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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
San Diego, CA
Anyone know if there are risks of endocarditis with the consumption of raw fish or sushi post surgery? In the months leading to my surgery I had just gotten comfortable and enjoyed sushi once per week, I wonder if I should permanently stay away from
anything raw to avoid risks in the future?
Any bacteria in your food will be killed by the acid in your stomach long before it gets to your blood. Or u will get food poisoning, which also won't make it to your blood. Enjoy your sushi, much healthier for u than cooked fast food!
Ovie - Sushi in Iowa? (Just kidding. I know there's a great sushi place in downtown Kansas City, so anywhere is possible.)

We eat sushi fairly regularly. No worries. As ski girl noted, your digestive system will take care of you.
Saw my general physician yesterday and he said there should be no issues with sushi. Any bacteria from it would be handled in the stomach and wouldn't enter my blood stream. I went out for lunch afterward and had some good sushi.
Hi, sood,

I’m glad you enjoy sushi.
You might know this already but just to be safe since you are on warfarin (right?), please avoid eating Natto rolls at a sushi place. I've seen it on the menu of many sushi restaurants in the States. Natto is made by fermenting soybeans using bacteria that produce a lot of vitamin K once natto reaches your intestines, and over a few days after consumption.;52:297-301
(Natto at a sushi place is most likely not boiled.)

I’ve recently exchanged my bovine valve with a St. Jude mechanical in Japan, and doctors here would ask you to avoid eating natto (and barley grass drink and chlorella) if you are on warfarin. Amount of vitamin K produced in the intestines would vary among different strains of natto bacteria, style of fermentation, etc, so it would be hard to stay consistent and dose the diet.

As for your initial question, I've eaten raw fish/sushi countless times for the past 10 years since my first valve replacement surgery without any problems.
Hi Nia,

Thanks so much for the info. I will file that away in my memory bank and hopefully it will also help other VR sushi lovers.