Unexpected :)

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2010
I've been laid low with a nasty chest thing for about two weeks; one of the consequences has been an increase in the PVC's/PAC's I suffer with from time to time. They suddenly started to become very troublesome and always when I was active. Decided to have a chat with the NHS hotline two weekends ago - fully expecting them to suggest I see the doctor Monday morning. But no. I was instructed to go straight toA&E.

Anxiety levels rising, I duly trotted off to have the once over i.e. blood, ECG (not ambulant) etc. Couldn't replicate the palpitations as they were only happening during exercise. They sent me home with the instruction to return if they got worse. Last weekend a gradual improvement suddenly went the other way and I felt really ropey again - like I had flu, but without the fever; breathless, exhausted and palpitations when walking. Back to A&E. Same tests plus x-ray. Still nothing untoward. The doctor suggested that stenosis was possibly responsible so suggested I see my cardiologist.

My last check up was 6 months ago (MRI) and showed no stenosis but I know these things can change rapidly so I scheduled an appointment, fully expecting to be told the time had arrived for me to depart the waiting room.

Instead I got a lovely surprise; no stenosis, trivial mitral leak (which I knew about) and the measurement of my aortic root remaining resolutely at 4.5cm /4.6cm (same measurement as at diagnosis 7 years ago) . I had been led to believe by my previous specialist (now retired) that it was now 4.8cm. I changed specialist earlier this year, not because the first chap retired but various little niggles and mishaps gave me a few confidence issues.

So all in all a lovely and unexpected surprise. The palpitations are easing slowly - perhaps I have been overdoing it? Apple Watch has been telling me most days I've done 220%of my exercise target and exceeded my 10,000 steps by 9am (two lively dogs are responsible) I suspect it may be time to re-evalute my idea of taking it easy when ailing.
I wouldn't say you are overdoing it. I climb the local mountain twice everyday for a gain of over 5,200'. My ascending aorta is 4.7 cm. I had lots of PVC's in previous years, but since the aneurism diagnosis I keep my heart rate down a bit. They've completely stopped. So for me it was intensity of excercise, not volume. PVC's are quite common and no reason for concern. Coincidentally, I was having coffee with another climber this morning and he said he never has caffeine because they trigger PVC's.
I'd call it like your apple watch : smashing targets.

Go wild.

Back when I was 30, barely 2 years after AVR, I was so doing 20km cycles in the evenings after work.

If it feels good do it :)

Soon I hope to be skiing 15km 3 or 4 times a week, back in 2013 after my horrors I was too. That was not so far after surgery.

I think your doing everything right.
Thanks chaps - I'll keep on keeping on then. I think the bug has probably forced my heart to work a bit harder during exercise which in turn has resulted in more PVC's.
Just managed to shift a stubborn ten pounds and boy does it give you energy! Been feeling better than I have for several years which is why the sudden onset of symptoms and chest infection was so frustrating.
You are both a constant source of comfort and inspiration and much appreciated.
Appreciate your feedback :)
Quick thought
I use a Garmin (I have a mental condition that causes me problems with Apple products) and that also works with a heart rate band (around my chest). This is helpful to see both what my HR is at any given time as well as to look back at the end of the walk to my graph and perhaps compare it to previous walls (or cycles as the case may be).

Keeping the HR below 160 is a good goal, and a good indicator of how much effort you are placing on things.

Just a thought should such exist for your fruit machine :)
Just a thought should such exist for your fruit machine :)[/QUOTE]

Ooh. Contentious. Well it's an Apple so obviously it has a heart rate tracker (taken from wrist). It has a nice designer logo with it too. And I can go back a month with graphs and coloured pie charts and everything.
Easy target pellicle. Shame on you ;)
I'm an Apple fanboy (fangirl?). Tried the 12-step program. Didn't work.
I've put my Garmin 920XT up for sale. I never liked wearing the strap so I wasn't getting a lot of HR data. Now with the  Watch I see my heart rate throughout the day and have a chart to show the cardiologist.
Ya Apple strikes me as too cult like for me, not one of the fun cults either.
It is late for Apple picking Steve so tonight apparently - or so the wife tells me- I'm heading down to Penn Manor ( founder of Pennsylvania ) to see how they did Christmas "back in the day". So I imagine butter churning, candle making, iron smelting etc them home to the telly.

cldlhd;n870782 said:
Ya Apple strikes me as too cult like for me, not one of the fun cults either.

Well it's looking like the good times are over and people are less willing to fork over a thousand bucks for a $300 phone (that still doesn't have actual storage space , still doesn't take SD cards and has a more tied down capacity than anything I've ever seen. Heck even my 2009 Nokia had full hardware support for encryption and a better camera and better Bluetooth and better ...)


I'm surprised it took this long

It's only been the "faithful" who "believe" for years now

pellicle;n870788 said:

Well it's looking like the good times are over and people are less willing to fork over a thousand bucks for a $300 phone (that still doesn't have actual storage space , still doesn't take SD cards and has a more tied down capacity than anything I've ever seen. Heck even my 2009 Nokia had full hardware support for encryption and a better camera and better Bluetooth and better ...)


I'm surprised it took this long
It seems a lot of phones are adopting the no sd cards, no removable battery which I don't like but maybe I'm just turning into an old codger -"back in my day sonny we could replace our batteries ".
cldlhd;n870790 said:
It seems a lot of phones are adopting the no sd cards, no removable battery which I don't like but maybe I'm just turning into an old codger -"back in my day sonny we could replace our batteries ".
yep ... although with phones coming out with 128Gig of onboard memory its perhaps a moot point now days, but stuff that Apple has set in place has lowered the bar seriously. People have been groomed with zero expectations apart from a swish screen.

I started on an Apple IIe, had a Mac classic and moved up the line till Mac OS 7 ... when 8 came out and STILL didn't support USB I ditched it.

This guy sums it up for me now
Ultrarunner;n870801 said:
I hope your love of outdated technologies.doesnt extend to heart valves and surgical techniques. ;-)

iPhone user right? ;-)

If I get 50 years out of my 14 year old design mechanical valve like Dick did I'll be happy with the older tech


(Apology in advance to people without a humorous bone)
Agian;n870804 said:
"Get used to it fanboy!' Lmao
That vid was brilliant.
that I happen to know you use an iPhone is real icing on the cake ... that you can take a laugh at it all :)

lifes too short to get the sulks over phone or PC wars


I'm one of those deviant Linux users ;-)