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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
No. I'm NOT PREGNANT! However, we are expecting a new baby in about a week :eek:

My niece, Shanna, (who is my late sister's daughter), is in the army and will soon be going back to Iraq for her second tour of duty. The first time she went, she was not a parent...but is now the mother of a sweet little 5 month old girl named Ja'lyn, (pronounced JayLin).

Since Ja'lyn doesn't have a daddy around, and her grandmother is in heaven, we're stepping up once again, (as we did with my grandson when Jess went to Iraq), to be her designated guardians for the next 9 months or so.

To make matters more interesting, my grandson, Christian is with us once again for the next 6 weeks while his mom is doing some training for Staff Sgt. in the AF, and will be with us for the month of January too, for more training for Mom. Never a dull moment around here!

I would appreciate your prayers for us as family, for Shanna having to be separated from this little sweetheart for a very long time and for patience and energy for this grandma and grandpa for the next few months. Thanks!


Dear Jean, What a beautiful little girl she is! I will certainly keep all of you in my prayers! Please thank those in your family that are serving in the armed forces for me. Come to think of it, thank you and your husband for helping all of them, so they can serve the rest of us! Bless you both! Please keep me posted with your coming second parenthood. All the best, Brian
One day at a time Grandma and Grandpa. Go to bed early and be happy happy for the kids sake during this stressful time.
Your in my prayers.
Best of Luck
Ja'lyn, looks such a cutie and will be a delight to have around but I'm sure it will also be very tiring for you both. Make sure you look after yourselves. You both are in my prayers as is your extended family
This just in...Shanna's NOT going back to Iraq!

This just in...Shanna's NOT going back to Iraq!

Thank you all so much for your prayers! Somebody must have been praying really hard about this situation though. Shanna called me this afternoon to let me know that while they were packing up all of her stuff into a truck to take it to storage while she was to be in Iraq...she got a phone call saying her orders were cancelled!

Woohoo! she doesn't have to go after all. At least not now. She said she really didn't know how to feel, since she had come to terms with the fact that she was going back over there and would have to leave her little sweetheart behind for almost a year.

I'm a bit relieved myself, I was really struggling with the responsibiity of going through the whole baby stage again, for such a long period of time, and with my almost 3 year old grandson here for a while too.

It just never occurred to me that I could pray for her not to have to go at all! Isn't that silly of me??? Whew! God is SO GOOD! :D

Hopefully, they'll be able to come for a visit soon, possibly Thanksgiving, so we can at least meet little Ja'lyn in person anyway.