update, its been awhile since i posted

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
Newport News, virginia
Hello everyone,
Its been awhile since i posted, as it has been one thing after another since my surgery on feb 11th. I had to go back in the hospital the 2nd week after they sent me home as they gave me too many blood pressure pills and my blood pressure plummeted. Then the holes where the drain tubes were became infected, but they are all better now and healed up really nice. I started sweeling really bad the 2nd and 3rd week after surgery, but the doctor said it was normal and put me on lasix, but my swelling has gone away and i have lost about 22 lbs since the surgery. My blood levels with the coumadin have been in the range they are suposse to be these past 2 and half weeks thank god. The only major problem i have now it, i cry at the drop of hat , i cry about 5-8 times a day and then i start getting the shakes and i feel like i cant handle things. I forget things really easily now. Ive always been on an antidepressant but the doctor double up on those and she gave me some anti anxiety medicine. the doctor said my body has been through so much that this depression and anxiety is normal and it will eventually get better. she said it also has to do the with fact that i was a
smoker for 27 years and i have quit and im having major withdrawal symptoms.
I started driving now and it feels good to get out of the house. Now that im walking everyday and getting out of the house and exericising a little bit im starting to feel a little back to my old self. I am a little sore in the sternum at night, but its nothing bad. I will say that i did not know how sick i was until i had the heart valve replaced. After surgery, the doctor told my mom that he replaced the valve just in time, because i couldnt have gone on much longer with out the surgery.

The doctor said i could start back to work on light duty around the 14th of april and im looking forward to it actually, im getting tired of being in the house. I feel so good these days that im ready to just go go go , but i know i still have to take it easy. At first i thought id never get better, but since a few weeks have gone by and ive healed up some, i feel great.
The only problem is my blood pressure always seems to get high in the evenings and they strengthened my blood pressure pills and it has seemed to help.
I just wanted to say hi and update everyone as is been while since ive felt like getting on the computer
Hi Sarah?..Sounds like you are on the fast track now?.It is not unusual to have a few bump in the road?..Many people here have experienced the blues?crying?.it will get better?..CONGRATS on giving up the cigs?.a major accomplishment!!!!.....Keep up the good recovery!!!!
Susan...Sounds like you've really turned the corner in your recovery, congrats ! I quit smoking 10 years ago, I was a 17 year pack to pack-and-a-half Marlboro Reds kinda guy. Certainly one of the hardest things I've done. Stay strong and be proud, you've accomplished an awful lot !
Wow, Sarah, sounds like you've been through a lot. Reminds me of my saga in some ways. It is amazing to realize just how sick we were, the changes being so subtle and slow pre-op and then when you feel better finally it is soooo nice!

My emotions have leveled off now too finally. I suspect it's a combination of things, the post-op equivalent of post traumatic stress disorder as we come to terms with the severity of what we survived along with all the chemical imbalances in our bodies.

I don't know about your antidepressent, but mine is Effexor and it mucks with my INR levels. If I take more Effexor I have to take more Coumadin. No real problems, just a dosage adjustment to keep in mind for me. I mention it only if it applies to you. I've managed of late to drop back to a minimum dosage of Effexor but then the opposite happened and I had to decrease Coumadin.

I think you'll enjoy your return to work, to normalcy, to victory over your obstacles!

Thanks for the update. Sometimes it take awhile, and there's a few bumps, but it sounds like you've made a break through and your recovery is well underway. Best wishes continue....
It's good to see you posting. Looks like everything is looking up for you other than the depression. In my case it went away but peeks it's ugly head now and again. I am sure the smoking has a lot to do with it but good job for quitting. Remember some days are better than others.
sounds like you're getting over it all, I agree with what everyone's said about the depression and the smoking - I too am on effexor, for life, and upped it a little before going in to hospital in September; I am hoping to drop it back to my old dose soon, so thanks Ruth for the heads-up re warfarin. I got the cigs down to 3 or 4 a day pre-op, but could not stop entirely, there was a lot else going on in my life.

Anyway, I think you sound like you are getting over the worst of it, spring is in the air here, and that should help, when you can get out and aboaut, it always seems to help .... but having said that, be nice to yourself, if you feel tired, take a nap . . . don't overdo it!

Take care, Sarah, and post again soon !
Your body went through major trauma and all of your hormones and such are all messed up and resetting. It takes time. Each day gets a little better. Keep up the good work.
Hi Sarah

So sorry I haven't called, but I can't find your number.....it's on one of my million little pieces of paper somewhere.....and I haven't been on the list too much. So glad you're feeling better and are driving again. I'm glad everything worked out with your warfarin.....you know I was worried.

PM me with your number again, and maybe we can do lunch when we get down to your neck of the woods again.

Sarah, you will get through this!!
I also had the low BP, infected incision, sadness, anxiety, etc.
My doc offered me Effexor and I filled the Rx but never took it. I was very afraid of taking more meds. The BP meds were enough of a challenge for me! When my BP would get too high around dinner time I would break a pill and take a very small dose to get me through until the night time pill. I did this with my docs permission and I have a BP monitor at home to keep track.
Best wishes for smoother days ahead....
Remind yourself daily that cigarettes are not part of your life anymore.:)
Sarah, sorry you have been through such a really bad time, glad to see things are getting better. I hope you are feeling better emotionaly soon too, sending my best wishes, take care.
I did get out today. I went out to the the country to mymothers about 35 mins away to visit her and have dinner. it did help but i had a few crying spells. I think it also has to do with the fact that my mom stayed with me these past 5 weeks and she went home yesturday and i leaned on her so much for support that when she went home yesturday it hit me that i was on my own with the kids again and everyday things.. Because ive been crying worse since she left. i feel like a big baby.

I do hope this crying and anxiety gets better soon and im so tired of crying on and off all day and feeling like i cant handle things. I know the doctor said it was normal as my body gets back to normal i justwish they would tell you these things to prepare you for what you will go through during recovery.

This has been one of the hardest things ive been through and i feel like my emotions are just out of whack. Im trying to get out of the house everyday because its seems like the more i stay home the worse the crying and anxiety become. In the beginning i didnt know this was normal and i thought i was loosing my mind. My kids are being a real big help emotionally for me so that helps.

I think im just ready for things finally get back to normal. ive been sick for long that im ready to start living life again. I have a new found appreciation for life now, and my family. The surgery has definitly changed how i value life now.
To Sarah L

To Sarah L

Hi Sarah,

I too,had valve replacement on Feb 11th. Had complications with enfusion,fluid in lungs ect. I am just starting to feel better. Unlike you though I have not started driving yet. I still have some enfusion, and will be going for another echo April 4th to see what the status is.

I have had alot of mood swings ,and crying spells. I believe this is a normal response to the trauma of the surgery, the meds, ect. You are doing the right thing by getting out of the house. You also stated you have a new-found appreciation for life, and your family. You are anxious to get better! You sound very normal to me! NO YOU ARE NOT LOOSING YOUR MIND!!

Hang in there Sarah! I promise it is going to get better.

Best wishes, Kathy


Hi Sarah
Soooooooo very good to hear how well you are doing!! Seems like every time I try to send you a private message it just doesn't work so I dicided to post to you. I haven't been to this site for a while. Busy with work and family things, grandma things.
My BP was low at first then increased and I was put on higher dose BP meds and water pills. Now my BP is around 174/78.
Congrats on your progress and great positive attitude!

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