Toprol Question

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Beloved Member
Apr 28, 2006
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
I just read through a few threads here that a few of us seem to be on Toprol or a similiar beta-blocker. Just wondering what some of your opinions might be about my cardio appointment today. My cardio gave me Toprol samples today and wants me to start 12.5mg twice a day. This is because my pacemaker checkup this past Monday showed I'd had some arrhythmia, skipped beats & the like on a couple of occasions here in the last couple of weeks (I'm 4 weeks post-op today.) I felt the arrhythmias but chalked it up to 'normal healing process.' The guy from medtronics seemed more concerned & wanted me to see my cardio, which I obviously did. My resting BP however is sometimes in the 100/60 range, which I feel is low enough, wouldn't want it much lower as I had some TIA-like episodes when my BP fell to 88/50 a few days after returning home. My cardio is well aware of this. I've had no other instances of arrhythmias since those two that the pacemaker recorded. I'm taking Coumadin 5mg, and inhaled Proventil for asthma but otherwise am on no meds other than baby aspirin. I was on Verapamil 240's until my AVR surgery on July 11th when they apparently took me off of it in hospital. I haven't missed it :)

What are some of the side effects of Toprol? What dose are you taking? Any insight you care to share would be I just need to relax and let cardio do his job? :)

I was on a low dose (25 mg) of Toprol XL (extended release) for a few? years. It did a good job of keeping my arrhythmias in check until some other changes came about.

Lethargy can be a problem with higher doses (typically 100 mg/day). At 50 mg or less, the side effects are pretty minimal.

'AL Capshaw'
I'm currently on 100 mg/day. I have not experienced any significant side effects. Although those types of things tend to very from person to person. I had a ton of side effects when I was on a low dose of lisinopril, so who knows. I don't mind Toprol at all.



First of all, 12.5mg is a very low dose. I take 50mg and the only side
effect, which I understand is common is that it brings my pulse down in
the low "40s" Makes it hard to get to my target heart rate, infact down
right impossible. I'm just curious, what was the reason for your AVR ?



I started at 50 mg of Toprol XL and when my blood pressure got elevated a bit, they upped it to 75mg. Sometimes I feel very drowsy, but only at rest, like if I read or watch TV. If I am busy doing stuff, I seem to be fine. I do not get tired easily at all.
When I exercise, my heart rate goes to about 105-115, sometimes a hair higher. but you have to remember that I am 65 years old.
I've been on Toprol, 50 mg twice a day, since my surgery. So over 14 years. I was put on it to slow my HR and to control some mild arrhythmia. It's pretty much done the trick. I don't really notice any side effects.
Yeah M2K...I am on 25mg am & 50mg pm Toprol (Metoprolol). I take more at night because thats when I was experiencing the arrythmias.

Your 12.5mg bd. is a safe starting-dose . It is a very useful Beta Blocker and should help you with many of your symptoms. Its good for arrythmias, high BP and also slows the heart-rate. It actually lessens the forceful thumping of our hearts so is especially good for aneurism type stuff. Its usually a very quick-acting drug and is the one they give patients here (in Aus.) for scans when they want to slow the heart-rate down.

I used to be on 200mg of Metoprolol before my surgery which was a pretty high dose compared to lots here. So you have a long way to go before you need to worry about being on too-much. One side-effect I heard mentioned often was tiredness or feeling dopey...this never happened to me even when I was on 200mg per day., yet others have experienced this at lower doses, thats why its good you are being trialled at a low dose first to see how it works for you.


Chris I was on Metoprolol for most of the first 15 months post surgery not because of an arrhythmia, but for CHF and to assist in remodelling of my heart. I had a brief stint on Carvedilol (Coreg) however I had bad side affects on this. With the Carvedilol side effects I asked the cardio to go back on Metoprolol after 2 months. The Metoprolol assisted my heart to remodel and I was able to discontinue it after 15 months on my cardio's advice. I found it slowed my heart rate, and also caused some fluid retention as well as made me a little lethargic I was on extended release 97.5mg per day, after my heart had remodelled I found I was suffering increasing lethargy. I was pleased to be able to discontinue it in the end even though I credit it with the successful remodelling of my heart. :)
Katlee -

I had bicuspid aortic valve from birth, and had been keeping an eye on it through the years. Recently a cath showed severe narrowing & disease (calcification?) so the surgeon was ready, even though I wasn't. :) But I became ready.....

And yes from what I'm reading from others 12.5 is a very low dose of this. So taking it certainly won't cause harm. I was just concerned because I have a pacemaker (thus, my HR should not be affected on the low end anyway, they have me set at 90bpm) and my BP has been low, so low that this same cardiologist thought it cause my two TIA-"like" episodes. Well I'll just keep an eye on the BP, if it gets too low I'll call him & maybe discontinue the Toprol. Thanks for all the responses!


Katlee said:
First of all, 12.5mg is a very low dose. I take 50mg and the only side
effect, which I understand is common is that it brings my pulse down in
the low "40s" Makes it hard to get to my target heart rate, infact down
right impossible. I'm just curious, what was the reason for your AVR ?

I take Toprol XL 50 mg.. I think they use it more for ^BP with me. My cardi. switched me to another BP med. (Avapro 300 mg.) and said I could start weaning myself off the Toprol, but I felt weird without it. He asked me how long I had been on it (10+ years?) and he said to just continue with it along with the new meds. It's certainly not addictive, but if I forget to take it in the morning, by about noon, my heart is pounding all weird. I've seen magazine ads for it that make a big deal about not missing a dose, or stopping abruptly.

When I had my last stress echo, the techs were talking together and said that I probably wouldn't get my heart rate up to where they wanted because I was taking Toprol (?).

My 85 yr old Aunt was recently prescribed Toprol for her BP, and she thinks it makes her tired, so they told her to take it at bedtime, and now she doesn't notice the side effects.

I'm wondering what meds I'll be on after my surgery. Just refilled my 90 day rx for my Toprol just in case.
I am glad to see this info on toprol. I was on atenolol after my PVR but hated the side effects (tired of being tired!). I am still having enough of the palps and stuff to want something else but have been afraid to try it. I still am tired as it is. Sometimes I think I will never not be tired again. Anyway, good to know how others feel on toprol. Also, I normally have a fairly low b/p (108/65) so dont need it to go any lower either. Glad to see the feedback to the question. Karen