Thanksgiving Family Shots

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Instead of posting a picture of me stuffing my face - I thought I'd post one of our Black Friday shopping. And look what we bought - a cute little girl in a stroller! Our granddaughter shopped until WE dropped! I needed the stroller by the end of the time!
Picture perfect! One you should frame.

Karlynn, you and your husband(?) look far to young to be Grandparents

Indeed, a beautiful picture
So where did you shop for one of those??? I want one too LOL! she is really growing up fast!
marky said:
So where did you shop for one of those??? I want one too LOL! she is really growing up fast!

You know those Black Friday special sales. We got her really cheap, but she was the last one they had and the floor model, so had been played with a little bit. We still got the one year warrantee!:D :D :D :D
I'm hoping others will post their pics too! I love looking at our beautiful families!
Karlynn said:
You know those Black Friday special sales. We got her really cheap, but she was the last one they had and the floor model, so had been played with a little bit. We still got the one year warrantee!:D :D :D :D
Karlynn, fess up.....that baby could not have been a bargain day special....she looks like she is worth a million to at least a few people.;) :)
I am dreaming of the day when I can proudly push a stroller with an adorable grandchild in it.
P.S. Is everyone in your family fabulously good looking??
Bina said:
I am dreaming of the day when I can proudly push a stroller with an adorable grandchild in it.
Pffft, I'll send you Chris and he'll give you all the strollers you want full of grandchildren.
She's a beauty, Karlynn.:) :)
I'm so glad they made it home for the holiday.

Regarding posting our granddaughter's picture, we were about 10 miles out of town when I realized I had left the camera at home!

Ten lashes with a wet noodle--maybe a drumstick--for me!:p
Ross said:
Pffft, I'll send you Chris and he'll give you all the strollers you want full of grandchildren.

I was feeling the same way almost 2 years ago! My little Punkin' was the best "mistake" my son ever made! Both he and my DIL really stepped up to the plate and have made the kind of life that makes me very proud of them. But those first few months after the surprise were not fun. They just had to find their way and plot a course - then they stuck to it. They are joyously happy....and poor as church mice!
Mary!!!! Shame!!!!! (and been there done that!:eek: ) Hopefully someone else took pics they can send you and you can post them.

I repeat myself - I'd love to see pics from y'all!!!


Karlynn, You all look wonderful! I can see how that little one would put a smile on your face! I'll try to get some pictures at Christmas time. All the best, Brian
Karlyn - She's beautiful. And be honest, you ARE mistaken for the mommy many times over, right? No way you look like her grandma! :)

Thanks for sharing.

Oh, thank you Ruth. I have received a few looks that seem to say "Is she yours????? You look too old!" :confused:

You should feel my muscles now from lifting her around and getting up off the floor while holding her! My body is telling me I'm definitely old enough to be her Grammy!
She's just beautiful, Karylnn. I think we have to fix up her and Harry. Just got back on-line after a week, but I will try to post some pictures later.
Here's one of my favorites- Harry was very happy to be with his cousins Abbie and Bea and this is one we captured of him kissing Bea.
Oh, I LOVE that. Wet baby kisses are the best! (He will, however, not be allowed to do that when we fix him up with Avery!)

He looks like such a sweetie! (and dashingly handsome!)
I don't have any pics of children (my 5 mo nephew was with his parents on a cruise :( ), but I DO have a pic of the quilt I'm making for him. Hope it's okay to share that. Can you tell what it is going to be? :D
Gnusgal said:
I don't have any pics of children (my 5 mo nephew was with his parents on a cruise :( ), but I DO have a pic of the quilt I'm making for him. Hope it's okay to share that. Can you tell what it is going to be? :D

Do you hand piece or use a sewing machine. i wish I had the patience to quilt, I've made a few - but I'm a "do it and get it done now!" crafter.:eek:

Is it going to be a turtle??