Treatment repairs leaky heart valves

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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
Treatment repairs leaky heart valves
5/14/2006 5:55:00 AM
By: Ivanhoe Newswire

(CHARLOTTE) - About 4 million Americans have a problem called mitral valve regurgitation. The condition can be dangerous and even deadly if it's not fixed. Now doctors are testing a treatment that's correcting the problem without major surgery.

A walk in the park is something Trevor Gatty doesn't take for granted these days. Before having a leaky heart valve repaired, this simple stroll would have left him exhausted.

"I used to walk to the store, and by the time I got back, I felt quite knackered," he said

Michael Rinaldi, M.D., said Gatty's condition caused blood to leak backward, while the heart tried to pump it forward.

"When that valve becomes leaky, the heart can actually fail. It can stop pumping well and that manifests itself as trouble breathing, heart failure and can eventually lead to death," said Rinaldi, an interventional cardiologist at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, N.C.

Mitral valve leaks are usually treated with open heart surgery, but Gatty took part in a clinical trial testing an experimental procedure that only requires a small incision in the groin.

"Using ultrasound guidance, we're able to actually grab the two leaflets of that valve and clip them together with this new small device," Rinaldi said.

Once the clip is in place, blood flows normally. The new approach reduces the risk of complications, decreases pain, and dramatically shortens recovery time.

"We've been very excited with the results," Rinaldi said. "Three quarters of the patients are being helped, and that's fantastic when there was no alternative before."

For Gatty, the benefits were clear almost immediately.

"About two weeks after the surgery, I suddenly found myself marching as though I was back in the Army marching around the parade ground," he said. "Just walking briskly and enjoying it."

And now he can enjoy all of life's simple pleasures.

So far 80 people have been treated with the new procedure. Typically recovery from standard open heart surgery is one month; with this procedure, it's just a few days. Right now the only way to have the new procedure is at one of the 25 sites around the country that are participating in the trial.
You know, it's too bad they can't come up with some sort of drinkable stopleak somewhat like we have for engines and radiators.
All good news

All good news

It shows that the number of types of Percutaneous interventions is increasing all the time.

Which can only be a good thing for anyone needing ops in 20 to 30 years time,(it should be a mature discipline by then) but also in the near future too,
Praline said:
Treatment repairs leaky heart valves
5/14/2006 5:55:00 AM
By: Ivanhoe Newswire

(Typically recovery from standard open heart surgery is one month; with this procedure, it's just a few days.

Duh -- guess I didn't have a typical recovery from standard OHS!
:p Marsha!! I'm at 4 weeks exactly today and let me tell you....I do NOT feel recovered. Wonder what their definition is.....or if the remark was made by someone who had ever gone through recovery!!

Praline. That was very intersting and very promising. Thanks for sharing. 2 of my 3 children have now been echoed and there is cause for attention in both for some action, no real concern, just mental is a relief that a new generation may be coming along to receive easier treatments. Medical science is magnificent!!

This sounds very promising for those having mitral valve regurgitation.
Thanks for posting it, Praline.
Don't we live in amazing times! There is a new 70 bed heart hospital about to be constructed here in Pinehurst. My cardiologist is pretty excited about it. He is the interventional cardio that started up the cath lab many years ago in our local hospital and has been the director ever since. IN the years since, the heart program has grown and developed to the point that for future heart surgery I would really consider staying here rather than going up to Duke. This heart hospital will be connected with the current hospital (First Health of the Carolinas) and he was telling me it will be at the forefront on interventional cardiology. While I was having my stress echo (no results yet) he was talking about it and asking if I missed nursing enough to be interested in working there. It seems like a lifetime ago but there was a time I lived and breathed nursing. I taught many classes at the hospital and basic EKG classes at a community college. I do miss it and have kept my license active for the "just in case".:)

I have some leaky valves I would be happy for them to patch up! I'm also due for a tune-up.:)
Typical recovery of 4 weeks after OHS. I like to meet the person who ran that study. I am now six months post op. and feel about 85% back.
Evalve Clip

Evalve Clip

Hi Everyone, I just joined this forum today. I will try to post more later, and ask some questions where I need some advice, but for now I will write a short reply about the new procedure to repair mitral valve regurgitation. One of the places they are doing this study (I believe it's called Everest - Phase II) is University of Pennsylvania, which is near where I live. I was examined there recently, as I asked to participate in this study. Fixing my leakage by catheter in the groin seemed alot better than conventional surgery. But I did not qualify for inclusion in this study due to the location of the leakage -- at the edges of the mitral valve rather than near the center. They determined this by a TEE. They told me the next day that they don't think the Evalve clip will work on person with my particular valve structure. Otherwise I was all set to try this new procedure.
Fascinating find, Praline. This is potentially great news for so many people. Now let's see if they hold up...

The company's link is:

There's not a lot of meat on the site yet, but Googling "evelve clip" does bring up some further listings.

Time will tell - this one may be a winner.

Best wishes,