Surgery on Tuesday

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Sandy SHields

Hi I don't get on here very often but I had a question. I have an artificial heart valve Bjork Shiley I also have afib. I have been taken off coumadin because I have to have surgery on Tuesday because I have a large mass on my left ovary. I am very scared because I know if I go into afib I have a greater risk of getting a blood clot. A regular surgeon is preforming the surgery(I am praying it's not cancerous) and the hospital is a small one.I am afraid that something may go wrong. If something goes wrong they really don't have the equipment to care for me.
Do you think I am being childish? I really need your support and answers to what you think. Thanks
I don't have any answers but was wonderring if you are bridging w/ some form of heperin? Honestly I would ask the surgeon the question about if something goes wrong can everyone, including or, docs ICU blood bank do everything that would be needed.
I will keep you in my prayers, Lyn
Sandy SHields said:
Hi I don't get on here very often but I had a question. I have an artificial heart valve Bjork Shiley I also have afib. I have been taken off coumadin because I have to have surgery on Tuesday because I have a large mass on my left ovary. I am very scared because I know if I go into afib I have a greater risk of getting a blood clot. A regular surgeon is preforming the surgery(I am praying it's not cancerous) and the hospital is a small one.I am afraid that something may go wrong. If something goes wrong they really don't have the equipment to care for me.
Do you think I am being childish? I really need your support and answers to what you think. Thanks

If I read this right your having major surgery tomorrow. When did you go off coumadin?Is this an outpatient surgery> If you will be staying in the hospital you'll need to be on heperan after sugery and if you are coming home you'll need a prescription for Lovenox shots to take until your coumadin gets therapeutic(about5-7 days) I am sorry you are not being advised by your cardiologist for this major surgery and I am assumming it is major.
ours is also a tiny hospital but in case of real emergency there are helicopters at the ready 24/7. Surely they are preparing and confident that all will go well. You are in my thoughts as you go into this, and certainly in the prayers of us all. When you can, please let us know how it all goes. GODSPEED!
RandyL said:
If I read this right your having major surgery tomorrow. When did you go off coumadin?Is this an outpatient surgery> If you will be staying in the hospital you'll need to be on heperan after sugery and if you are coming home you'll need a prescription for Lovenox shots to take until your coumadin gets therapeutic(about5-7 days) I am sorry you are not being advised by your cardiologist for this major surgery and I am assumming it is major.
Thanks for answering. Yes this a major surgery taking out my ovaries and were looking at possible cancer so there may be more taken out then that. I went off coumadin Friday, no I haven't had any heparin and the ARNP said that they would be doing lovenox until the coumadin levels are up. I hope I don't have to stay in the hosp. very long, i can give my on shots. Thanks LOT
hensylee said:
ours is also a tiny hospital but in case of real emergency there are helicopters at the ready 24/7. Surely they are preparing and confident that all will go well. You are in my thoughts as you go into this, and certainly in the prayers of us all. When you can, please let us know how it all goes. GODSPEED!
Lynlw said:
I don't have any answers but was wonderring if you are bridging w/ some form of heperin? Honestly I would ask the surgeon the question about if something goes wrong can everyone, including or, docs ICU blood bank do everything that would be needed.
I will keep you in my prayers, Lyn

No they haven't put me on Heparin and i don't know why. I really haven't got to talk to anyone since she scheduled me with the surgeon. I see him today and go for surgery tomorow. We do have an helicopter pad it comes out of Wichita Ks about 50 miles away. Thanks alot for answering
RandyL said:
If I read this right your having major surgery tomorrow. When did you go off coumadin?Is this an outpatient surgery> If you will be staying in the hospital you'll need to be on heperan after sugery and if you are coming home you'll need a prescription for Lovenox shots to take until your coumadin gets therapeutic(about5-7 days) I am sorry you are not being advised by your cardiologist for this major surgery and I am assumming it is major.
Thanks for answering. Yes this a major surgery taking out my ovaries and were looking at possible cancer so there may be more taken out then that. I went off coumadin Friday, no I haven't had any heparin and the ARNP said that they would be doing lovenox until the coumadin levels are up. I hope I don't have to stay in the hosp. very long, i can give my on shots. Thanks LOT
I'm not an expert don't even take coum but they haven't had to take any anticoagulants since friday, that will be 4-5 days w/out anything? that doesn't really seem right to me, but again I could be confused,
look in the anticoagulant forum or do a search here on bridging and see how everyone else does it, Lyn

The doctors will put you on a heparin IV after the surgery. They want you to be able to stop bleeding with greater easy during the surgery and that's why they've required you to stop the coumadin for the short term. Before you go into the OR they'll probably check your PT to make sure that you're low enough.

Yes... It is a worry that you have afib. It's definitely a factor when you stop the coumadin. Keep in mind though that afib is controlable by using various drugs during and following the surgery. I'm sure they'll have their eyes on that while they work their magic. Please be sure that they're completely aware of your afib so they're not caught unawares if it starts.

Best wishes for a successful, benign surgery. Our thoughts are with you.

