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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
I've mentioned some of my daily status in random posts, but I thought I update everyone on where I'm at. I'll try to make the info helpful so I don't sound too self-centered. :)

I'm now 6.5 days out from surgery and feel pretty good overall. I got lucky in many ways this first week, avoiding a-fib completely, apparently avoiding any excess fluids, and many of the common complications others have faced.

I've been using the spirometer about 6 times/day, adding about 100-200ml each day. I'm up to 2100ml, which seems pretty good. I occassionally have to cough, but the coughing pain is not too bad. Actually, burping pain is probably worst, especially if one pops out unexpectedly. I should probably drink fewer carbonated drinks. I've not sneezed yet and pray I never will.

My problems with gas and IBS continue although I've been cleared to take Gas-X which helps. I'll have nausea too on occassion, usually in the morning, although my nurse today said it was probably from taking vicidiin overnight on an empty stomach. I ate a couple crackers and felt immediately better, so she earned her salary for today. The nausea/gas tends to increase my HR which has been running a little high, 90-110bpm, sometimes 120bpm. This morning it was 119 before-crackers and 105-after-crackers 10 minutes later. My surgeon's nurse also gave me a script for reglan/metoclopramide which she thinks will reduce the stress in my digestive system, but we'll see if it helps. The IBS bothers me less than the affect it has on my HR. It also raises my BP a little, but in general it's stayed below 125/85.

I'm on 50mg of lopressor 2x day, so not sure why my HR hasn't come down more.

My scar has healed fairly well but it's still puffy and red along the top 2-inches. The scar is exactly 8-inches in total and except for the top and bottom is barely visible if your standing more than a few feet away. Whomever cut me open did a very clean job, even getting the cut in an almost perfectly straight line.

I saw the visiting nurse today, as I mentioned earlier and she checked my INR on her portable tester. Come out perfect at 2.5. My surgeon's nurse says Dr. Hiratzka usually keeps annuplasty patients on coumadin for 6 weeks, so hopefully I can avoid the INR problems in the remaining 5 weeks. I'm taking 2.5mg of wayfarin daily and they've kept me at that level consistently.

The nurse also noticed I have a skin rash around my stomach area. I don't know if it's from the stuff I've washed with or from the medications. I saw that lopressor can cause skin rashes but I never had that problem with metoprolol or toprol, so I don't think it's the lopressor. Anyone else have rash problems a week out?

I'm still taking vicidin every 4-5 hours. Pain never gets too bad, and it's mainly centered around the back of my neck down to the shoulder blades. The side of my neck is still swore and swollen but it's gradually improving. The only "chest" pain I have is the top 2 inches of the incision. Otherwise nothing on my front side hurts at all, not even around where the chest tubes were.

I think I'm finally over the extreme drowsiness from the anesthesia. I can stay awake for most of the day now. The past couple days I've taken lorazepam/ativivan at night to help my relax well enough to sleep for more than 1 hr at a time. I'm starting to have dreams again which is a good sign.

My goal is to be on tylenol only by the end of this week and have all my vitals down to more normal levels. I said a few weeks ago I'd do my best to give VR.com's future OHS patients positive reassurances, and I'll keep trying to do my best! :D
I'll try to make the info helpful so I don't sound too self-centered. :):D

just a week ago, you had your chest cut open and some dude in a mask was
elbows deep in your innards. it's ok to be self-centered.
hiya bill seems as though your doing greeaaaaaaattttttttt,i have ibs and was also worried how it would be after,dont know about you but there was trying to ram lactose down me 2 days after op eecckkkkkkk,i said no way that will just set my ibs of the last thing i needed 2 days after my op lol,anyway there didnt and i was fine,so glad that your doing well,you seem to have the same aches and pains most do,take it easy my friend and carry on the good work.......neil
You sound like you are doing really good. One thing my doctor had me on when I came home was pepcid. It really helped w/the nausea. Are you on anything like that? Best of luck to you.
Thanks everyone! One of my dozen prescriptions is pepcid, but with me adding Gas-X and the nurse adding reglan, the former may be redundant. I've never heard of reglan before but from what I understand it's ideal for IBS patients because it smoothes out the muscle spasms and let's the food digest more evenly. This should reduce the fullness effect I get everytime I eat a small meal, preventing me from eating enough quantity. It should also reduce abdominal gas pain which tends to be the main thing keeping me awake at night (OHS? What OHS?). The digestive system problems definitely stress my heart as my HR goes up 10-20bpm any time my stomach starts churning. For those with IBS, make sure you discuss with your surgeon what special treatment you'll get because in addition to the discomfort you don't want your stomach and intenstines putting unnecessary load on your recuperating heart. Anyway, I took a dose of reglan before bed last night and it definitely seemed to help settle my insides down and let me sleep (got a good 8 hrs of sleep last night!).

I used my heating pad for the first time last night and it made a big difference. With enough heat to my sore neck/back, the remaining soreness the vicidin left me with goes away completely. For awhile last night I couldn't tell I had anything wrong with me. For those about to get surgery, you might check to see if you can bring your own or borrow the hospital's heating pad. It might help make that uncomfortable bed a little more comfortable.
Hi Bill! Thanks for the report. I'm...let me see...10 days post-op from mitral valve repair w/ ring and just started to feel human again the past couple days...what a relief it is. Anyway, just wanted to wish you well and thank you for the post....it's nice to see where other's are in the recovery phase too. Makes you feel connected during a VERY disconnected time. Take care, Dee
Just general updates on my status for today (Wed)....

