Tuesday is a good day for heart surgery

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Active member
Jan 28, 2008
Temecula, CA
Wow, Tuesday is going to be a busy day on the valve replacement forum.....to those folks who are having surgery on the 12th, let all get thru this together and we can enjoy comparing scars and how the hospital treated us!!!

Tina - You're one of five if I read the calendar correctly? Wow! Hoping all goes well for you. Take care!
I also had surgery on a Tuesday! Looks like we had two last Tuesday also, that I know of. My best wishes to you all for a successful surgery and a smooth, uneventful recovery! My prayers will be with all of you! Be sure and have someone update us as soon possible!
Tuesday the 12th for me as well

Tuesday the 12th for me as well

I don't know most of you, but saw the post about Tuesday surgery. I'm having my Ross this Tuesday the 12th by Dr. William Ryan in Plano, TX. I'm sure all will go well and frankly, I'm looking forward to getting it over with so that I can start the recovery.

Good luck to all others going in on Tuesday!

Hey wait a minute....... my surgery was on a Tuesday also. :confused:
O'well, good luck on "your" Tuesday. You'll probably be home eating chocolate on the following Tuesday.

Look forward to reading your post surgery report.
My Prayers and well wishes to all who are having surgery on Tuesday.

And just to change things up a bit........my surgery was on a Friday
Just incase i have missed anybody out, best of luck to you all on tuesday. I hope all goes well with surgery and wish you all a speedy recovery
Tuesday will be a good day for heart surgery because you will be able to put the waiting behind you and move forward with your recovery. It is a great feeling to be on the other side of it. Good luck and I am praying for a successful surgery for you on Tuesday.
tuesday is a super day!!!

tuesday is a super day!!!

even though new to this site ,the smallest act of kindness on my part says i will think and add my prayers for all of you and with all of you.knowing it is so wonderful to be out of the waiting stage into the recovery.
for yous still waiting on surgery,always through the waiting face the sunshine and the shadows will eventually fall behind !!!!!! This is a wonderful supportive site .

zipper2 sighning out
I'm putting you ALL in my prayers for a super successful group of heart surgeries this week......starting TODAY.
