Surviving the nightmare ✌

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Fyi besides the camera #gopro #pillcam lol ! l am also scheduled for a Meckel scan tomorrow morning the are test and checking for
Diverticulitis or Diverticuler disease that is most common in small children however can become problematic in 2% of ppl over 50 it is rare and only 2% of that 2% but can cause abdominal pain and internal bleeding in the stomach and intestines also left side a cramping and abdominal pain and bowl problems.
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HarrietW, been following your posts and trying to think of something supportive and comforting to write that would improve your day. But, I'm not good with words so I will just wish you well and hope they get you on the mend soon. I'm pleased to see you feeling stronger. Hope that continues.
If it weren't for modern medicine. many of our VR group might not be here at all. Myself included. I am thrilled to hear of the increased commitment of the physicians to find out what is happening with our Harriet!

Thinking of you and sending positive energy.

FredW Aww thank you. That's sweet it kind of you to send your positive thoughts and we'll wishes l am also pleased. It most curtainly is a journey.
Thank you l would surely be one of them no question ! Modern medicine has saved me a time or two but most recent of course last week. Bottom line is l can't walk out of here not knowing. . I go back on Blood Thiners tonight and to walk out of here with a bleed wouldn't be good. My internalist is baffled but assured me l wasn't going home til they were satisfied with where l was at and this problem was solved. I've spent alot if time in hospital this year .. l cannot believe it's the end of Feb.
Thx again AmyBL Xx
Hey Harriet

sounds like they're still looking for the cause. Are your stools showing blood? That would be what I'd expect with diverticulitis ... some evidence of blood in the poo

seems like your spirit is still good, so you're doing better than me when I had my debridements. I was hoping to not wake up most mornings ...

Best Wishes
When l did the flush for a Colonoscopy and endoscopy Both at the same time as it would turn out l believe that is where l lost all of the blood from the internal bleeding when my Hemoglobin was 50 and it was then immediately following that procedure the bleed stopped. Yes l believe and they believe the bleeding is from my small intestines as the scopes could not follow any further. And yes that is why they are doing the Meckel scan and pill cam . And they are exhausting resources. Next is surgery but they aren't going in without an exit point.
If lm honest pillicle there have been many many days when l no desire to wake up . I actually awoke a few times screaming to let me go after ohs.
The other day during a procedure l woke out of Anestheticand grabbed a nurse and started shaking her screaming to just let me go it's aweful isn't it to not have the desire to go on when the pain 8s so great.
Here's hoping for answers !!

harrietW;n863025 said:
... Next is surgery but they aren't going in without an exit point...

tough ... very tough
If lm honest pillicle there have been many many days when l no desire to wake up .... to just let me go it's aweful isn't it to not have the desire to go on when the pain 8s so great.
Here's hoping for answers !![/QUOTE]

Harriet to my mind there are no answers, certainly none that I can be sure of. When my beautiful wife died just after my Dad I became certain that all we learn about God is plain wrong. Maybe God exists and maybe God does not. What ever I'm entirely sure that God does totally nothing to interfere on this world. Perhaps God can not.

I had lots of problems with (well meaning) nurses in ICU and on the ward after my debridment surgeries started (which was about 2 months after my wifes funeral) but when anyone said they'd pray for me I got intensely angry. If God wanted to help then why the hell did that cancer exist in her brain and why the hell did I have this infection in my chest. I really had no interest in being here. Now I'm still here.

I do not know if my feelings of Anitas presence are just a fiction of my subconscious or are what I perceive them to be, but they are there.

I am not "sure" that there is no God ... but I am sure God doesn't have any mercy. I guess its "spare the rod and spoil the child".

Anyway, if you need / wish anyone to "listen" or just chat to about whatever the fcuk (that's the Sunglasses brand) then just let me know by PM and I'll get in touch.

I can't change anything, but sometimes its good to have a laugh about the way "5hit" happens. I mean what else can one do?

