Sword of Damocles

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Ray Norsworthy

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2011
Boise, Idaho
Hello, friends. My name is Ray Norsworthy & I was first diagnosed with aortic stenosis about 5 years ago. At that time my AO was still well over 2cm. Despite my best efforts (supplements of Vit D, K-2, resveritrol, Omega 3, CoQ10, coleus forskohlolli, alpha lipoic acid, acetyl l-carnitine, l-theanine, vinpocetine, glutathione, pycnogenol, hawthorn extract, boswellia extract, serrapeptase, etc., a healthier diet, 6 days a week exercise, including weight lifting) my stenosis has worsened & now my AO is .9cm. My ejection fraction is still normal, but max. gradient is 91mmHg with a mean of 58mmHg. I only have a trace of aortic regurgitation & mildly dilated left atrium with LA volume of 36 mL/m2 suggesting moderate enlargement. The cardiologist, Dr. Wetherly, seems unconcerned enough about my condition that I'm not even scheduled for another appt. until late in December.

Thus far I have exhibited no other symptoms except an occasional burning in my chest as I am warming up during exercise. After a series of tests (stress test, EKG, carotid scan) the cardiologist decided it was not angina, but some ford of GERD or other gastrointestinal problem, probably brought on by my excessive use of supplements. As of late, I have felt better than I felt in a few years, probably due to my dedicated health regimen, & was still hoping to delay my AVR for a couple more years, as long as it did not compromise my quality of life. I am 6'3", a solid 275 lbs with 54 in. chest. I've been an athlete all my life & stayed active.

However, last Saturday at the gym, about 2 minutes after I started warming up on the elliptical machine (I do interval training), instead of a burning I started getting rather acute pains right in the center of my chest. Unable to go on, I got off the machine. Normally when I would pause to take a slug of Maalox for the burning, the chest pain would immediately subside. But this time the pains (no burning) continued & I began to get alarmed. It felt like my heart rate was higher than normal (it was 96 when I got off the machine. At rest, it's in the 50-56 range) & it didn't seem to be subsiding. I was about to tell my wife perhaps she should call an ambulance when the pains finally begin to fade away. It seemed like it took a long time, but it was probably only 5 or 6 minutes since I stepped off the exercise machine.

I have no idea if I was experiencing angina pain or if my gastrointestinal upset could cause those kind of pains without any burning. Online research says they can, but it's hard to believe, you know? To say my acid problem complicates my situation would be an understatement (yes, I'm on an acid suppressor, omeprazole 40 mg twice daily). I've cut out nearly all supplements, but I don't think I'll try to exercise until I see the cardiologist. I'm just so SICK of waiting for that sword to drop on my head! I'm wondering if I shouldn't ask for an angiogram or TEE. Would either of these tell me enough to make a more informed decision on how soon I should have surgery? I'm at the point where I just want to get it over with. Sometimes I wonder if that's not what the cardiologist is waiting to hear! I certainly don't want to risk any permanent damage, nor do I want to put up with those pains when I try to exercise, if indeed they were angina. (If not, perhaps cutting out the supplements will do the trick).

I apologize for the abundance of detail. I don't really expect anyone to read all this, but it made me feel better just to spill it out. But if you manage to plow through it, I'd certainly be grateful for your opinion on my situation.
....was still hoping to delay my AVR for a couple more years, as long as it did not compromise my quality of life. I am 6'3", a solid 275 lbs with 54 in. chest. I've been an athlete all my life & stayed active.

The KEY PHRASE is "as long as it did not compromise my quality of life". I would keep my cardio fully informed as to what is going on and trust that he will make the call for surgery at the proper time. I am not sure if the vision of "Sword of Damocles" is appropriate.....OHS ain't a walk in the park, but neither is it a death warrant......and BTW, welcome to a very good support forum for folks who all have similar concerns, fears and questions. Incidently, you gave a pretty good history except your age?


Thanks, Dick. I'm 60 years old, married 42 years to my wife, Rita as of tomorrow. Two sons, ages 32 & 37. Currently residing in Boise, Idaho, although I've lived all over. Originally from Oklahoma.
I'm no doctor but that sounds like angina to me. I would suggest a TEE. I've had 3 different cardios and 4 different echos and got 3 different measurements. The last test I did was a TEE and the results were not good, worse then all 4 prior echos, I was than taken off work a month ago since and going in for surgery less then 2 days from this post. Mind you I'm 28 years old and not in bad shape, the symptoms have gotten so severe its hard to breath just sitting down watching TV most the time.

I'm not trying to scare you but this can get real bad real fast sometimes. One major symptom of aortic stenosis is sudden death. NOT COOL. If you have a bad feeling about the recent event don't ignore your body and get to the bottom of this ASAP.
Hi Ray!
I'd say your mean gradient is getting up near where a surgeon would decide to operate. My EF was unchanged right up until the day of surgery, so I wouldn't use that as a marker. I'm surprised your cardiologist didn't suggest a TEE. Mine did . . . I declined!
If it were me, I'd ask for a TEE or I'd get a second opinion. You might consider making an appointment with a surgeon to get a time frame for surgery.
Good luck!
Today & tomorrow

Today & tomorrow

Thanks, Duffey & Julian. I tried to work out again today & had chest pains again, so I called the doc & he scheduled me for an angiogram in the morning. I had suggested a TEE, but I guess he knows what he's doing. I suspect it won't be good news, but at least I'll find out something more definitive. Best of luck to you Julian, & to all of you--and me!
Hi, Ray, you listen to Dick. Just before my 59th birthday, the area of my AV was measured at 1.25 cm2 during my 1st heart cath. Seven months later, the 2nd heart cath showed it was at 0.74 cm2. I think it often happens that when these valves begin to change that they do so more and more rapidly as time passes. You might try to pin down your Cardio and just ask him what he is waiting for? As well, you might also consider having a heart surgeon to review your test results.

For me, recovery from heart surgery proved to be very manageable. Due to the use of the Talons to close my sternum, I had no chest pain but there is just no way around dealing with those unhappy chest muscles and for a week or two there was that spot beneath my left shoulder blade. If you are in otherwise good health, recovery is not a problem. Like many of the others here in VR, I come down on the side of getting it done before there is permanent damage to your heart. It isn't going to get better without a surgeon.

Larry, thanks for your response. I agree with you. I want my life back & I want it now! (I sound like a J.G. Wentworth commercial!) Being a weightlifter for 30 years I'm concerned that I might have pushed a little harder in my workouts than the doctors meant for me to, & in the process done some damage to the heart muscle. I sure hope not. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. By the way, I'm a fellow Okie, born in Duncan, went to OU.
IMO, you should not be fooling around trying to diagnose yourself. You could be playing with fire.
I'm no doctor but all you wrote leads me to believe you should see yours.
Hope you get a decent report but you probably don't need us to tell you it is time for professional consultation.
Best Wishes.