Still feeling pretty good overall 8 days post-op. All surgery pain is in my very stiff neck and upper back. This is very similar to back pain I've had in the past, so it's not a new experience. Vicodin mostly gets rid of it, and a heating pad helps when I'm sitting. It would probably be helpful to standup and move around more but it's almost impossible to stand up straight, so walking around probably just makes it worse.

The side of my neck where the IV was is mostly healed and doesn't hurt much. I can turn my head left/right but still hurts up/down from the shoulder pain. It hurts to swallow looking up, so I usually just pour out that last sip in my soda can.

My sinuses have been acting up a bit, I think unrelated to the surgery and due to the weather. The sinus pressure is another thing making it hard to focus. I find myself needing to rest my eyes every few hours, even though I'm much less drowsy than a few days back. I still have 1-2 occurences daily of migraine auras (scintillating scotoma mostly), probably in part because of the sinus pressure.

Nausea is better but I'm careful now to avoid vicidin on an empty stomach. I'm reluctant to eat too much though with my IBS, but I feel like I'm eating ok. Nevertheless, my weight has dropped about 7 lbs since Friday to 201. I had some chinese food today, being careful to avoid the onions, and my stomach hasn't complained.

My sleeping schedule appears to be hopelessly messed up as I can't seem to fall asleep before 3am. And the past several nights I've ended up using a lorazepam/ativan to fall asleep. Don't want to make that a habit though. However, the lorazepam helps a lot -- other than spending a few minutes taking my 9am medicine, I slept from about 3am to 1pm today. Felt great, but tomorrow the nurse will stop by in the morning to ruin my slumber.

While showering had a little bit of bleeding/oozing from one of my chest tube holes, but it seemed to stop around 30 mins. I seemed to be permanently stained with than betadine on my chest, though I've cleaned it off of everywhere else. I'll talk to the nurse tomorrow about that stuff and the rash that seems to also remain on my chest.

Kind of a boring update, which is probably good news. So far, everything has progressed very well. My HR is still 90-100bpm most of the day, which concerns me, but the BP is down to about 115/75, so at least the beats are "softer". My lung capacity is very good according to the spirometer, now hitting 2300ml.
Another quick update for those at home following along...

I'm about 10 days out from surgery and feel better than ever. No complications, and since coming home nausea has been the only issue I've had to deal with. Pain in my chest is almost non-existent -- it's all still in my back and neck -- and I have pretty good mobility in my arms; though I'm not supposed to lift them above my head it doesn't hurt at all to do so. Coughing is almost painless, though I don't want to find out what a sneeze feels like.

The visiting nurse found my INR to be at 1.6 yesterday so they upped my coumadin from 2.5/day to 5.0/2.5 alternating.

I still have nausea that comes and goes. I had a Healthy Choice Beef Pot Roast Soup bowl yesterday that tasted great but was probably a little too much volume and a little too strong for my stomach and I had to struggle a little to keep it down for a few hours. I've managed to keep everything down so far. I think my biggest problem is not getting up and moving around enough -- the food never digests as well if I'm sitting/laying down most of the day.

My HR is finally coming down to the 70-80's, thanks to the lopressor. Meanwhile my BP is still fine at 105/75. The nurse yesterday says my heart sounds great. I have an appt with my surgeon on Thursday and I hope he gets me off of some of the meds I'm taking and reduces my lopressor dosage or moves me back to Toprol. Either way, I should be off at least half of my meds by the end of next week.

The nurse recommended I get Benedryl for the rash on my chest. The rash has slowly been fading but still itches a little. The rash ends very evenly on my sides which makes me think it's from the betadine or something they put on my for the op that hasn't fully washed off. Has anyone else dealt with a post-op rash that lingered for over a week?
Another quick update since not much new has been happening. I'm now 13 days post-op and continue to feel a little better each day. I switched to 1 vicodin/4hr over the weekend, and today 2 tylenol every 4+ hrs. The pills are just for my shoulder/neck/back pain and a headache that often goes with it. My incision area is a little tender but otherwise completely painless. I have vague memories of the pain from the chest tubes but essentially my only pain this whole time has been back pain, not much different from what I've experienced for years.

The at-home nurse stopped by today to check my INR. I fell back down to 1.5, so they're raising my coumadin to 5mg/day and they'll check again on Thursday morning when I get to see my surgeon again, returning from vacation.

I had a little nausea over the weekend but I realized that it was mainly due to motion sickness while watching the Master's golf tourney. I have a terrible time with motion sickness normally but with my eyes being tired all the time, trying to follow the white ball around the screen probably made the dizziness worse. Still, it was worth it -- it was probably the best Master's I've ever seen.

My vitals are all good. My breathing is still good (spirometer reaches 2500ml). Appetite is normal, although I'm still losing a pound here and there. I'm still sleeping in the recliner/liftchair but I can easily pull myself in and out of the bed if I wanted to sleep there. Sleeping on my side in bed is still a little uncomfortable because of the stiffness in the back (but no pain in the chest).
Just a note to say a "thank you" to you Bil.

My husband is 5 days post-op and they plan on releasing him from hospital tomorrow.

It's helpful to know what you folk newly post-op go through.