Best Wishes
Hello friends just a quick update.
After 2 weeks in hospital and all of those aweful tests they found absolutely nothing. And after much deliberation l was released from hospital yesterday with very strick discharge orders and follow up. I was given a pass at 3 o'clock after they removed the heparin drip and had to go back 4 hours later to sign discharge papers and administer a heparin / lovoenox shot with the nurse to make sure it was done right and go over all of my meds to be clear there was no mistakes. I go for blood work Monday morning and see my internalist on Wednesday afternoon for follow up. They will still send me to Calgary for the pill am test as my doctor is determined to find the source of bleeding. I must say l've got them stumped and it is a real concern for them as it is me. Although l feel my heart is stroger than two weeks ago and the bleed has stop so l feel stronger and without nausea l still have some pain and tenderness in my stomach and abdomen.
So l will follow doctors orders and follow up as required and take it day by day.
Again thank you all for you support love n prayers through this whole ordeal as l couldn't do this without Ya'll.
Xx ❤
Hey Harriet

glad to hear its moving in the right direction.

I know when I first got out of hospital from my debridement I felt really weak and wished there was someone there to help. I hope you have someone taking some care of you or at least poping in to check on you now and then.

Best wishes
Pellicle hello and thank you l am set up with home care although haven't really used them. But they are there of l choose to use them along with friends. I actually drove last night fir the first time since before surgery. I really felt that today. Eeek so l will be careful and be extra careful.
Pellicle l should probably know this or have read it somewhere along the line but was your debridement caused by or a result of your heart surgery l cannot remember. .sorry. I just Google it as l was unsure of what that meant exactly. That must of been really difficult to deal with.

harrietW;n863094 said:
... but was your debridement caused by or a result of your heart surgery l cannot remember. .sorry. I just Google it as l was unsure of what that meant exactly.

a "debridement is essentially a "rape and scrape" to remove (by burning, cutting or scraping) any tissue which is infected to allow fresh tissue to regrow. During my 2011 surgery I was gifted with a bacteria that was stitched in under the wound and eventually made its way out.

I documented some of it on my blog. In chronological order:

and yes, that is a pond of green goo in the wound "after" the second debridement ... it sort of oozed out for a few weeks as it was healing up.

after each de-bridement I was carting around a little battery powered pump for the VAC bandage and one for the PICC line to squirt vancomycin into my vein. I had a backpack (to the right) to carry them both so that I could do stuff like my washing, cook, and even went to work after a few weeks.

I put on a few Kg during the whole process and it was with some pleasure that after a year I was back in Finland and XC skiing again and was actually fitter than before the entire debarcle. The "good news" was that my work in kicking my own butt into training had me out on the lake skiing with this shot taken just 8 months later.


so the motto is "ask and nothing happens" - put your effort into it and something may. Positive thinking mate ... from what I've read you're blessed with an abundance of it!

That must of been really difficult to deal with.

you could say that ... I suspect that my first hand experience with multiple surgeries is why I'm rather vociferous about the "hidden issues" that are under the radar of many who read about the most brief and exterior of facts like risk of death from reop VS risk of a bleed from warfarin.

I hope that in the vein of "misery loves company" you can find that interesting reading.

Hi Harriet - nce for you to be at home AND knowing that the medical staff are still checking and testing you to find the cause of the bleeding so that it doesn't start again. I'm glad you have Home Care to use if you need. Sending good vibes to you - and your doctors - from this side of the pond.

(Must say, I'm thinking Dr House would like to be involved here ;) )
Ditto to what Anne said. Glad you're home and feeling better with the docs still on top of it. Did they recommend a bland diet? I'm sure they ruled out an ulcer but if they still suspect it's a gastric issue, diet may affect it. Still, I'm delighted that you are feeling better! Use the home health if it's available to you.

Re: far is it from your home? Is it an easy drive? Do you sit on a stool when you're working or stand? Standing for hours may be rough for a while. I know you are anxious to get back to your business and hope you can do so soon. Hugs to you (((((Harriet)))))

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