Vit. K info

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Hey, gang. I know I don't write much anymore, but I have a question for the "experts."

I have a coworker who recently developed a blood clot that went to her lungs. She is now on coumadin for awhile to reduce the risk of more forming. Needless to say, she's very scared. I don't know her very well, but someone from work told her that I am also on coumadin and her eyes just lit up. I have said I would have no problems getting together with her and help ease her mind about all this. I don't think that she's gotten much info about what foods have Vit. K in them. I have a short list, but I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a good web site I could print out for her to keep. I'm not wanting her to think that she needs to sit and count Vit. K content, but I do want her to be aware of what the general content is, if you know what I mean. Also, she seems to think that because she's on the coumadin, she can no longer eat salads (apparently she loves salads), and I thought I would try to set her strait on that. Any wisdom you can give me to pass on to her would be great. I've only been doing the coumadin thing for a little less than a year now. (Wow, I just realized how close to a year it is!)

Thanks all!
Aye...wish I had a cardiologist gave me a heck of a long list of food with Vitamin K...and their content...

I was told not to change my diet [i.e. I can still eat salads :)]...that they would just adjust the levels of Coumadin around me....not sure if that is true with every doctor, tho...

BTW...good to see you post...I do miss ya....

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
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Thanks Gina for the site. That should be very helpful.

Cort, sorry I don't post much anymore. Guess I'm not as in need of health support right now (though stress support I could use). Fortunately, I have been doing pretty well health-wise since the whole cyst thing happened. Although, I wouldn't doubt it if I was developing an ulcer... ;) And you are right about not changing your diet. That's what I am going to "set her straight" on. ;)

Thanks all!
Hi Niki-

Nice to see you again. My husband has been on Coumadin for 25 years. It is the very least of his medical problems. He goes and gets tested, takes what they tell him to take, and then that's about it until the next test time.

It is important for your friend to know that Coumadin fluctuates a great deal. That is the nature of the medication. Many things can affect it. The reason for the frequent testing is so it doesn't get too far out of line either way.

You really need to eat your veggies for a healthful diet, and the Coumadin will be adjusted accordingly. Just don't go way overboard on the leafy green veggies, but you need some for the vitamins. Try to be as consistent with the veggies you eat. It would probably not be a good idea to drink the "green juice" from the Juice Man juice extractor.

The best website for Coumadin questions is, run by Al Lodwick, who is one of our members who runs a Coumadin clinic. He's an expert on Coumadin.

Here's the link:
have her keep a food diary, it will help if she can't stabilize her levels.

She can eat salads, iceberg lettuce has the least amount of vitamin K, and most of the extras, tomatoes, cucumber (minus the skins) sprouts, green peppers, inside stems of celery, regular onions, I can go on, I got a book called "the coumadin cookbook" which helped me a lot, along with the "sites" that were already mention.

There is also a site by the US dept of agriculture, I printed it out, but it doesn't have the web address on it, I'll check on older post

Thanks everyone

Thanks everyone

I went to see her today. She is doing much better, but is still in the stage where she feels like the coumadin will run her life. I reminded her that eventually she will get where she controls it, rather than the other way around. I took her the 17 page list of vit. K foods from the coumadin site and it made her feel a lot better. I also told her that it was probably a good idea to eat some things with vit K while they are adjusting her so she will be able to eat them when she is stable too. That made her feel better. She's definitely in better spirits than last week.

So here's a question for you all: Have any of you (or people you know) survived a pulminary embolism? When she got online to do a search about it she scared herself because everything that came up was talking about deaths caused by pulminary embolisms. I tried to remind her that she's already survived that part, now it's just making sure it doesn't happen again. But understandably, she's pretty shaken. I gave her Al's site, and told her I'd also ask you guys if you knew of others who had survived pulminary embolisms.

Thanks so much! I'm glad I have you guys!
People do survive pulmonary embolism's if they are caught in time. Mind you, the survival rates are not that good because usually one puts off going to the ER until they are way past anything that will help. It also depends on the size of the clot. If it's huge, there is almost no chance. If it is small, there is a much better chance. I threw a clot during my first heart surgery. They put in a "Greenfield Filter" to stop any clots and hold them until they dissolve. I personally know 2 people who have survived and 1 that passed away. No matter how you look at it, they are nothing to fool with.

She needs to eat what she normally eats. As was said earlier, watch the leafy green and dark green veggies. The body needs Vit K. You won't live without it, so it's best just to continue your normal diet and work with the dosage adjustments.
Thanks Rob

Thanks Rob

That's what I told her. She said she was nervous about going too low while they are still trying to adjust it, but I reminded her that she will get adjusted faster if she doesn't change her diet. I think she's feeling much better about the whole thing, though by no means comfortable yet. It's understandable. I was in her shoes (sort of) just 11 months ago...

Thanks again,


I knew a little gal who threw (according to her MD) 7 clots after having a cast taken off her leg. She was awfully sick, but they got to her soon enough and she made a good recovery. Said her distance walking saved her - lungs were in terrific shape.

I have no idea if she was on coumadin for long - from my current perspective, I would guess so. But it's been at least 15 years since that fiasco and she's going strong; they're VERY careful about certain things, as she apparently is the queen of clots.

You tell your friend that, having survived a pulmonary embolism, her docs will be really careful and she'll do well.
I have survived a pulmonary embolism!

It happened four weeks post op after having a hysterectomy. I had been having abdominal pain and one night I woke with this severe pain shooting through my back. I thought I had turned over and pulled a muscle in my back. I walked around for 5 days with extruciating pain in my back and when I began to cough up blood, I went to the doctor who diagnosed the PE. I was admitted to the hospital, not allowed to get out of bed, and began a heprin drip. I was in the hospital 7 days and the pain was definitely more excruciating than the pain from my heart surgery!!! I took Coumadin for 6 months after the PE. Because of my PE, I am more concerned about another clotting event with my heart valve.

If your friends wants to email me, I would be glad to correspond with her.
You guys are the best!

You guys are the best!

Thank you so much for your help. I know that my friend will very much appreciate it. Al, I've already directed her to your site. I don't know if she's looked at it yet, but I'll tell her what you've told me. I'm so glad I am able to find this information for her.

You know, I think I figured out what my "purpose" for being where I am right now is... As support for people who suddenly have huge health issues to face... Last year it was a coworker who was diagnosed with MS. This year it is this coworker. It's good to know that some benifit can come out of all the mess I've been through...
My friend Bert Marian said it best, "We are either called or sent to where we are needed the most."
What next?!

What next?!

I got an email yesterday that my coworker who had the PE went to the ER because of gallstones, and now has to have her gall bladder removed next week. The poor thing is scared to death because of the coumadin. I plan to try to visit her this afternoon if I'm feeling up to it.

Just wanted to update you and get some prayers started for her.
Vegitable oil

Vegitable oil

I have tried to find out if there was anything on Vitamin K in vegitable oil. Could someone find out for me? Thanks!

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