Update on Joe

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Hi Nancy

So glad to hear Joe is doing well.....my primary reason for checking in this morning is you/Joe and Rossman/Chris.

You best know your motto: NEVER GIVE IN AND NEVER GIVE UP.

Angry? Anger can be good for the soul when you get the results you want, and I know you won't stop until you do.

Will keep checking in.

when my brother was discharged to a nursing home instead of the assisted living home where he had lived for about 4 yrs, the hospital was very helpful in getting as close to me as possible - which was 20 miles away. They had wanted to put him in one in Pensacola, meaning a drive of 80 miles each way but I nixed that quickly. If I had been able to think well, I would have gone to our own right here in town and talked to the administrator personally. Sometimes they MAKE room. Think about it. Wouldn't hurt.


How are things going? I do hope that Joe will be in Rehab near you. I know that Winter for you is not that far away.. and I know that the roads will be bad soon...Let us hear. bonnie
What happened to the "Good Care" he received after your meeting with the Patient Representative?

It sounds like you need reinforcements!

Are his Doctors aware of the Exit Plan?

Maybe it's time to bring the Patient Representative back...
or the Director of the Hospital.


'AL Capshaw'
Nancy -

Nancy -

I'm happy to hear that Joe is doing so much better, but sorry that you are having such difficulty with his rehab placement options.

Keep your chin up and don't give in - YOU (Joe) are the patient - the medical establishment is there to care for us but these days we have to be our own best advocate when it comes to getting the right care.

Hope all is moving ahead as you would like and Joe is continuing to improve.

Christina L
Joe is in a regular room and making excellent progress. He is eating and will graduate from purees to more normal foods tomorrow. He is talking and they have him up and walking a little. He has an occupational therapist and speech therapist (who is mainly there to monitor hs swallowing issues, she's a real doll of a gal).

His heart is good. His headache is gone which means to me that the brain swelling has subsided.

The care on the regular floor has been very good.

I had a meeting with the ICU manager and a couple of others today and we went over all the issues. It was a good meeting and I hope, constructive for them.

The continuing care is still problematic. Joe needs a dialysis slot and a rehab slot, and no one here offers both under one roof. So the discharge planner is having a very difficult time trying to get it coordinated. There are waiting lists for each of those things.

The only facility which offered both was the far away facility. I have enlisted the help of Joe's Internist and he did help some. I also presented the discharge planner with the inspection summary of Green Manor Nursing Home in the Catskills. I was appalled. There were numeous violations, some of them egregious, things like not doing background checks on personnel, not giving proper meds, not giving ordered care at a professional level, theft of personal property, patient abuse and mistreatment, patient's worsening conditions, depression, failure to properly care for residents needing special services, including: injections, colostomy, ureostomy, ileostomy, tracheostomy care, tracheal suctioning, respiratory care, foot care, and prostheses. etc. It read like your worst fears about a nursing home. There were 24 violations, many of them at level four which is the most harm to patients.

It is an absolutely HORRIBLE place.

He will NEVER go there.

So we are waiting for a final plan, and I am standing very, very firm.

The most important thing is that he is getting better.
What great news Nancy! So glad to know that Joe has won this latest health struggle. Many prayers will continue to be sent your way. I hope the rehab & dialysis gets worked out soon. How lucky Joe is to have you!!!
Joe is certainly very lucky to have you to watch over him. We all shudder to think what would be going on otherwise.

So very glad to hear he is so much better. I am sure that gives you the time to find the right facility to keep him on this track.

God bless you both.

I am so glad to hear Joe is doing well and needs to move out of the hospital. I hope you can find that one roof you seek.

I have had wonderful experiences on two occasions working with aplaceformom.com. Until your last post I wasn't sure their services were appropriate, but since you mentioned "nursing home" I think you should definitely give it a shot.

Aplaceformom.com is a free service (the facilities pay) that can advise, based on one's specific needs as detailed on your completion of their on-line form, what facilities might be appropriate. After filling out the form you will be called, in my experience, within 24 hours. They often know the facilities intimately and can tell you details like: what insurance is accepted, what services are available, etc.

