update ejonbry

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Wow! If there is a next time for me, I think I want your docs! At lest the anesthesiologist! Congrats! I couldn't really read or watch TV for about a week, and definitely couldn't have written such an articulate report so soon. Way to go!
Sorry I haven't posted. I got home Tue, and severe aches hit me that evening. Breastplate, sholders, associated muscles. Haven't been up to much. Forcing myself to walk around the house and yard. Still working on INR, At least until Friday, my wifeis giving me lovenox injections twice a day, but much better that the hospital.


By the way, great scar to show you in the near future.
Glad to hear that your home. Just take one day at a time there and try to keep the shoulders 'back' (not forward) when you walk and slowly push the shoulders down. Them muscles have gone threw a lot. I'm only mentioning this because I learned the hard way... I still have to remind myself to keep the shoulders back and stretch downward as my shoulders still want to come forward.

Best wishes
Glad to hear you made it over the mountain and got home! Awesome! I had more shoulder pain than anything....goes with the territory but it gets better with time and goes away. Not to worry. I wish you a great recovery!

P.S. I like your Bible verse in your signature line -- Awesome!
yeah, the shoulder/back pain got me for a while, too. They make you lie flat on your back on the hardest surface known to man for around 3 hours, then there's all the stretching and so on trying to get into and out of bed without hurting, then there's all the deep breathing and coughing they make you do, and heaven forbid you sneeze .... sore back/shoulders is only to be expected! Keep going, it will get better

is WAY Faster and Better for those Muscle Pains than any Pain Med!

My S.O. used a vibrating disk (2.5 inch dia) massager.
It gave RELIEF in Minutes!

Best Wishes for a boring recovery.

'AL Capshaw'