visits to the dentist

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alpha 1

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
i know that i had seen some info on going to the dentist on here before but cant seem to find it. anyway the dentist called in amoxicillin about 2000 mgs because adam has a hole in a tooth and needs a fillling. my questions are is 2000 mgs one hour before the procedure enough, should you have to take any afterwards, and what about if you have to get a tooth pulled, would it be enough for that? hopefully he will be able to fix it, it looks like a hole in a filling that is there already, i am really scared, like we havent been through enough already. not to mention that he needs wisdom teeth pulled. i am not even thinking about that right now. please let me know what you guys have experienced with dental situations. and is the penicillin group what they mainly use. thank you all.
alpha 1
2000 mgs is the usual dose taken 1 hour before the procedure. It is no longer deemed necessary to take any after. In fact, some are questioning whether antibiotics are even needed anymore for some procedures but I am unwilling to take any chances.

Of course, you want to keep watch for any signs of infection but he should be fine with this course.
2000 mg 1 hr before dental visit isthe standard pre med. They used to add 1000mg after the visit but that was discontinued some time ago. I have had extractions, root canal, crowns and cleanings using only the standard 2000mg pre med.
For people with valve disease, prophylactic antibiotics are still important before dental procedures that include work below the gum line. I prefer to take it any time my dentist is going to put sharp metal instruments in my mouth and he does too.
For people with valve disease, prophylactic antibiotics are still important before dental procedures that include work below the gum line. I prefer to take it any time my dentist is going to put sharp metal instruments in my mouth and he does too.
Actually the AHA no longer recommends pre-dental antibiotics for those with valve disease unless they have artificial valves or a history of IE. There are a few other situations in which they feel the risks of antibiotics are warranted:

I bring this up only because I would hate for someone who has been told they don't need antibiotics to be concerned.

Of course, you might still have a conservative cardiologist or dentist who do not subscribe to the new thinking and I am sure it will take some time to become routine.
That is a really good article, thank you. I dont know what the risks are, but
with an artificial valve, I do think it is a good idea, because it does say that all of those with artificial valves should take it. I suppose that the mega dose ahead of time is enough. it probibly stays in the system for awhile. we have been through so much, so i worry about everything. dont know what i am going to do when we have to get those wisdom teeth out, but im not going to think about it now.
alpha 1
Talk to your cardio and dentist for the wisdom teeth. It might be indicated for Adam to take a 5 day regimen of antibiotics until the incisions are healed.
I'm a little surprised your doctors are permitting a dental visit now. Wasn't Adam's surgery about 4 months ago? My dentist and surgeon were firm I should not be at the dental office until six months post op.

They and my cardio all agree I should always take 2000 mg amoxicillan before every visit.

(Bovine Tissue Valve)
I'm a little surprised your doctors are permitting a dental visit now. Wasn't Adam's surgery about 4 months ago? My dentist and surgeon were firm I should not be at the dental office until six months post op.

They and my cardio all agree I should always take 2000 mg amoxicillan before every visit.

(Bovine Tissue Valve)

My experience matches yours except that I have a porcine valve.
Mechanical valve for me and having a root canal done tomorrow (Monday) and I'll be taking my 2000mg of antibiotics 1 hour before I leave.
Not to worry, everything should be just fine.
Hi--I get a shot of gentamycin(sp) 1 hour before seeing the dentist and I take 1000 mgs of cipro(I am allergic to penicillin) also. The original valve damage I had was from endocarditis caused by a dental procedure so my cardiologist is very conservative. I don't mind though, it keeps me from worrying about it. I have a porcine valve.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth successfully pulled (many years ago) about four months after my first heart surgery and I was given lots of antibiotics at that time. Hoping all goes well for Adam.