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alpha 1

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
well i just couldnt handle all of this i just cant tell everyone how i felt in my heart how we did not want this surgery i couldnt get on forum and talk about it right about when it was going to happen because i was ready for a breakdown i couldnt eat and i couldnt sleep and i just couldnt talk about it so i am sorry but i do need everyones prayers for his recovery process i have been so out of it before this and still they did try to repair 2 times and the tissue was just too thin when he checked to see if it was working the stitches were already pulling apart so what can you do they try the best that they can if it wont work then it just wont work, so keep us in prayer i have just been a basket case. thanks everyone for being here for me.
alpha 1
We are pretty much in the dark here. Can you tell us just what is going on?

Without this surgery, death would surely come at some point. Please tell us what's going on.
I am sorry you seem so upset ,Things will get better-slowly.
Faith And prayers make a difference and I will pray for you too, Dina
Best wishes going out to you for a smooth recovery.

I'm assuming from what you've said the repair wasn't possible so a replacement was done. I had a repair but also discussed "Plan B" (replacement) with the Surgeon as there's no assurance the repair is possible until they're inside and can see the situation first hand. Had I woke up with a replacement, I would have been disappointed but I was prepared for that scenario. The main thing is the heart is fixed. Nobody wants OHS but the alternative is much worse in the long run. This is something we cannot control, but we live in a world where the wonders of medical science offer these solutions. I feel very blessed that my broken heart could be fixed.

You're sounding really stressed so please try to take a deep breadth and relax. Please update us and let us know the specifics of what's happening when you are feeling up to it. Perhaps we can help as there's lots of experience and insights on OHS here. Hang in there.
Take it easy....take a DEEP breath, count to 10 and relax.

We are here for you, you know that. Getting yourself in a frenzy won't help anybody. You might lash out at the doctors when its not called for.

Listen, try to get some rest and EAT.

When your ready, we'll be here, ready to give you any kind of answers and support you need. But you DO have to look after yourself for right now.
Thanks for posting; it sounded like your son had surgery, from another thread you had posted. So he got a new valve but he's off the vent, correct? Hopefully each day will be a little better for him. We've all been through it and it's not pleasant but like Ross said--the other option was much worse.

You and your son have been brave and hopefully the worst part of this is all over with now. You'll set the pace for your son now, to have a positive attitude, by you putting on your brave face but I know it's so hard when it's your child, even if he's a grown man--but he knows you love him.

You know we're all pulling for you and your son.

Now, as was mentioned, you need your rest and you need to especially eat healthily right now too, because
you need to pace yourself and be at your strongest, physically and emotionally and mentally.

Post again when you can.
It sounds like the worst is now behind you. He has been through the surgery and the vent has been removed.

If I understand correctly, you hoped for a repair but it turned out to not be possible. That is what happened to me. It's okay. We are so hugely fortunate our surgeons have options. If the repair doesn't work, they can and do replace and we go on. Without this surgery, we would not go on for very long and certainly with low quality of life.

We all send you our very best wishes that all goes well for you now. Please keep us posted and know we all send good wishes.

Be strong and remember to take care of yourself as well. Check in with us when you can.
Thanks for passing along this news, Oaktree. Sending best wishes and prayers to Adam and to Alpha1. Sounds like the surgeon was alert to what was needed and the outcome will be good.
Thanks Oaktree for the update.
So glad to hear that you were able to talk to Alpha.

Keep us posted if you hear any more.

Sending thoughts and prayers to Adam
This journey is hardest for the families of the patients...we are praying that all goes well in your sons recovery...meanwhile try get some res...I have read great things about the Dr. Petterson and the team at Cleveland Clinic, Adam is in good hands.
Alpha, I'd have a big problem, too, if it were my son.

I am glad you were able to spend the night to look after him as only mothers can. Bless you and your beautiful son. You are in my prayers.
Thanks for letting us know of Adam's condition. My prayers continue for you both.
Glad to hear your son is doing well even though the repair wasn't successful. Dr Pettersson did my surgery 5 weeks ago and if he couldn't repair the valve then I fully believe that the valve was truly un-repairable. He has done procedures on other members of this site and I think all will attest that his judgment and skills are first rate.

Hang in there, Adam will be back on his feet very soon Im sure.
phew, the worst is over - keep yourself rested, so you can keep smiling for Adam, and remember to eat, walk and nap too - that goes for BOTH of you! I truly believe this is at least as hard on family members as the patients themselves - I slept through my OHS, I am sure my family wore holes in the floor of the ICU :) Best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Thanks for the update. I'm sure the Surgeon did what was best under the circumstances and that everything will turn out ok in the end. Best wishes to Adam for a smooth and speedy recovery.
Glad to read your son is out of ICU. I hope he has a smooth recovery from here on out. Hugs & prayers to all of you.