update. . . positive one

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
hey guys,

I figure that I post alot when I am down, so I'd post something positive for a change. . .

Ironically, I had a really crappy day heart wise, almost to the point of an ER visit, but that was besides the point. I was in an amazing mood, has the best day at work (respiratory) then I get to my phone, and my counselor returned my call, so I ended up getting the appointment I wanted with her, I told her that I needed to go see an electrophysiologist and she told me that she knows that this isnt anxiety. we talked alot about my mother not agreeing with me seeing the electrophysiologist because she thinks I am "looking for someone to cut me" literally she told me "if you see enough doctors, someone will cut you open" my counsellor just hit a bunch of positive notes, and understood exactly how I felt, and we talked about some resolutions for this. I really moved forwards during this appt, especially considering how nervous I am about the EP appt.

so, I get out of the counsellors office, and my cardio's nurse had called and left a really great message about how glad she was that I got an appt with the EP, and that she was covering some ground on me getting my wisdom teeth out, and talking to the oral surgeon's office. I called her back because I had updated the EP appt to a closer date, I wanted to let her know, we talked a long time about how she knew I was really frustrated, and how she felt frustrated for me that there wasnt much she could do, she agreed that Dr Yeager is very conservative, and she knew how frustrated I was getting with not moving foreward because she knew how much of an issue these symptoms were for me, and I was nervous that they were going to be offended that I was getting another opinion. anyways we are going to meet the 15th after the appt to talk about the appt afterwards. this phone call just made my day I couldnt help but beam the rest of the day.

then I went back to work in the kitchen, and the scheduling person worked with me on the schedule, which made me feel imporntant, the shift there just went great, even though I wasnt feeling well, we got through it

anyways, I just wanted to give a positive, up beat update, I'll post more after my EP appointment
I'm glad you are following through and seeing the EP. I know you have been frustrated and this is a way of getting the information you need. I think you are learning too that you can have really good days mentally even if you are having a bad physical day. It is rare that a person learns that and being able to do that will serve you well your entire life.
Hi Morgan, Glad to hear you are getting some help and acknowledgment! Thanks for sharing your happiness, and success! All the best, Brian Mc