Sandy SHields said:
Thanks for answering. Yes this a major surgery taking out my ovaries and were looking at possible cancer so there may be more taken out then that. I went off coumadin Friday, no I haven't had any heparin and the ARNP said that they would be doing lovenox until the coumadin levels are up. I hope I don't have to stay in the hosp. very long, i can give my on shots. Thanks LOT

No worries now! If you were taking the Lovenox shots, you have had to stop tonight anyways for your surgery tomorrow. Yhey will prolly have you start your coumadin after your procedure and then wait till Wednesday to start your Lovenox. GoodLuck with your surgery.
There are TWO primary alternatives to Bridging Therapy

BOTH require going OFF Coumadin 3 to 5 days prior to the procedure / surgery.

1 - Begin Lovenox Injections to the abdomen 1 day after stopping Coumadin and continue until 24 hours before the procedure.

Restart the Lovenox injections AND Coumadin the evening after the procedure (12 hours) OR as soon as the risk of bleeding is deemed safe to resume.

Continue the Lovenox injections until INR has returned to theraputic levels.

Your Cardiologist or Anti-Coagulation Manager should be consulting with the surgeon and provide the exact schedule, details, and TRAINING for 'self injection' of your Lovenox shots.

2 - Involves going in to the Hospital for a Heparin IV drip 3 to 5 days prior to the procedure, stopping 24? hours before the procedure, and resuming the IV drip once you are deemed safe not to bleed. Again, you will stay in the hospital, in the IV drip until your INR has returned to theraputic levels.

If I were undergoing surgery, I would want to be in a hospital that could tend to ANY and ALL Heart Related Conditions. I would NOT undergo surgery at a small local hospital. Just my thoughts.

Assuming you intend to proceed, please CALL your Cardiologist, tell him what is going on, and ask if he would consult with the Surgeon BEFORE you have surgery.

I would also have a frank discussion with the SURGEON about Bridging Therapy and INR just to get a 'feel' for how well he understands the issues. IF your are uncomfortable with his understanding, I would CANCEL the surgery. Again, just my (non-professional) opinion.

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
ALCapshaw2 said:
There are TWO primary alternatives to Bridging Therapy

BOTH require going OFF Coumadin 3 to 5 days prior to the procedure / surgery.

1 - Begin Lovenox Injections to the abdomen 1 day after stopping Coumadin and continue until 24 hours before the procedure.

Restart the Lovenox injections AND Coumadin the evening after the procedure (12 hours) OR as soon as the risk of bleeding is deemed safe to resume.

Continue the Lovenox injections until INR has returned to theraputic levels.

Your Cardiologist or Anti-Coagulation Manager should be consulting with the surgeon and provide the exact schedule, details, and TRAINING for 'self injection' of your Lovenox shots.

2 - Involves going in to the Hospital for a Heparin IV drip 3 to 5 days prior to the procedure, stopping 24? hours before the procedure, and resuming the IV drip once you are deemed safe not to bleed. Again, you will stay in the hospital, in the IV drip until your INR has returned to theraputic levels.

If I were undergoing surgery, I would want to be in a hospital that could tend to ANY and ALL Heart Related Conditions. I would NOT undergo surgery at a small local hospital. Just my thoughts.

Assuming you intend to proceed, please CALL your Cardiologist, tell him what is going on, and ask if he would consult with the Surgeon BEFORE you have surgery.

I would also have a frank discussion with the SURGEON about Bridging Therapy and INR just to get a 'feel' for how well he understands the issues. IF your are uncomfortable with his understanding, I would CANCEL the surgery. Again, just my (non-professional) opinion.

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'

I'm pretty sure she has been off anything since friday and the surgery is tomorrow so I think if reading right she will have been off anticogs for 4 or 5 days,
Lynlw said:
I was wonderring if anyone heard form sandy?Lyn

Had my hopes up that I'd find a report from Sandy when I saw this thread. I hope things are well.
1 week post surgery

1 week post surgery

Hi everyone, Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. I didn't take any Heparin I went to the hospital on Tuesday and had two surgeries. They first tried to do it Laproscopic and didn't succeed so then they cut me from bell button to hair line.I have 4 scars now. They started me on Lovenox injection the day after surgery and continued through Monday. My INR was 2.7 Mon. I got very sick to my stomach on Saturday morning and thought I was going to have to go back to the hospital, it finally settled down. I am on 5 mg of coumadin right now and I don't have cancer thank God:D . I still need your prayers when it rains it poors. My 26 year old stepson has blood clots in both lungs. One of them the largest was in the pulmonary artery and they went in through the artery in his leg and sucked that clot out. The rest they are trying to dissolve. They are going to go back into night and try to dissolve some more aound 6 pm. I wish I could take his place But all I can do is pray and hope for the best. Again thank you all for your support.:eek:
Welcome Back Sandy !

I'm relieved to hear that you made it through your surgery without any threatening incidents. I'm sure you are relieved to learn that there is no cancer! :)

I'm especially glad to hear that your INR is back where it should be and that they used a Lovenox Bridge to help you through your recovery. I confess that I was concerned about not Bridging before surgery.

I'm sure that your uneventful discontinuation of ACT will be reassuring to the many of us who are also on Coumadin, especially if we should require surgery in the future.

It sounds like your stepson is in good hands. Here's hoping all goes as well for him as it did for you.

'AL Capshaw'

Happy to hear all went so well, especially the "no cancer" diagnosis. I hope your recovery is uneventful.

Sending up prayers for your stepson.