The Flogging Thread

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Duff Man Supporter
Supporting Member
May 1, 2008
I hereby designate this thread the Food blogging area.

Post what you ate here... pictures optional but would be awesome. I'm interested to see what the biggest "losers" in the Cooker Throwdowns™ are eating.

I'll start it off:

Tonight I had two cauliflower and american cheese whole wheat burritos. One had Frank's Red Hot sauce in it, the other had a sprinkle of ranch. Both had Mrs. Dash in it for added flavor. Coke zero to drink. Zyrtec and Zantac for desert. :D

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Tonight I had a garden salad, and then a platter of fried shrimp, scallops, oysters, flounder, and a crab cake. Slaw of course to go with it. Cocktail sauce and tartar sauce. Fried potatoes. Yee-HAW!

A handful of pills for dessert -- metformin, simvastatin.

Oh yes a couple of chocolate-covered peanut butter patties (Girl Scout cookies)....

Yep, Superbob is on a roll. (One with sesame seeds). :rolleyes:
Well.......... I had a salad with mixed spring greens, spinach, 2 slices of tomatoes, 2 slices of avocado, cabbage, carrots, 4 lg.chilled boiled shrimps, a small amount of red onions...topped with Balsamic Vinaigrette ( light)...and I resisted my usual urge to drink the remaining dressing at the bottom of the bowl ! I didn't have desert, was full on that..but, I do have a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey ( 1400 cal.) in my freezer, which I intend to eat a couple spoons of daily till my surgery on the 17th. Gee you guys..meds for desert....NO
I think I might try a cauliflower and american cheese whole wheat burrito, ranch, no hot sause. ,,, have never tried that. Thanks for the tip....Duff Man
Last night we tried a new pasta recipe. Sauted mushrooms and green olives, added about two and half cups heavy cream and a cup of ricotto to it, then served it over cooked penne pasta. I'm sure the cream and ricotto had mucho calories.
I ate two servings and that was it for the night.
This thread is hilarious! I think weight loss should be posted next to these "low" cal meals I see going on around here. So far, I'll take Superbob's meal, less all the pills, and adding a whole box of girl scout cookies for dessert!
I think this will be one of my favorite threads. Glad you enjoyed it so far.

Tonight my wife made us "Chicken Korma", served with rice, Nan bread, mint and rasberry chutney, and Coke Zero to drink. Metamucil aka Guilt-X for desert. I call metamucil guilt-x because it makes me feel better about eating not-so-healthy food.

:biggrin2:Pass The Metamucil:biggrin2:​
first stage of breakfast: a thyroid pill and a cuppa black coffee. Supposed to wait an hour after taking the pill to eat solid food.
second stage of breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with skim milk, with yummy 81 mg aspirin, carvedilol pill, and a big ol' metformin horse pill. Yummy! More black coffee.
third stage of breakfast: piece of toast.
fourth stage of breakfast: a cheddar cheese stick if I feel like I haven't ingested enough protein to keep my blood sugar up.

Welcome to my world. Finer cuisine through chemistry.

For lunch, a drive through MacD's after church for a Southern-styled grilled chicken sandwich. Okay, I know the Goat Lady will be all over this choice, but it's only 300 calories and not bad for the golden arches. Was in a hurry. For dessert, a Lisinopril and a Januvia pill.. Yum, yum! (Hold the Girl Scout cookies.) : ) BTW, the preacher at my church was using the Book of Solomon to preach about "great sex." Isn't that redundant? ; )

For dinner, DW and I split a small steak and a baked potato. Had some butterbeans. Have had a few snacks -- a banana, and at the store Trail Mix, Appalachian Blend was on sale so I got some (energy for "hiking the Appalachian Trail" -- inside joke for South Carolinians). ; ) Been munching on the mix, which surely has its share of cals but I venture is healthier than The Chimp's Snickers bars. For dessert (other than Trail Mix, I had Metformin and Simvastatin pills. yummy yummy in my tummy.

Okay, midnight approaches, I've been a pretty good boy today, but this is the danger time for me when I often forage for anything edible in the house. I think I will settle for a sandwich with salad greens and a slice of "lite" bologna. Come on, Bina, man cannot live by yogurt and alfafa sprouts alone! ; ) Two more pills for a nightcap, and that's all folks!
Just an FYI...this thread gives me a "406 Error" when clicked upon. This is due to the "TM" symbol at the end of Flogging. I circumvented by altering the URL (I removed "%99" from after Flogging) to post here. It errored out in Google Chrome and IE8. May be why more folks have yet to post!

Yea!! It's fixed!!
I'm having trouble accessing this thread unless I go to "new posts". Maybe Hank will figure out what's wrong if we ask for help in the Technical forum.
My breakfast/lunch has been two cups of coffe, lasix, and a can of Progresso light chicken and dumplings. The calorie content, 160, not bad tasting either.
All our meds are calorie-free, right? Well, not really, because a doc a few years ago put me on one that was chocked full of glucose. It sent my blood sugar soaring and so I consulted with the doc and junked it. I assume nothing in my current pharmacy has glucose.
I am not so sure about this thread......why do I feel hungry every time I read it !!!!!
OK, I always take my Synthroid ( Hashimoto's/ hypothyroidism ) when I first have to use the "little girl's room " in the morning, usually 6am. There have been so many different answers given to me, by Md's and pharmacists.....I finally decided to just isolate that sucker, so I would never take other meds or food or vitamins, too close to it, that will interfere with it's absorption. So I guess, that is my pre-breakfast snack.
I had a sm. bowl oatmeal with raisins in it, 1 sm. bananas and a glass of 2% milk, for breakfast, about 10 am. Then 9 gobstoppers around 11 pm, for a sugar high ( only 60 cal.) When I was told I would need OHS, my stess eating went sky high, I began eating KING size Hersey's chocolate bars with almonds daily ( approx. 840 cal.) , usually washed down by a 20 oz. pepsi. Since I am not in an intimate relationship, to use sex to release endorphins, my logical mind turned to chocolate ( it pales by comparison to sex, has alot more calories, but a gal's gotta do, what a gal's gotta do) ) The release of endorphins upon ingestion of chocolate likely explains the comforting feelings that many people associate with this food and the craving for chocolate in times of stress. And I did feel alot calmer.... TILL I got on the scale, taking note of the fact, it was adding to the weight gain, I had received as my reward for, trying to stick with good ole gobstoppers.
Lunch was cottage cheese , red and green grapes, and 4 strawberries. Oh, and a bottle of water . Around 3:30 pm I ate 4 carrots and 2 pieces of celery with peanut butter on them... then for dinner a mixed spring greens salad, spinach, 4 thin slices of steak ( needed to use up from last nights left overs from the Red Lobster dinner, for my daughter, turning 26, March 8th) topped with a combo of ranch/french dressing. More water..was able to keep the "Pepsi Devil" at bay today... I swear I hear a pepsi bottle whispering in my ear " Drink me, NOW !!!
This evening when I watched TV, I ate a snack bag of Snyder's mini pretzels ( 50 cal.) and fantasized it was a chocolate bar..the craving was there, so I knelt and prayed..please God remove these Devil induced cravings from my soul, AMEN ! I just know, the Devil wants me to be so fat, I won't look cute with my new "Zipper" chest design, that is fast becoming the rage of the fashion world !!!!
I eat boring compared to all of think I will fix grilled Parmesan halibut or Spinach and Bacon Quiche tomorrow for dinner, to kick it up a notch !!!
Good Eats to all !!!!
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