Water question

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Susan BAV

I recently heard that drinking [clean] tap water is better/healthier than bottled or filtered water because it still has its minerals. Makes sense, if it's true. Do you know or have you an opinion about it? Thanks.
I don't think there is any point in drinking city water from the tap....but I have heard that drinking private well water can be beneficial due to the natural mineral content. Our well water has alot of iron but the taste is too harsh for me...fine for cooking. But for drinking, I'll gladly reach for my bottled spring water, thank you.
I did hear that the incident of cavities is going up because children are drinking so much bottled water and there isn't fluoride in it.
I saw a report that people were showing up with magnesium deficiencies. Most bottle water is really distilled and all the minerals are zapped. Also there is no fluoride so tooth decay could be a problem.
Nope....tooth decay is not a problem in children who brush daily and see the dentist regularly, regardless of whether or not drinking water is flouridated.

Lower income families tend to have high levels of tooth decay mainly due to lack of toothpaste and lack of dental care; these families benefit from flouridated water supplies.
Here in Oregon we do not flouridate the water. And let me tell you....our tap water is delicious!! Especially Portlands' from the Bull Run Resevoir. Our kids used flouride rinse and got flouride treatments every 6 months from their pediatric dentists. They are in their 20's and out of how many teeth....times 3, only 4 cavities total.

We use a Brita filter which makes the water taste even better (we're not on Bull Run). I know it filters out the nasty stuff, but I think it leaves the good minerals. Now I'm curious and I'll have to find out!

beside the other points mentioned, I drink bottled water if I am out, but do think about all the bottles I bleive a few cities are already trying to get more people to drink tap water because of all the old bottles
we have all been bamboozled, haven't we? I prefer a bottle of water when away from home, rather than a coke (coke covers all sodas in the south). The sweet drinks make one thirsty. When we dine out, we order water w/lemon wedge. We, too, have much rust and have used a brita since they came out. Water's always the best drink in the house.
Cavities in children i think are because they eat alot of sugars, don't brush their teeth 2/day, and also drink way too much colas/sodas. Tap water has alot of chlorine in it to kill bacteria and alot of bottled water is just city tap water. You need a water that has been purified and ozoned. If you can purify tap water which usually has a good PH to it, then that takes care of bacteria,chlorine,etc. That is what i do.Distilled and RO water if tested usually comes out acid PH. Not good! It might taste good but isn't good for you. Dasiana water (from coca cola) tests acid PH also.
Bottled water is like anything else.....read labels carefully!!!!!:)
Who wants to pay for glorified city water?
The best spring water I've found is made by Labrador, bottled in Quebec.
Thanks for the replies

Thanks for the replies

The magnesium deficiency might be one of the things I'd read/heard about recently. And I have also had worries about the chlorine in the tap water. Recently a large bottled water company revealed that their special water wasn't what people thought; so it is important to research what we are consuming. And one of my sons has decided to try recycling our bottled water empties, which we generate a lot of. (Where we used to live, we recycled everything but we have a dumpster now and the dumpster people here don't want to mess with recycling:( .)

I knew all of you smart people here would have something helpful to share about it. Thanks to all of you again for all of the replies:) !
Another problem with bottled water is the plastic bottles! They tend to outgas toxic chemicals into the water they are holding. Also plastic bottles are not environmentally friendly. They are causing a hazard to the landfills. This is a whole new and lengthy topic to bring up.So really purify your own tap water with a good filter,UV light,etc into your own glass is the best way to go and much cheaper and healthier than the bottled water.


And that comment, Azpam, reminds me of the warnings against covering food with plastic wrap in microwave ovens--again because of the possible toxins. Wax paper is supposed to be safer for that activity.
I have read the EPA reports on all of the contaminants in public and private water systems' tap water (at least those of the systems we've used in the past decade).

Hence, I drink Deer Park spring water (not the tap water "purified" by Coke or Pepsico Corporations).
Susan BAV said:
And that comment, Azpam, reminds me of the warnings against covering food with plastic wrap in microwave ovens--again because of the possible toxins. Wax paper is supposed to be safer for that activity.

and no plastic ware in the microwave.
I recently got an email detailing the dangers of plastic water bottles and such. As usual, I ran it through Snopes.com and found that the email was full of misinformation. In short, tap water is tested rigorously on a regular basis and bottled water is not; frozen or unheated plastic will not impart anything of consequence to its contents; and heating any plastic will cause it to release whatever chemicals it holds, so only heat plastics that are designed to be heated and only in the manner they are designed to be heated. For the full story:
