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Hi All,

Just wanted to post a quick message letting everyone know I am home and wanted to say thank you. Thanks, Marguerite, for posting for me post-surgery, your the best.
I had my surgery on Monday, March 5th and was home on Saturday, the 10th. All went well, a few minor glitches (low blood count keep me in a day longer than expected; a bizarre morphine-related haze for the first few days after surgery), all in all I was prepared and things went well. I took my first couple of outside walks with our kids over the last couple of days and life is good!

I have been tired, but have not been able to sleep much at night. I may have some morphine still in my system....that stuff is wicked. The knowledge and comfort I received from this site pre-surgery were a godsend for me and I appreciate all of you so much.
Thanks to Bob H (tobagotwo) for getting the amazing Tawdry shirt to man, so many cool shirts.

Welcome home and to your new life. You know the drill, so don't do anything stupid to go back sliding on us now, hear? :)
It's good to know that you're home, Karen. Best wishes on a continued, successful recovery.
Thank you for the nice post, Karen! Keep enjoying those good walks with the kids and take care!
Great to see you home Karen. We look forward to seeing the tawdry shirt photo. Take care and don't resist the family TLC!
Karen...wonderful to hear from you! I had a feeling all was well.....your surgery was on my husband's birthday....another coincidence between us (it's a numbers thing ;) ) which I thought I'd save to mention until now. :D

Many of us have had trouble sleeping. I found every pillow in the house (and perhaps sent someone to Costco for some more cheapies) and just propped myself up (like the Queen that I think I am) every which way. Particularly good for relaxing was to have pillows under my arms and I kind of slept sitting up but highly cushioned for awhile. Then I actually moved to our study and into the recliner. That was my overnight spot for a few months (although my husband was reluctant to not be by my side so he could listen for any problems....silly.....we both got the sleep we'd been needing once I moved!!). Loved the recliner. Bought a LazyBoy on special pre-surgery and was glad I did. We've since moved it to another room and every time I sit in it I want to go to sleep!! Conditioning!

The drugs do seem to be somewhat toxic, don't they. It honestly will take month (as in 6 months or more) for your body to actually rid itself of them all. Be patient. It's keeping you lying low and casual for a reason. Give that body some good down time to heal for awhile. That doesn't mean you should ignore the active parts of our mantra..... breathe, walk, rest....breathe, walk, rest.... be sure you are using that breathing thingy several times a day to keep those lungs clear. If they didn't send you home with a breathing device, call the hospital and make them send you one!

So glad that your ordeal wasn't too out of the ordinary. Keep up the good work! I'm sure your husband and children are thrilled to have you home. Now, NO LIFTING until the doctors say you can!!! Very important!!!

You may have little peculiarities come up as you are in recovery (and beyond). Please don't hesitate to call your doctor/nurse about ANY of them, big or small. And don't hesitate to come back here and ask....we've heard just about everything and you never know who might have a good answer for you. But use your doctors as much as you can....they know YOU and your particulars.

Best wishes! Marguerite

Congratulations on weathering the surgery and hospital stay. I wish you all the best for an uneventul, restful recovery. As others have already advised, the idea is to enjoy the enforced R&R as best you can and do not overly exert or stress yourself. The body needs time to adjust to the trauma it has been through.
Glad to hear you are home Karen. Don't forget - DO NOT OVERDO IT. Let others take care of you for awhile.

I had a terrible time [not] sleeping the first couple of months. I had to ask for sleeping pills I was so exhausted during the day. I had a wedge pillow I adored, propped me up like a little princess. Sure helped with the "I can't lay flat for a month" issue.

Rest, rest, rest - and be well!

Hi, Karen! Welcome home! It's so good to hear from you!

Take things nice and easy for a while, eh? I know it seems like that tiredness will never end, but once it's past you'll look back and it'll seem like nothing at all.

Again, it's very, very good to hear from you!

Can't wait to see the picture of you in that shirt!
Welcome home, Karen!

So good to see you posting :).

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"These hands are meant to hold" ... All-American Rejects ... 'Move Along'