To the ER in AZ

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Well, looks like we had to much fun in the sun yesterday. Our daughter woke screaming in pain this AM. Seems she sucked in too much water at the pool yesterday. She has a inner ear infection and a fever of 102. When we arrived she started up with her allergies. Guess all of the pool time enhanced it. To make a long story short, we spent the day at the local ER:( She's doing much better.

Thanks for the ear, no pun intended. ;)
Hi Gina,

Ooh boy, I feel so bad for little Kara. Ear aches are so painful! Hope that the fever will subside soon, and that she'll feel better soon.
I just want to tell you again that Pam, Joanie and I had a "WONDERFUL" time with all of you in Phoenix. It was like meeting old friends and that we've known you and the others for ever. Instant friendships were made I think. It was a warm, sunny day, and I was sorry when it was time to hit the road and head back home to Tucson. We had a good trip home.

When anyone has been swimming, put alcohol in the ear to dry up the water that is left in there. Prevented my children from getting ear infections. My ex, the dr, made me do it and it was correct. Check it w/your own dr for verification.
Swimmers Ear

Swimmers Ear

That's interesting Ann...

My boys have always been surfers and used auro-dri...contents: 97.25% isopropyl alcohol and 2.75% boric acid. I'll tell them about this...They're 27 now..but still surf.

The only time it would not help is when it was truly an ear Gina's daughter showed the symptoms with that fever with the pain. Then they needed the ear drops for pain and the antibiotic.

I hope she feels better soon, Gina. I know it's very painful but usually the drops help quickly.

Thanks everyone. And Ann, very interesting about the alcohol. Will inquire with her doctor at home. Her estation (sp) tubes are very small and do not drain normally at times. Same with her sinus. We need a good ENT. I may ask for her to be fitted with ear plugs for swimming so she can avoid the pain and suffering. Poor thing. It so difficult to see them in pain. We were both in tears today:(
I've been through that a couple times with my middle son, Steve. Man there were a couple of nights that I had gotten hold of the Doctor late in the evening (Actually early morning) and had him call in a prescription to a pharmacist that I kicked out of bed to get the drugs. That's back in the day when those kinds of things happened. I know I couldn't stand watching him in that pain and it made me cry too just thinking about how miserable he was. Thank God he grew out of that situation!
Hey Ann,
You mean you're supposed to put the alcohol in your EAR?? Does the mix go in there too, or do you just snort that up your nose? ;)

Gina, sorry to hear you had to go to the ER. I was there this weekend, and it is not a fun place to be. Hope the rest of your trip was enjoyable!

Bummer Gina!

Bummer Gina!

Sorry to hear that the munchkin had trouble - I trust that our AZ ER's treated you fine.

Enjoy the remainder of your stay as the weather is PERFECT right now.
hi gina!
so sorry to hear your little one developed and ear infection and fever while away on a trip. don['t you hate when that happens? kinda can put a damper on fun trips. i know, we've been through that several times while on vacations.
i hope she's feeling better and that the rest of the trip is enjoyable though.
all the best, sylvia
Hi Gina-

I had a daughter who got ear infections because her eustachian tubes were too small. It took her forever to get old enough and big enough for them to drain properly. She got infections at least every month. It was horrible. I remember her pain. It was a difficult time.

I hope your daughter is feeling better.