The first davinci?

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
I think i'm the first davinci patient to post pics, but here you go. I don't have a tawdry shirt to my name, so i decided to be like katie and just wear my halloween halo helmet. Anyway, if this needs to be moved to another thread, mods feel free.
Thanks for posting- a first DaVinci, I think and it will make everyone else very jealous!
You might only get half a certificate ;). . . . seriously though, I am sure others coming later will appreciate the photo and the amazing lack of scars. Must have been nice to be able to cough and sneeze :D
Wow...that is amazing to think they did the same surgery on most of us and you got away with only those small marks!...Robots hey!...pretty darn clever!

Forgive for not remembering but did you chose Robotic for the minimal scarring or other reasons?
Looks like all you had was a date with a wild girlfriend! That's amazing.
Wow...that is amazing to think they did the same surgery on most of us and you got away with only those small marks!...Robots hey!...pretty darn clever!

Forgive for not remembering but did you chose Robotic for the minimal scarring or other reasons?

Actually i wasn't really concerned with scarring. The main reason i went for robotic after doing my own research was that they can see the valve extremely well with the port camera. This and also the fact that they have more accurate dexterity with the robotic hands, gives you a much higher chance of getting a repair instead of replacement. Also there is lower risk of complications since they don't have to open you up.
Looks like you got into a fight with the surgeon...and the surgeon won! :p

Your robotic surgery reminds me of something my cardio said to me in 2005 after my first TEE: "You won't need surgery until robots do it." 12 months later, I was having my valve repair.

Your scar looks better than mine, but then again, I had the "old-fashioned" minimally invasive surgery!

Debi :D


I had the Davinci robot for the removal of my ovaries in 2005. My friend, who was with me before and after the surgery, said it was "A Piece of Cake!"

Recovery was very comfortable. Four days after the surgery, I drove Prince Charming to his doctor's appointment. After the appointment, we went to lunch.

The three little cuts are almost invisable now. But the surgery on the belly button left it rather snarley looking. But, that's a rather small price to pay for such the comfort after the surgery.

The Mayo Clinic is even using the Divinci robot for women with cancer and men with prostate problems and cancer.

