Surgery to be rescheduled

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Since Allegra is for allergies and antibiotics for bacterial infections, I guess that means the bug you have is a virus? and has to run its course.

Of course, that doesn't offer explanations on the blood problem.
Hope these doctors get smart soon.

I'm still looking (in vain) for an intelligent one on my end for my problems.

We'll wait anxiously for the next update, Ross.
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Hello all. Here is the latest update.

They've been sending my blood specimens to the Mayo Clinic for analysis. I'm not a hematology expert, so forgive me if none of this makes sense.

They sent and had tested for Factor 8,9,11 and a couple of other things. The Doc said 8,9, and 11 would be the concern. 8 and 9 are back and they are normal. He said he would expect 11 to be also. They took my blood and mixed it with a known normal persons blood and got perfect results on the PPT, so the conclusion is that my blood is missing something. If it's factor 11, they will have to replace it through transfusion. If not, they drew more blood today to be sent to Mayo to check Factor 12, Molecular weight and a couple more things that I have no idea of.

At this point, he said that if the factor 11 came back ok, he didn't see any reason not to go ahead with the surgery, as I don't have any bleeding history such as a hemophiliac might.

I return to the Hematologist next Wednesday.

Still in limbo and still battling this darn virus. Going on 4 weeks now.
Sounds pretty mysterious to me Ross. Are you sure your not an alien?:D

Anyway, hope you kick that virus from Alpha Centauri soon and don't spread it to the rest of us!

Thanks for the update and I do hope you feel better soon and get past this foothill so you can move on to conquer the real mountain.


Steve actually I'm not sure about being an alien anymore, as I have one growing from my diaphragm, out. (Incisional Hernia) If you look at it, that is all that comes to your mind though.

I don't know what the story is with this virus. You start to feel a little better then it beats you down again. I haven't been able to get ahold of my PCP yet, as they have me running circles around the other things.

I guess I'm not supposed to have this surgery just yet, so I'm not going to push it. It'll happen in all due time, obviously, not mine though. :D
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hey ross,
aren't you glad that this is being dealt with now instead of during or immediately following surgery? it's worth the wait to go in strong and it will make it that much easier on your body.
just keep getting better with each day now.
best wishes, sylvia
Well Ross...I just finished reading that site...let me say this about that...."HUH ???" lol

Zipper *~*
If you really want to understand it this deep, it's time to go to medical school! I'm all for being an informed patient, but at this level, I say let the hematologist handle it!


I've been away for a while and returned to see that you have been rescheduled sorry to hear that .. I hope you are bearing up ....I think of you often and wonder how you are doing
Take care
Update #????

Update #????

I just got back from the Hematologist. Factors 8, 9, and 11 are normal. He says I have all the ingredients to make a fine clot, but if something were to happen, they'll pump me up with plasma after surgery.

Now all I have to do is get rid of this sinus thing that is congesting me and get a release from my PCP.

Gee folks, surgery might happen some time with in the next month or so. :D
Full speed ahead Ross! Don't let those bumps in the road get you down.

Thanks Steve and Nancy.

My voice is still on vacation, throat a bit sore, and chest congested. If somehow, there is a magic bullet for this whatever it is, I want it yesterday. I'm still in my 30 day window. I'd like to have it over before it ends.
Man this thread is getting old. LOL

I have the appointment to see the PCP on Monday 6/24. I don't know if that's a good thing or not just yet. I'm still hoarse and slightly congested, but we'll see what he has to say.

Aren't you all glad your not holding your breath for this? :)
Who knows, by the time you get to someone who can actually help you, you'll probably be better already!!!:p Go figure!
Hi Ross, Sorry to hear you got postponed. I know the wait without being postponed is NOT FUN! Take it easy and RELAX!
Once upon a time, I was ready and willing. Now, with this extension, I'm getting cold feet again. My current Pre-Test is valid until 7/5, so will see what happens.

At first, the PCP's office called me back and said they didn't need to see me. I told them 3 different times that I needed the Doctors clearance before the surgeons office would put me back on the surgical schedule. I finally got it through to someone who understands the English language. :eek:

I don't know, if this keeps up, I may be on the psychiatric floor playing with little rubber duckies and making turkey pencil holders.
Hang in there, Ross! Get REAL healthy over the weekend and surprise us next week with a NEW thread...LOL! I'm glad to see your sense of humor is still with you!!!

Zipper *~*
50 replies

50 replies

Hi Ross, 37 replies on this thread..Let's go for 50 before you post a new one. By the way, how do you make a turkey pencil holder?:D Bonnie
That site you posted above sounds like they thought you had a clotting problem and maybe are a 'bleeder'. Seems they would consider your past surgeries and whether you had a bleeding problem with any of them?? They never want to let a question go as they don't want to make a mistake (and be sued).

I had that same 'virus' and it hung on a LONG time. I had antibiotics (Avelox, I think). At my brother's assisted living facility they lost 2 or 3 residents from it. This was early in the year and maybe it took longer to get up nawth, since we in the south are slower gettin around to sending it. My sister caught it about the same time you did and she's still coughing, too. It's a hanger on, believe me.

Maybe by Christmas you will haved a surgery date.

God bless

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