Three weeks and counting!

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Time really seems to be flying now - only three weeks left to go, and I have so much to get done "before" ...

My tooth extraction and mole removal both went well, so I am *done* bleeding until the surgery. Sutures will be removed early next week, then no more doctor visits until my pre-op on the 11th and my blood work on the 16th.

Best wishes to those who are going slightly before me; Marge, Lori, Derek, Aunt Granny, and the rest of you that we don't know about yet!
I will look forward to visiting you in the hospital to see how you are getting along. By then I will probably be driving again and I am expecting to be back in the classroom. Now that your pre-surgery "repairs: are behind you I hope you find time to get done all that you want in the next three weeks.
Good luck, Bill ....! I'm almost exactly a week before you. When I got up today, I found myself thinking: "Exactly two weeks from today will be the day AFTER my surgery." Hard to describe the mingled feeling of dread and relief.
February 16 Oh My GOODNESS!!!!

February 16 Oh My GOODNESS!!!!

:confused: I can not beleave how slowly, YET quickly it is creeping up.:( I just keep thinking "I am going to feel better, I am going to feel better, I am going to feel better" I may need a sedative before this is all over. I don't really think much about it until I have to tell someone I am going to have "Open Heart Surgery". Then I can honestly say "I want to throw up". I am keeping Really busy. We have a baby shower tomorrow and a week-end outing with my sister after that. Next week will be a BUSY week at work and then all I have to worry about will be Valentines week-end. I think my sisters and our spouses are going to get together for Valentines. That will be fun. Anyway!!! For all those that are going before me and all those going after "GOD BLESS US EVERYONE!!!!":p:(
To All who's surgery is quickly/slowly creeping up. I share your thoughts and feelings and it brings me back to the late Nov 2003 time frame. I know exaclty how fast and how slow things seem to go at the same time. You all have been around here long enough to know that this is major surgery, but also long enough to know the odds are WAY in our favor. As my "time" got closer I kept thinking about all the people here who had been through it and were doing well on the other side. As my date got closerI spent more and more time on this sight and felt much better because of the cyber hugs.
I suppose we all react to these things differently yet I saw some "comon themes" as I studied these posts prior to my surgery. A lot of folks said the waiting was the worst. I found that to be true. A lot of folks said that with the information they had gathered, and the decisions made, that a real sense of calm came over them in the hospital just prior to surgery. I found this to be true. Most of you said that first few days after surgery were "tough, but manageable, and with God's help and a little luck, you told me that I would start to feel better and better every day after that. Breathe, breathe , breathe, walk, walk, walk, nap, nap, nap. I did that pretty well (at least the breathe and nap parts). Anyway it is hard for me to believe that I am 8 weeks post op and outside of sligh discomfort in incision area of chest I feel wonderful.
So if it helps, and if you can, try to keep your spirits up by dwelling on the "positive side",that soon you will have this behind you and with all of us with you and God's good graces upon you, you will come through this thing just fine.
Good luck to all of you who are awaiting surgery. The time coming up to it is the worst, but would you really rather go on longer the way you have been? I think it's best just to get it over with. Granted, there will be discomfort in the days following, but it is such a relief to know that you are on the path to recovery. Besides, you have the prayers of all of us, not to mention family and friends. Just have a great time with those close to you before hand, relax, and enjoy yourself.

From a post above: "As my "time" got closer I kept thinking about all the people here who had been through it and were doing well on the other side."

I had to chuckle when I read that post. On my last day at school before my surgery I was telling one of my classes of high school seniors about my upcoming surgery and that I would soon be able to tell them about OHS "from the other side." Of course, I meant from the other side of OHS but when I saw all 32 faces staring at me in shocked disbelief I realized they had a much different interpretation of "the other side." I quickly clarified.
On my last day at school before my surgery I was telling one of my classes of high school seniors about my upcoming surgery and that I would soon be able to tell them about OHS "from the other side." Of course, I meant from the other side of OHS but when I saw all 32 faces staring at me in shocked disbelief I realized they had a much different interpretation of "the other side." I quickly clarified.
Oh - that's funny!! :D

My best wishes to all of you going in this month for your surgeries. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way and will be looking forward to your post-op updates.

All the best
Anna : )
George you sound like me. At Christmas I was going to give a speach to the family letting them know that if something happens I will be in Heaven etc. Now MOST of the time the kids pay little to no attention when a grown up is talking. ACCEPT FOR THIS TIME! When I finished talking I looked at my 7 yr old great nephew & tears where streaming down his face. I told him to come to me and he did, he kept saying "Do you have to go." I felt REALLY bad. I didn't even think that they would be listening. I assured him I was not ready for the journey just yet since we have a camping trip planned this summer. Sometimes we get so caught up in the details, etc that when we talk about it we forget how it really must sound to others. My family is far more worried than I am. My biggest problem has been trying to loose some weight. I eat when I get nervous - :D So I figure if I am not BIGGER that has GOT to be a plus. ;) I don't think the doctor is going to agree. :(
Well, gang, this is my last full week in the waiting room.

I have done all the little chore type things that I can think of and am trying to just relax & have a good time this week.

