Vitamin C

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Ross's post on the Vit K and Tomatoes thread sparked this question. His comment was the first time I heard anything about Vit. C effecting Coumadin.

I just started taking a new multi-vitamin and was checking my INR about 3 times a week these past 2 weeks because it had been too low (my dumb mess-up was the cause). So my INR had nicely edged back up to theraputic levels(2.8) and I started the new multi vit. and the next time I took it it had gone back down to 2.5. Could just be a fluke, but I looked on my new vitamins and it said that it had 800 mg of C. Not quite the 1 gram in Ross's post, but close.

I'm just wondering if Al or anyone else has any more info on the Vit. C issue. I may be way over-thinking this, but I'm on the alert now since having a 1.7 INR for about 2 weeks, only to find that Vit. K was somewhat hidden in the new protein bars I'd been eating.

Hi Karylnn

We are both on Ester C and take about 1,000mg. per day....have been for the last umteen years, both pre and post Tyce's AVR last June 2002. Doesn't seem to have made any change in his INR, as he was very steady and in theraputic range except for this summer....he's up, down and every which way. Actually, I'm hoping he's all back to normal as he has been in the normal range for two weeks, WAHOO!!

Al should be on sometime soon and will be more than happy to address this question, I'm sure.

Don't know if that's any help.

There isn't any scientific study to back up the claims that Vit C has any effect on INR. It's just a hunch at this point.

Don't test so frequently. You'll have yourself seesawing back and forth testing like that. There is very little difference between 2.8 and 2.5. Practically none. I can understand that you were out of range on the low side, but testing 2 times in that week would have been plenty. I do hope your not changing dosages each time you test.
Thanks Ross.

I usually don't test more than 1 to 2 times a month. But my cardiologist has had me doing it 3 times a week these last few weeks, just to make sure, now that I found the culprit for my low INR, that I don't jump up too quickly. I don't change my dosage myself. It's an agreement I have with my cardiologist when I got my Coumacheck machine. We discuss it as a team, but she said to go ahead and adjust if it's way off and she doesn't get back to me right away. But that hasn't happened in the year I've had the machine.

Please don't take that as if I were barking at you like a wild dog. I just reread it and I came off the wrong way, sorry.

Just keep in mind the dosage change stuff if they ever try to pull that one on you. I've had some people say that would test 3 times a week and change dosages with each test. You will never get anything accomplished doing it like that. It takes 3 days for a dosage change to show just in case you didn't know that already.
Now that you found you trigger, it should be much easier to deal with. ;)
Ross, no worries. I didn't sense a wild dog at all. I'm so glad for everyone's input. I'll say again that I just love this forum. After 12 years of living in my own little Artificial Valve universe - it's so incredibly wonderful to find "my own kind" out there! I mention INR to my family and friends and I might as well be saying ERA, CIA or FBI. I could tell them I had an INR of 1.7 and they'd say "Oh that's good, dear."

Thanks for your input - always appreciated!

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