Three weeks post-op; long journey before and hopefully afterwards.

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Just joined today and about three weeks post-op. All going well for me so far! This is the end of a very long journey where I knew that a AVR would be needed some day. I had a diagnosis leading to the operating room last month approximately four decades ago; had a good long time to think about and worse to explore what it all meant. The Internet has made this far too easy; both for the good, bad and the ugly!

Came close to walking away none the less even with symptoms and the knowledge of what ignoring the symptoms would mean. Done now and I've yet another reprieve. I've out lived both of my families, my wife of twenty one years, a recent girl friend of three years and what seems so many of my friends. Perhaps, in my case, it proves the suggestion that the good die young!
It is all relative. Maybe the good die young, but that doesn't mean that we're bad for still being here - just maybe less good. In fact, we're glad you're here, and you are welcome here. It sounds like your medical/cardiac history might be a lot like mine. My aortic stenosis wasn't diagnosed until my early 50's, but we both know that it was there long before that. I also have the Edwards valve and a pacemaker, which was implanted a few days post-valve-surgery.

Here's hoping that the next years of your recovery go as well as mine has.

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