Valve Leaking/ Heart Cath,Keep praying

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Just wanted to let you know that heart cath was done. No blockage in arteries, they look good. Tricuspid valve will have to rechecked in 3 weeks, due to regurgitaion. Plumonary hypertension has gotten worse. The mechanical mitral valve that was replaced has some leakage, (mild). Heart is very weak due to heart failure. Ejection Fraction is 58? Can't actually remember number. Dr said I was just dealt a bad hand at birth with the congential defects. Boy if I could get a new heart I would be standing in line at the hospital. Not that easy. I have been soul searching and asking God for strength each day. He is in control. NOT ME. Continue to pray for me and my family.
we, too, will ask God for help. I know your life is difficult. I pray you will live long and be able to see Jason grow up, have children that you will also see grow up. I pray for strength for you each day. Blessins....
My imagination just isn't big enough to encompass all that you have to deal with. My "heart" goes out to you along with lots and lots of prayers.

You have mine too Mary....

You have mine too Mary....

Your in my prayers and thoughts as you go through this next hurdle in the road.....(((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))) from Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
Did I understand you correctly, are they doing another cath on you in three weeks? Do you know why? What are they looking for; what are they waiting for? Is there another safer procedure or test they can do? Very sorry to read what you're going through, Mary.
You may want to find a Specialist in Pulmonary Hypertension.

Ask NANCY for more information on dealing with P.H.
She is our resident EXPERT and can point you in the right direction.

'AL Capshaw'
I am having an echo done in 3 weeks. Sorry I didn't put that in correctly. They are watching the tricuspid valve. Al, would I have to be referred to a pulmonary specialist or can I go myself?

Neither Dr. has suggested that. I feel like I am in a huge waiting room, waiting for something to explode. Probably sounds crazy. So I just sit and wait for the next mountain to climb.

Susan, they are just watching the leaking valve to see if it gets worse. This is how the mitral valve started. It began with a pin hole. 3 months later it was size of quarter, by the time they did surgery. I didn't have long to live.

I was swollen twice my side. My feet were like balloons, my eyes lids were hid and my face was a bubble. So I am very worried about my heart and the pulmonary hypertension, and the tricuspid valve and having the strength to go on each and every day.

I will try to post as much as I can. When I am not so tired. Thank you all for your prayers.
I think I could sleep a whole month!! I am absoutely worn out. My body needs a good healing. I can't do my daily housework Even washing dishes requires a 5 min. break.

I have been getting more congested (heart failure) I wheeze more even tho I use the nebulizer treatments. I have been using more Percocet along with Tylenol 3 for the pain because it isn't getting better. I have had to use Nirtro just to ease the pain also.

I am glad that Justin is able to take of himself and I rely on him to run my errands when his dad is working. I try to move about even tho I don't feel like it, because I don't want to get to where I won't be able to walk.

I feel bad that I can't get my spring cleaning done and even taking the puppy out for a potty break, going up and down the steps, exhausts me. I move around like a snail and wish that I could feel better. I miss getting outside and walking, it was one of my favorite things to do.

Please keep sending out those prayers for us. I must go now and rest, just posting this update requires a short nap. I am very tired.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Waiting to be mended like a potter would mend a broken vase" ... Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers ... 'Broken Lady'


The past few days I have been reading alot of the reports that I got from the Dr. There is a slight change of ischemia up 20% in the inferior wall in the mid ventricle. The Left Atrium is enlarged severely.

Pulmonary Artery is severley dilated The Trunk and (the right and Left both dilated) There is pulmonary hypertension, CHF, and the ascending Aorta is 35mm. I don't know exatly that is. If someone hear does, would you let me know?

Would the valve regurgitation be causing the enlarged Atrium? The Dr. Is now watching the Aorta along with the tricuspid. I wasn't very informed about the mitral valve, when I had to have a replacement. Here at VR is where I learned and got the best information.

The fatigue and chest pressure is a daily thing. It gets very stressful. And sometimes discouraging. But I am trusting in God to get me thru. So if anyone has any information please let me know. Thank you.

Thank you for your encouraging words. I appriecate them. May God Bless you and my VR family.
You are a survivor. You've been through so much. It's a real testament to the strong person you must surely be. I hope all the prayers of those of us in your vr family help lift the burden from you. You're not alone. Let us carry you for a while.
God Bless,
I am not feeling any better. I am asking you to keep praying. I am so tired. I have just gave up. The heart is severely enlarged and not getting smaller. The pulmonary artery is still dilated and the left atrium is huge. And I'm so sad. Why can't I get better? Why so much pain and distress?
*Mary, I feel so sad for you, and wish there was something I could do to help. PLEASE dont give up....I will pray for you ''TODAY AND EVERY DAY'' until you are feeling better. )))))) HUGS ((((( ...PRAYERS ......Jacqui.
My best wishes still going your way. Hang in there and don't give up. As I recall, you are going for another echo in a couple of weeks. In the interim, if you are feeling worse, maybe you should call and see if you should see someone sooner.