Welcome LA Cruiser

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Hi Cruiser-

I don't know what more we can say to convince you that you are in serious trouble. Sometimes we just have our own reasons for doing what we do.

I'd say you're putting it in God's hands from now on. I was hoping that you'd do a little bit to help yourself because I'd hate to see you not get help.

So keep us informed and keep in touch. I'm sure we'd like to help if you would allow it.

Do remember that many medical people have told you to get moving on surgery and much as we would love to be able to totally control our bodies, they can have failure rates that supersede what our wishes are. But I guess you will get to a point that you cannot function at all, and that will be your time to go and seek help. However, if people wait too long, there can be permanent damage to the heart muscle itself. Then you will be prone to many other heart conditions, such as congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and various arrhythmias. And it can put pressure on your other valves and maybe deteriorate them as well. So it's not something to fool around with. You're still young and could have a long life ahead of you.

You were lucky once, very lucky as a matter of fact. You might not be again.

I wish you the best. Take care and keep posting so we know that you're OK.
To Nancy re LA Cruiser

To Nancy re LA Cruiser

Hi Nancy,
As usual, you said what I wanted to say much more clearly and nicely than I. In the "Permanent Damage" category perhaps someone should include SD. They used the Sudden Death threat quite freely when discussing my situation -- and I was asymptomatic.
Would it help LA Cruiser to know where UCLA ranks in the US News & World Report rankings on cardiological hospitals? (I can't locate my issue right now.) My take is that he may not (and probably does not) have the time to go "shopping", but he should still try to go to a hospital where they do many OHS operations. In the LA area, Arnold Schwartzenager had his done at USC. One of the VR.com members speaks very highly of Cedars. I think UCLA would be very o.k. although I do not have any of the statistics in front of me.
When it comes to rationalizing due to fear, I think I'm an expert on that category. But that doesn't make it any easier. Money (business, job) has got to be a consideration, but it doesn't matter if you are not here.
My best wishes to you and to LA Cruiser,


Did you know that the NM-TX state line runs through the center of 'Anthony?'

That's why there's Anthony NM and Anthony TX.

I used to live in Albuquerque in 1979, moved to Denver in 1980.

I have a sister in Albuquerque and an old friend that moved from El Paso.

You guys have a beautiful capital, Santa Fe.

By any chance do you know who was 'erecting' those signs north-bound between Las Cruces and T or C 'back then' stating: 'Texans Go Back Home?'

And for the rest of you guys, fear is the furthest of my 'problems,' on a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a minus 1.

One thing that I remember from those surgery days is that I don't remember any feelings of fear prior to my three operations.

What part of NM are you from?

Oh, when I was working in LA Tuna federal prison, both Johnny Cash and Freddy Fender did a concert side by side for the inmates, guards and everybody left their posts, awesome!

God Bless all
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LA Cruiser:

Please don't ignore all of the wonderful advice here! I truly believe we are here for a reason and God certainly must have had plans for you!

I, too, remember one of my heart surgeries (2 weeks before my 12th birthday). I remember 2 nurses chit chatting at the foot of my bed. I was trying to get their attention and they wouldn't look at me, they just kept right on talking. Finally I kicked one of my leggs up in the air. Then they started to yell at me and go on and on about how I could have hurt one of them...so, what did I do???? I threw up because I needed the mucus sucked out of my breathing apparatus (or whatever it was called) and they didn't get to me fast enough. (oh well!!) I also remember the sparce ice chips & watching the clock forever. In a few days I was wizzing up & down the hall in my wheel chair and nearly ran into my cardiologist!:D :D

Fast forward 27 years: I'll probably be having my pulmonary valve replaced soon (I'm slowing down quite a bit) but I'm not too scared or worried about surgery. This group has been GREAT support and I had one cardiologist tell me that they just didn't medicate enough "back then". Maybe you should see a cardiologist that deals with congenital heart defects...were you born with your valve problem??

Please get some help soon! I'm sure God has more work for you to do!!! In the meantime, I'm sure there are a lot of prayers going out to you.
What's Happening ?

What's Happening ?

Hey LA Cruiser,
What's happening to you? Its Wednesday already. Hope you keep us posted on your decision and your progress.
The longest lasting pig valve I've heard of was between 20 to 25 years; it initial installation and replacement was at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.
UCLA Medical Center ranked 11'th out of the top 50 in the Heart & Heart Surgery categoty of the July 22, 2002 issue of U.S. News & World Report.
I'm from the southern part of New Mexico. No I don't remember the Texans Go Home signs. I got to NM in 1986 by way of Texas, California and Ohio.
Best wishes,
AVR; 4/02; CCF; Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue Valve


4 the pig valve history.

I'm not Texan, was only curious.

I'm feeling lousy, will probably go this weekend (I've been saying this for two years, but this time it seems for real).

God Bless all
Hi Cruiser-

I'm really glad to see your post. I was worried that something had happened. I'm so glad you are planning to get going on things.

