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    • J
      Jase_101 replied to the thread Big surgery coming up.
      Little over 48 Hours to go and my head is starting to go! Surgery scheduled for early on 16th May looking like an 8am start I hope my...
    • J
      Jase_101 replied to the thread Big surgery coming up.
      Thanks Andy, I will just put my faith in my surgeon who is to perform this lengthy operation, in the hope that I pop out the otherside...
    • J
      Jase_101 replied to the thread Big surgery coming up.
      Thanks 3mm I will see if this is possible as I know some hospitals may have different rules regarding this but I will ask so my wife can...
    • J
      Jase_101 replied to the thread Big surgery coming up.
      Hi All, Just an update on my surgery, which was postoned as it was due on April 4th 2024 however due to a bad lung infection I was...
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