What I Wanted/Needed......

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
Like most in the waiting room, I have read multiple what to bring threads.
Seeing as this was my second OHS, I had a fair idea what I knew would be unused and what I really wanted to have with me.

Even so, I used only a few of the things I brought and the rest stayed in the locker in my room.

What I needed and wanted that was not provided by Mass General:

Slippers (rather than the socks they provide), chaptstick or lip balm, reading glasses, cell phone and charger (they are now permitted though they were not four years ago), pad of paper and pen/pencil, list of friends/family telephone numbers, shampoo (MGH only provides baby shampoo and I don't like it,) deoderant and hairbrush. I most definitely didn't want or need the new robe I bought. The johnnies/robes they provide are much more practical.

Just my personal list of what was useful for me.
Good thread and very good points......I bought 2 pair of pajamas to take....button up shirt....I thought I would need them. I don't wear pajamas, never have. A complete waste of money....When I was coherent enough I put on my sweats and used the hospital gown for a top.

Cell phone and charger is a must:D
Interesting that they allow cell phones - UCLA did not after my surgery two years ago. Didn't mean I didn't use one, just meant I had to be more covert about it. :)
At the Montreal Heart Institute, they don't even allow cell phones in the lobby. I have to say, though, that when I was in the hospital, even if I had been allowed one, I would be afraid it would be stolen.
Hi Guys,

I had a blackberry cell phone so I could handle emails and a portable Play Station for movies and games.:) I also used slippers and boxer shorts to go under my hospital gown.

That thought occured to me. My cell has a better plan than DH's. We brought mine for him to use immediately after my surgery to call everyone and when we discovered I could use mine, we chose for him to take it home until I was even ready to think of using it. It was such a comfort to me to have it that we chose to take the risk. Strictly speaking, guests in patients' rooms are permitted the cells but the patients are not because they want the phone 3' from any monitor. Since all OHS'ers wear the monitor at all times, we can never be 3' away. I obeyed initially until I saw everyone was overlooking patient use. In addition, I recently read an article setting out that cell phones do not interefere with the machinery/monitors and many hospitals are lightening the rules. I enjoyed having it enough that it was worth the risk of theft. I brought nothing else of value.

I never told anyone they could call my cell so most calls I received came on the hospital in room phone and I only used the cell if I was making the call.
Pre-paid cell for hospital, perhaps?

Pre-paid cell for hospital, perhaps?

If you can use a cell and have concerns about loss or theft maybe a prepaid cell would be an idea. It can be set up to use your credit card for additional minutes and your phone book can be transferred at the point of sale.

My husband had his at the hospital until surgery and enjoyed using it. We usually text messaged to avoid interruptions for him during consults.

We set a custom ringtone " I just called to day I love you".

He was in ICU for 24 days post op. I brought the phone with me each day and he was pleased that it was avaiable for him.

So glad he had that small pleasure. He was a guy who loved his cell and never was w/o it.

My hosp in England

My hosp in England

Here in England I had a locker with keys next to my bed for all my drugs and personal expensive stuff, which was reassuring for safety. I HAD to have my slippers. My PJ's were a nice idea but the waist band was right in line with 3 drain tubes and an external pacing box that was taped to my stomach, so untill the tubes were out I stuck to the sexy gowns that the hospital provide. Mobiles were allowed off ward. (any corridor)

Lotti said:
Here in England I had a locker with keys next to my bed for all my drugs and personal expensive stuff, which was reassuring for safety. I HAD to have my slippers. My PJ's were a nice idea but the waist band was right in line with 3 drain tubes and an external pacing box that was taped to my stomach, so untill the tubes were out I stuck to the sexy gowns that the hospital provide. Mobiles were allowed off ward. (any corridor)


Where did you keep the keys?!!!
cooker said:
Good thread and very good points......I bought 2 pair of pajamas to take....button up shirt....I thought I would need them. I don't wear pajamas, never have. A complete waste of money....When I was coherent enough I put on my sweats and used the hospital gown for a top.
Curtis does't wear pajamas he likes to sleep in boxer shorts.That hasn't stoped me buying them thow along with slippers and a gown that he wont wear either and we dont even have a date yet. I dont think a would be able to fit his hospital list on here, it is that long :eek: and he might even out grow them yet.