If you have the time, I hope you are taking full advantage of this site and are reading some of the posts from Pre-Surgery and Post Surgery. They're so interesting to hear, and I think will give you some peace of mind. Please let us know if you get a date for surgery. We want to be able to follow you through this and I hope there is someone who can post for you and let us know how things are going for you.

This is a really nice group of people who care for each other a great deal.

I don't know if you have discovered the personal stories section. It's a treasure trove of information.
Hi LA Cruiser,
Thank you for responding to my post. I worry about you. This week-end for sure. Tomorrow might be even better.
My prayers and best wishes that everything turns out well for you.
Please stay in touch and let me/us know how you are doing. I'll check this site again tomorrow, and then I'll be out of touch away from my PC for a couple of weeks.
I get to Laguna Beach and Dana Point every now and then.
Take care of yourself. Hope you are feeling better.
Sincere best wishes.
AVR on 4/12/02, Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue Valve
Laguna Beach, Dana Point?

Laguna Beach, Dana Point?

........ Don, that's 'heaven-on-earth!'

Guys, I've got bad news (for me), a potential business deal came up today (Friday noon) and I've got to give it at least a week of my time.

Problem is, at times I'm feeling so close to D Day that I feel like dialing 911.

I really doubt that anyone (in a comparable situation) has gone through the hell I'm going through for the purpose I'm doing it for.

Sometimes I believe that I'm stupid, but I know I'm not, and that there IS purpose on my decisions!

One more prayer for me please.

THX all & God Bless


Hey Cruiser...

Potential life beats potential business deal..sorry my friend...but if your situation is what it seems to be I think prayers might help..but only if you help yourself. I think most everyone here has given you the best advice with great concern.

Hi Cruiser-

I wish you well with your business deal and hope it works out to your advantage. There's is nothing more I can add to what I've said already, re: your heart problems. You're dancing on the edge of a knife, but you know that.

You're a young man and have potentially many more years ahead of you. You're a guy who wants them on your terms.

I wish you all the best and hope that you'll keep us updated.
Hey LA Cruiser...Everyone here is right...you need to get yourself to the ER. You can do the research later...Right now you need to get your heart fixed. It sounds like you are in level3 or better CHF. We all worry, and we don't want to lose a member of our family. PLEASE to the nearest ER PRONTO!


.........is there 'another' level (level3)?

If there is, I got hope!'

If not, here is my farewell page:

THX all! :)
Oh Cruiser-

Quit fooling around and get yourself to the ER and heart surgeon. You're wasting your life which God gave you all because you're scared out of your wits. This website is filled with people who had this surgery and came out way ahead. It's a little pain, and maybe a lot of inconvenience, but you can do it.

Why die when you are able to help yourself. That's silly beyond belief. It won't be like it was when you were little. Things have improved. Progress does happen.

Now do it, and don't be stupid!
....see Nancy,

....see Nancy,

...I told you all I was stupid.

Now you know, at least I'm NOT a liar (I hate liars, --and thieves. 'A thief' stole my $5,000 business 'start-up' funds).

THX 4 the 'confirmation,' for a while I thought I was alone in my assesment. :)

Of course I'm going to have the surgery, 'comming next week-end.

I wish 'I was fooling around', (--then I could stop this nonesense and get operated on), I'm only doing what I have to do. It's not like I'm going to postpone it another two years.

THX all & God Bless
Went on your THX all site and checked it out. So I am not going to beg you or anyone to take care of themselves - we talked to you and big deal - nothing has come of it. So I will just check in to your site every week or so to see if you are dead. God bless
I also checked out your little site, and I think you are stupid. Only a moron, or someone looking for attention would do something like that. Why don't you just tell whoever it is, that you need to go to the doctor and get the damn surgery done? There is NO EXCUSE to put this off like this. AT ALL! the medical world has changed, and when you have heart surgery, they actually take care of you now. You will be in and out of the hospital within days unless you have other medical problems. I was out of the hospital in 4 days. You know how I found out about my heart disease????? I went to the hospital, where they thought I had pneumonia. I ended up lapsing into a coma and five days after I was transferred to a bigger unit and 2 echos later, they figured out what was wrong with me. I was pregnant, and I almost died. But, I respect my life and the fact that I have two kids and a husband that need me. I have a family that loves me and I didn't want to leave that. What is 6 eeks of recovery time vs. dying? get with it, and get to the hospital. Otherwise I am with Hensylee. I hope you take my advise.
THX guys!

THX guys!

I've known you've been 50% right all along.

The biz deal didn't pan out so I'll be turning myself in by the 27th or 29th.

God Bless you all!
GREAT! Cruiser-

Now that you've made your decision, will you let us know when your surgery is going to be? It's hard to imagine that you could just go in and have it done any old time, so let us know the date and is there anyone who can let us all know how you made out?

How are you feeling now that the decision has been made?