What do we pack??

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I thought I might get together a few things for surgery, pulled out my suitcase and stared ~~I have no idea what to put in it! Do we get to wear our own gowns or will we be in a ugly hospital gown the whole week?
I know it's silly but I don't want my husband to have lug around a bunch of stuff I won't need.:)
Thanks for your help,
I was in shorts and a tee shirt for the last three days. Only in five.
Tooth brush:D They let me wear what I wanted. I took some books and my cell phone that has a ton of numbers programed so I could keep in touch with the outside world.

Wishing you the best.


Oh I almost forgot...I smuggled in some Hershey Kisses:p
Joe never brings much to the hospital, and yes, for the most part, you will be wearing the hospital gowns. It's a good thig too, because you will be having lots of bloodwork and IVs and shots, and you wouldn't want to ruin your own things with stains. The gowns get changed pretty frequently. They also have sleeves that are easy to get into with IVs. When you are asked to go walking, you can request a hospital robe, if they have them, or ask for another gown to wear round the backside to cover yourself.

Bring some things to use to keep up appearances, but honestly, you won't care much about that, and when you do, they will be kicking you out. You probably won't even be interested in reading or things like that. You'll be on some good stuff to help with pain.

The hospitals have most of the basic things like soap, toothpaste and even deodorant and shampoo.

Your stay will be amazingly short, if all goes well. You'll be surprised.
Hi Deana

Hi Deana

There are a couple great threads on this forum with lists of things to pack. I found them by searching on 'pajamas'. Although I'll say that I packed pajamas and then never wore them because the cardiac unit I was in used portable heart monitors and the transmitter stayed in a pocket in the front of my hospital gown the whole time I was there. Fortunately the gowns tied in the back so I didn't have to worry about indecent exposure - I never felt like wearing any of the pajama bottoms or sweats I brought, as little bother as possible is what worked for me.

A few things that I was happy to have were:
- lip balm
- cough lozenges (the hospital had them but I preferred my own)
- my own toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, comb (ditto the above)
- case for my glasses
- loose, comfy clothes for wearing home (I wore a men's soft cotton oversize t-shirt, pajama bottoms, a loose jacket, socks, and slippers)

I never felt like reading but music was really helpful to me. I borrowed my daughter's CD walkman and brought some CDs with relaxing music. I brought my own pillow which was nice for comfort but found that the hospital pillows were actually better - lots of little pillows to arrange around me rather than one big pillow.

I left everything in the car and walked into surgery with the clothes on my back (left my wedding ring and earrings with my husband before going in). When I transferred from the ICU to the recovery unit my husband brought my things in, there was very little space in the ICU to store anything.

You'll be amazed at how little you will actually need. Good-luck with packing and good-luck with your surgery. I'll be thinking of you.

Stuff to take...

Stuff to take...

I strongly recommend a pair of ear plugs. Sometimes it can be pretty noisy there. I also recommend an ipod or mp3 player equivalent with your favorite relaxation music. I wore the gown because of the portable heart monitor as Liz mentioned, and I wore loose-fitting cotton shorts under that to avoid the "incident exposure" or mooning of others...:eek:

You might also consider some snacks like apples/oranges or something healthy. At least in my experience the food was at least sub-par and for the 1st 2-3 days they just brought me whatever they decided on the menu until I figured out that I did have options. The food improved slightly once I was able to choose...

Prayers going up for you - May God Bless you, your family and the medical staff during your surgery and afterwards.
I would not worry to much, they will put one of those ugly hospital gowns on. They will shave most of the hair of his legs, groin, and chest, in case they need veins for bypass. He wont remember much of anything about the first 2 or 3 days as he will be doped up pretty bad. I was in ICU for 3 days before they moved me to a regular room. I remember moving on day 3 but only remember bits and pieces of the ICU and only portions of the last 3 days in the regular room. I only have fleeting memory of friends that came to see me. I would suggest personal hygiene stuff and a razor (Electric If You Have One) because he wont be able to do much for himself, you will need to help him out.
My hospital encouraged me to bring NOTHING!
they said the risk of loss was great..and they would give me anything I needed.
I dont' remember much and went home on day 4.
the only thing from home I wanted was food..the hospital stuff was gross, so my dh did bring me snacks. and my own toothbrush/ chapstick oh yeah and clean undies ;-)
I had my cd player one night...the night before I cam home, otherwise I wouldn't have wanted it, and would not have been getting out of bed for anything anyway.
I was grateful for the hospital gowns as they got messy from tubes/iv's and such.
my dh put my few essentials in a backpack and carried it in with him each day since there is no place to put anything in ICU, so you won't want your own stuff till you are in a room of your own.

