Synergraft replacement on April 24

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John Cochran

Like Jennie (see post earlier) I have selected the Syngergraft aortic homograft, and will have my surgery on April 24 at North Memorial Hospital in Minneapolis. My surgeon is Dr. Michael King who has performed over 1000 valve surgeries. The Cryolife technical rep here actually worked in the operating room for many years with Dr. King, and seems to regard him highly. I could have had this surgery done at the Mayo Clinic, or at Oklahoma, and that's it for choices right now. I opted to have it here in Minneapolis where my family lives not just for convenience, but because North Memorial Hospital has a great cardiac care center, and a wonderful model for valve patient care. Basically, you check into the cardiac intensive care unit, which has separate rooms, and you stay there for your entire visit. This means you get 1-to-1 nursing care, with the same staff for you whole stay. Patients rave about the quality of care. My son was in this unit in December for a rhythm problem and got superb care.

Anyhow, I feel comfortable with the choice I'm made but will be honest and say that the whole dang thing makes me more nervous than Mike Tyson taking the SAT's! I wish I could have this done as a minimally invasive procedure, but Dr. King thinks that conventional surgery in this case is the best and safest way to go. By the way, Dr. King uses the Cryolife product "Bioglue" at the aortic suture sites, which he says virtually eliminates seepage/bleeding.

Any words of encouragement would be appreciated, and if you think I'm nuts for taking this path...well don't tell me now!

Best to you all,
--John Cochran
[email protected]
Hello John

I understand your nervousness as you approach your surgery..I'm there myself. I'll be having a mechanical (the only choice for me for pure medical reasons) implanted on 4/16.

Surgeon / hospital selection are all highly personal choices, and only you can say what is right for all of your factors. It certainly sounds like you'lll be well treated with lots of attention.

Go into this with a positive attitude, be on the same page with your surgeon and you'll have a great outcome!

My best wishes to you...
Hi John-

Sounds like you have all your ducks in a row and are good to go for your "new" heart.

Wishing you all the best!
I sure understand the nervousness!
I'm getting well versed in this also. I feel like a scared cat clinging to the ceiling for dear life.

My situation is a bit different, as this will be the second time for me. The first was emergency surgery and has left doubts as to what valve can be used this time. I have to trust the surgeon to make the choice for me. My own choice would be mechanical as I don't want to go through this a 3rd time. I know there aren't any guarantees though.

I wish you the best and I'll keep you in mind and prayer as you go over the top.
Hi John,
It sounds like you made all your choices with as much info as you can get. Now it's time to get into a totally positive state of mind. Your surgery date will be on you before you know it and you will be posting in the post surgery forum before you know it!
Keep us all informed if you need more encouragement.
you're not alone!!

you're not alone!!

Hey John,

I'm right behind you! Or, technically, one day ahead of you. It doesn't make one bit of sense, this whole thing, the whole concept of surgery seems contrary to life when you actually think about it. I am very stressed out, this whole thing is just foreign.

But it will be good, yes, it will be good. Looking back, wow, it'll be good. Right?

I'll talk to you soon,
Those of us who have gotten over the mountaintop where good health is, were right where the two of you are now. Scared, nervous, helpless in our limited knowledge. But here we are - over the top and right here just for you with our mended hearts. Thanks to Hank and Michelle. If you just check into post surgery, you might be encouraged. Nobody can take this walk for you, but we took it, too and we know you are going to be just fine. Like we are. Soon after you will be in here greeting newcomers and offering your own words of support. Take heart (no pun meant) and expect good health. And if you need info on what to take w/you, etc, for your hosp visit, ask away. God bless:)

A little nervousness is a good thing right? I got the CryoLife pulmonic in my Ross Procedure. So far it is doing great. Steve in Florida who posts on here has one, too.

I was mostly nervous about waking up in the middle of the surgery, weird I know. My husband was afraid I wouldn't wake up.