I am having lunch with friends, getting my hair cut, and going to a ballet and a concert.

I see the surgeon this Friday; pre-op is next Tuesday, I see the hematologist again next Wednesday ... and the surgery is Thursday.

And ... a mere two weeks from today I'll be three days out of surgery. Something to really look forward to!
To all of you brave souls

To all of you brave souls

I was right with you last year. A year ago today my hubby and I ordered out for wonderful prime rib and champagne (the weather was so bad I didn't want to go out). We had a lovely evening and I pretended I didn't have surgery the following day.

Here's the really good part for those of you having surgery this time of year: you're not missing much by being home bound and recuperating. By the time lovely May and June roll around you'll be feeling so much better and looking so much better and have such a good attitude - it's quite a literal rebirth as well as the spring-thing.

I'm here a year later to tell you - you're right where you belong - with good surgeons, and good friends here on line who won't blow you off or minimize your surgery and recovery and who'll answer the hardest questions and make you take care of yourselves after surgery.

It was just about after I finished my half bottle of champagne that the calm came over me :D and it sure wasn't ALL the fizzy.

My prayers are with all of you who are embarking on the climb up the mountain.

And I highly recommend shopping when the going gets tough :D because it distracts.
I'm not a champagne person myself but I sure do like a nice little red with a meal once in a while. But I am not supposed to have ANY alcohol, per my friendly local cardio. (Altho' I am convinced that the occasional few glasses of red contributed to my "pristine" arteries, as the cath cardio called them). He says (spoilsport) that "alcohol weakens your heart muscle." Damn and blast him.

We went out for dinner last Saturday & I almost broke the rule then but restrained myself. I have been trying very hard to be a "compliant" patient. I'm not sure I will be so compliant all the way through to next week. That Chianti was looking awfully appealing.

As for not missing anything by being homebound at this time of year: I am certainly hoping not to be TOO homebound, at least for long. This is a lovely time of year here in NorCal. Today it rained heavily in the morning but we had sun all afternoon. I went for my daily walk in beautiful fresh air, with racing clouds against a pale blue sky. All the flowering trees start flowering in February. My camelias (pink and red) are starting to bloom, as are the acacia trees, with drifts of pale yellow against the green hills. The flowering quince is budding too -- just as it is supposed to be for Chinese New Year.
Best wishes to all who are facing surgery. I would have to agree that the fears before surgery were the hardest part of the whole experience.

I had very little time to organize things before the surgery so I worked up to the very last minute. It would have been great to have a little time to pamper myself the week before. I did take a day off from preparations to spend time with an aunt and uncle who were passing through. It was a great visit because I had the perfect excuse for not cooking and cleaning and my aunt even changed the sheets on the guest bed before she left!
Best wishes to all of you having surgery. Please have someone post for you so we know how you are doing.
Kathy H
I'll be sending good vibes to all of you as you get ready to cross the mountain. I hope you all blaze a successful trail that those of us that will be following in your footsteps can follow.

In the mean time I'll hold down the "pre-waiting room" waiting room. I finally found a surgeon at Duke (Dr. Jaggers) but he is out of the country (he regularly volunteers his services in 3rd world countries). So I am patiently waiting to post "I got a date" in the near future.
Good Luck

Good Luck

Best of luck to you and Marge. Just remember, it will be over before you know it and you will be on the road to recovery. I have you all in my prayers for successful surgeries.
Take the next week to appreciate being able to sleep on your stomach!
Talk to you soon
Thanks guies. Hey I have a question. My sister and I were talking last night & she said that she heard sometimes after "heart" or "major" surgery people's personality changes. Has this happened to anyone here. I know I will go through a period of depression. I hope I am not Mean! :eek:
Aunt Granny,

I don't know if I would say that I really felt depressed. I had family aound caring for me all the time and they were very supportive emotionally.

My moods were REALLY volatile. I saw a commercial in which a young child was being tested with a machine for diabetes and SOBBED. I was just SO happy that children could now control diabetes more accurately. I felt tremendous gratitude to all my friends and family who had been so supportive.

I felt most comfortable expressing all my fears to my POOR husband. :D I'm surprised I didn't drive him out of his mind through the whole ordeal. I don't think I was ever mean, just loony! You should have seen me when my daughter left for camp a week after I got home.

It seems kind of funny 6 months later. I guess I even saw the humor in it at the time.


Aunt Granny
your personality my be altered temporarily because of the many emotions you will experience after major surgery. This is completely normal. I myself am experiencing several different emotions and I will be 3 weeks post surgery tommorrow. Sometimes I cry because I'm happy to be alive, sometimes I cry because I'm depressed that I even had to go through this. Once you begin to feel better physically you will notice that the up and down emotions subside. My mom had open heart 5 years ago and went through the same thing. She is back to normal and here personality is not changed. I think there is just a greater appreciation for life and health.
don't worry.


I am in BIG trouble then, because my husband is emotional anyway from his STUFF!!:( . I guess we will just be to baul bags together. :D Not to mention that his my father in-law will be here. He is also VERY emotional. If anyone hears of a sudden flood in Justin, yall will know what happened.:p

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