As for visitors.. I only had my dh and my mom, and I was grateful for that b/c I wouldn't have welcomed anymore...I could barely concentrate or make conversation those first 3 days.. And I didn't care what I looked like:rolleyes:

That was me.. and my hospital.. there are lots of others that took much more and were glad they did.
I took a stash of clementines - only thing that tasted good the whole time I was there.

I vote for your own pillow, if you're fussy at all. Can still use the hospital's for propping etc. And extra pillow cases.

Good slippers - mules so you can slip into them.

Don't need much.
Slippers, PJ's and a robe for the walks you take to get your exercise.
we have a special thread about what to take to the hospital, but darned if I can find it. Maybe someone will find it and refer you to it. It was a good list.

I took underwear, toothbrush/paste, brush. They give you stuff like soap, lotion. Take your own slippers. I wore their gowns; they preferred that. They gave me the little hug pillow and probably will give you one, too to hug after surgery.
Deana, this isn't so much advice as it is best wishes on your surgery. We will look forward to hearing that you are on the other side of the mountain with us. I guess if I could recommend anything, I would bring some really loose pajamas to walk the halls in. Also, bring an MP3, as has already been suggested. Your favorite songs will motivate you to get out and walk.

By the way, I just noticed that we have similar avatars. Did your son graduate from h.s. or college? Mine was from high school this past May.
I think I'm ready!

I think I'm ready!

I noticed the same thing as I was reading your post:D My 18 year old graduated from H.S. in May too. It will be nice when my oldest graduates from college with another coming up and their sister not too far behind:eek:

To everyone,
Thanks to ALL for all the input. I guess I probably won't get to wear any of my pj's.. I'll just bring the nice robe I took (okay, if they don't notice then maybe I should 'stole') from our hotel room in Las Vegas:p and my slippers from the same place. ..plus my daughter's Nano ipod. I also sleep with a noisy fan and it goes everwhere with me~~so I'll hopefully be spared all the noise everyone keeps talking about!:eek:
I am going to start packing..I didn't think about the lozenges! I guess your throat is pretty sore~~I like the cherry so I'll bring my own.:p
Thanks for reminding about the lip balm, I'm addicted to Carmex!
This will be the easiest trip I've ever taken. (well maybe not):eek:

Today was our 25th wedding anniversary**:D Just had to throw that in:rolleyes:
Love to all!
Good Luck!and happy Anniversary!
I had to chime in here too being the proud mom. my son Justin , (who actually is the heart patient) just graduated from high school in June too. his party is sat if anyone is in the philly area. I wanted to share something that I thought was so nice, his nurse and social worker since he was one day old,(who met him before most family did) called today to let us know they are coming to his party. I am hoping to enjoy the day and not cry thru the whole party, i made it thru the graduation pretty good.
There is a good thread on what to pack for the hospital, maybe when someone finds it it could be moved to one of the forums w/ important articles and things, Lyn ww.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw (grad pic and on photo page is prom pic )


Wow..I would much rather go through this 100 x's than to have to watch my child! I'm soo glad he is doing so well..~ I got tears just reading your post..so good luck tomorrow!:eek: Have a great day!
He (& you) must be pretty special to have the nurses and social worker take time out to celebrate with you.:p
Phyllis and Lynn,
Thanks for the packing list site I have been told I have a type A personality..whatever the heck that is..supposedly I like to be organized..I just don't see it:p
Thanks for the Congrats..my husband deserves a medal..I told him if I were a car he probably could have turned me in as a lemon!:p
Thanks for the help and prayers!
Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Hey there...I just wanted to add my two cents worth. The whole carmex thing is a lifesaver. I've already given my husband specific instructions to put it on me as soon as they'll let him in ICU. Weirdly enough, that is the one thing that I remember the most from my last surgery....waking up with incredibly dry, dry lips..and then getting a nurse to apply vaseline with a cotton swab... so then I've got gooey vaseline AND cotton fibres on my lips. YUCK!!!!

Happy Anniversary to you...I too have told my husband that he got a lemon when he bought into me!!!

Good luck and godspeed!
thanks for all your help. good luck and God bless on July 21st!! I know the decision with your boys will become more clear as the date gets nearer. I have to say I'm READY!!:D
That was a good idea to tell my husband to just put Carmex on me ASAP. He'll understand and do it for me..
God bless and protect you,