Weight gain??

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
I have noticed several folks talking about their surgery have talked about a significant weight gain right after surgery. Is this from fluid build up from the trama to your body? Also do they give prolactic antibotics after surgery? Thanks for your help.
I have noticed several folks talking about their surgery have talked about a significant weight gain right after surgery. Is this from fluid build up from the trama to your body? Also do they give prolactic antibotics after surgery? Thanks for your help.

You're having IV's pumped into you throughout the surgery. I think I gained 12 pounds in a 24 hour period. You receive antibiotics but mine were discontinued before I was discharged.
When I left the hospital I was up by 3 lbs which were fluids from IVs. Then I lost around 8 lbs later as I did not eat well. When my taste buds came back, unfortunately, the lbs came back too since I started eating well, yet I could not exercise as I wished to, and I am still struggling with those extra lbs.
I was up 15 lbs the first time they weighed me post op. Didn't freak out too much as I knew that I had hardly eaten anything. When I left the hospital I was back to the same weight as when I arrived. Still high as I has hardly eaten. About a week later I was down 7 pounds. Phew! Then my taste came back! Back to pre surgery weight now.
I went in at 168#. I weighed 190# the afternoon of the following day. Food was terrible for a long time, 2 months I would guess. At that point I was down to 153#.
Since I have gained all of it back and then some, I weight 10# more than I did before surgery now. But that has been going on 3 years now lol.
I actually lost weight at first and then gained fluid weight rapidly and had to get drained. After that I was back at lost weight. In fact, 3 years later I still weigh less than I did pre-op.
I lost 15 pounds and have gained back just a few, but still don't have a large appetite.

I was kept on antibiotics for 1 week after I got home as precaution.
I gained 10 pounds within a few days after surgery. My RN wife voiced her concerns to the hospital staff about gaining so much weight They down played it. We flew home 5 days after surgery. 24 hours after we arrived home, my wife had to call an ambulance because I could hardly breath.

The cardiologist said I had gone into congestive heart failure because of the fluiid buildup :(:(:(. So much for the weight gain being no big deal. I left the hospital after 9 days. My weight went down to what is was before surgery (183).

I gained about 15 pounds 1 week after surgery, had to get the fluid drained and I was in the ICU for 3 days, not much fun, definitely need to watch your weight carefully after surgery.
I gained about 15 pounds 1 week after surgery, had to get the fluid drained and I was in the ICU for 3 days, not much fun, definitely need to watch your weight carefully after surgery.
My weight didn't really fluctuate right after - luckily I had no issues with fluid buildup or anything. I dropped about 15 lbs within a week or two afterwards - food just didn't appeal to me (being a food nerd, I was brokenhearted).
It crept back up over time.
i gained about 12 pounds,mind you i never lost my apetite and was tucking into my meals the day after,over the next 6 weeks lost it all,