On both occasions when I used the service (to find a place for my MIL) I was seeking retirement living with available assisted living, but they did offer assistance finding facilities with more services. I cannot attest to their success with those facilities, but they sure saved us a lot of effort.

It's worth a shot. You will only get phone calls from Aplaceformom until you consent to be contacted directly by the facilities and they quit calling when asked to. I hope it helps.
Nancy. I'm so glad that Joe is improving. You have been amazing. Stay stalwart and true.....you'll get there!

Best wishes. Marguerite

HOORAY for you & Joe!!!!!!!!!!

And I can't believe a hospital would be trying to send a patient to a facility like you describe. Don't they EVER check out latest inspections on nursing facilities?

A former neighbor was a social worker (M.S.W.) for the state of Texas, health department. She inspected -- voila! -- nursing homes. Wife of one of my co-workers was an R.N., worked with Glenda. I heard some pretty horrible stories, particularly when they shut down nursing homes and had to move patients/residents to other facilities. Lots of long hours during those shutdowns.
Guess it's asking far too much for hospitals to get latest inspection results of the nursing facilities they refer discharges to????

I agree with you for sure. I don't think the discharge planner ever looked at inspections or would even consider them as anything viable when recommending placements. Her main focus, at least at this hospital, is to get him out of there asap, no matter what or where. It stinks, big time.

I did find out that some nursing homes market to hospitals, probably no surprise. I would wonder why a facility which is so remote from where we are located found the need to market to distant hospitals. Most good nursing/rehab places are filled up with waiting lists.

My guess is that this place has been in their local newspaper too many times, and may be having a hard time getting local referrals.

Or, maybe, someone is getting a kickback or other perks. It is not something I like to dwell on, but the situation begs this kind of thinking.

At any rate, he is almost at the point that he might be able to come home with outpatient rehab, or in home rehab which we have had in the past.

If they can get him walking a fair distance with a walker and get him so he can manuever stairs, it is a remote possibility. I have taken care of him in pretty bad shape. Then getting a dialysis slot would be the only problem

The ideal would be short term placement for in house rehab. So I am hoping for that first and foremost.

He still has infections going on, and other medical problems, so is not ready for discharge. And they have to make sure the restarting of Coumadin will not cause brain bleeding.
Hi Nanc

Soooo glad to hear Joe is doing much better. Everything else will fall into place, and probably the very best place he could be is home with you taking over his care. I'm sure that is his feeling, too.

You are truly my idol, girlfriend.......you NEVER GIVE IN AND NEVER GIVE UP where your Joe is concerned.

Give him our best.

Well, I finally got a decent proposal from the social worker for both dialysis and a rehab/skilled nursing care facility. This facility had only one minor violation, as opposed to 24 major ones. I told this man that the other place was a pit and that they should never send anyone there.

Perhaps progress is being made.
Nancy..So happy for you..Is the facility near you?I also wanted to ask. how many days a week does Joe need dialysis?I have a few friends that have it 3 days a week..Have they told you how long he may need it?.....You take care of yourself. Bonnie


Nancy, You really are an inspiration! I know you are alert to the works of the dark side, but stay vigilant! Those discharge folks are just trying to get him out. Wishing you both all the best, (Though Joe already has you, and there isn't anyone better!) Brian
The rehab/dialysis proposal is only a proposal right now, but it looks promising. Both dialysis and the rehab place are close to each other, and both are about 20 minutes or so away from where we are. And the dialysis place is close enough to go there after he gets out of rehab. It sounds good to me. So I hope and pray that it will work out.

Joe will need dialysis three days a week. I believe he will need this for the rest of his life. There was some discussion about discontinuing it after his kidneys recovered, if they can. But the last word from the renal doc was that it would probably be for life.

One good thing about dialysis is that he will be able to tolerate a normal low sodium diet. The renal docs allow 2000mg per day. Joe has been on 500mg per day for a long time. So it will be a treat for him.
I pray they are wrong and he won't require it for life. Then again, I'm sure he would like some tasty food too, so........

You know what I mean though.


I am happy to hear that Joe is doing better. I will continue to pray. Every morning at school we have a moment of silence and I have been saying a prayer for Joe.