Just concentrate on how good things will be after the surgery. I had built up in my mind that I was going to be really sick afterward and had dreaded the day I would hear that it was time for the surgery. But, honestly, it was not as bad as I had thought. Sore and yuky but really on for a couple weeks and then it got better and better. In fact, each day post-op was better.

Also remember that you and Jennie are medical pioneers, the Charles Lindburgh and Amelia Earhardt of our group, if you will! The first on here to get the new CryoLife. That's pretty cool!

You'll do great!



Hey Mara,

I've been called many things, but ever Amelia Earhardt!! :D You and Steve certainly qualify for this honor, though - you two have contributed significantly to my confidence regarding this valve.

Really, though, I am very excited about this valve, and hopefully I'll have the same opinion some years down the road! Someone's got to test the water....

Thanks to all of you!

Thanks to all of you!

It has been so nice to hear from so many of really does help to hear so many encouraging words! Tomorrow (4/09/02) I have an angiogram just to make sure I have no coronary artery blockages (no symptoms, no family history, just a required pre-requisite). My surgery is now firm for 7:30 AM on Wednesday, 4/24/02. The surgeon and his normal staff plus the Cryolife technical representative will be there for the gala event. I'm hoping to find out tomorrow if Dr. King is willing to do this surgery as a mini-sternotomy. Hey, I'm still on a quest for the best of all possible worlds!

Jennie will be having this same valve surgery the day before me, albeit at the Mayo Clinic, and Jennie, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. It has been unexpectedly nice to be able to chat with someone who selected the same valve at the same time I did...and whose surgery will be just 90 miles away! This mountain we all climb is one that is difficult to describe to anyone who has not personally been through it. Having all your encouragement, advice and support has been tremendous--thanks!!!!
back at you John!

back at you John!


You have all my thoughts and prayers too! Though my mind may not be too focused on that on the 24th ;) my heart (no pun intended) will be with you. Best wishes on your angiogram tomorrow, hopefully all will go well, hopefully it will be not as bad as you anticipate!

I'm keen to know how you guys do with the CryloLife, especially now that I've been informed mine is not going to make it. No way to know at this time if it's the fault of the valve, the surgery, or just ME!

I'm still very sold on the concept of the SynerGraft technology, but am of course disappointed that, after 8 months of extraordinary recovery, mine has sprung a leak. Only way to know if it's the valve's fault will be when I get it replaced, which could still be a few years off. Not a total loss, but disappointing nonetheless.

I certainly don't want to alarm you by what's happening to me, but also surely feel that you should know about it and take it into consideration.

God Bless!

HI Steve-

I always think it's best to be as honest as we can about the different aspects of this surgery. We should all be aware of the good and the bad, because this is afterall, a highly informative site. I think we've all gained tremendous insight here and that's how we help each other.

Wishing you all the best.
Dang that is a bummer. But, didn't you get the CryoLife SG pulmonic in your aortic position? If so, might not that be part of the leaking. Here's hoping that Jennie and John fly through it and then when you're ready you can get the new aortic valve!
God knows what the problem is. Things are getting better now, though. Seems that most of my immediate problems (fainting, extreme fatigue) were from the meds. I'm getting back to normal and will see my cardiologist again next Thursday. The last thing my surgeon told me was that I still may get a few reasonably good years out of this danged valve, which is at least doing better than my old valve in the last year.


Valve located, surgery post-poned

Valve located, surgery post-poned

This evening I was informed that a valve in my size has been located, has received the Synergraft treatment, and will be sent to Minneapolis. That happened too late for the scheduled surgery on April 24th, plus my surgeon wants a second "back-up" valve available in case there are problems with the first. So, I'm now waiting for the backup valve and a new surgery date.

I found out today that demand for the Synergraft aortic valve is growing fast, and demand already exceeds supply. As this valve proves itself, I fear the availability problem will only get worse. I have new-found sympathy for those needing organ transplants...waiting for the right tissue to "become available" is very rough psychologically, and makes planning one's surgery very tough. My hope is that it will all prove to have been worth it. I'll keep you all posted as the saga continues!


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