the noise they must have made in their nest. No wonder she is out walking them!!

We love your photos!! Wouldn't it be something for you and Dennis to get together! :)
